Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Synthesis, structure, properties of matters and materials

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
1.04.00  Natural sciences and mathematics  Chemistry   
2.02.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Chemical engineering   

Code Science Field
P003  Natural sciences and mathematics  Chemistry 

Code Science Field
1.04  Natural Sciences  Chemical sciences 
biologically active coordination compounds, materials, SOFC, ctalysts, graphenes, structure analysis, structure-properties relationship
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (26)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  06140  PhD Boris Čeh  Chemistry  Researcher  2015  271 
2.  07512  PhD Alojz Demšar  Chemistry  Researcher  2015  268 
3.  25788  PhD Boštjan Genorio  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2015 - 2017  332 
4.  12624  PhD Amalija Golobič  Chemistry  Researcher  2015 - 2017  364 
5.  16257  PhD Nives Kitanovski  Chemistry  Researcher  2015 - 2017  112 
6.  39077  PhD Jerneja Kladnik  Chemistry  Junior researcher  2016 - 2017  51 
7.  30698  PhD Jakob Kljun  Chemistry  Researcher  2016 - 2017  182 
8.  18250  Aleš Knez    Technical associate  2015 - 2017 
9.  15822  PhD Bojan Kozlevčar  Chemistry  Researcher  2015 - 2017  205 
10.  36318  PhD Petra Kuzman  Chemistry  Junior researcher  2015 - 2017 
11.  18837  PhD Nina Lah  Chemistry  Researcher  2015  143 
12.  14115  PhD Marjan Marinšek  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2015 - 2017  579 
13.  08790  PhD Anton Meden  Chemistry  Head  2015 - 2017  664 
14.  08353  PhD Barbara Novosel  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2015 - 2016  471 
15.  01859  PhD Radovan Stane Pejovnik  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2015  530 
16.  19195  PhD Franc Perdih  Chemistry  Researcher  2015 - 2017  417 
17.  08525  PhD Saša Petriček  Chemistry  Researcher  2015 - 2017  193 
18.  16374  PhD Andrej Pevec  Chemistry  Researcher  2015 - 2017  267 
19.  29397  PhD Marta Počkaj  Chemistry  Researcher  2015 - 2017  105 
20.  34345  PhD Sara Seršen  Chemistry  Junior researcher  2015 - 2016  41 
21.  30740  PhD Tina Skalar  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2015 - 2017  123 
22.  35338  PhD Katja Traven  Civil engineering  Junior researcher  2015 - 2017  71 
23.  11053  PhD Iztok Turel  Chemistry  Researcher  2015 - 2017  604 
24.  37407  PhD Matija Uršič  Chemistry  Junior researcher  2015 - 2017  28 
25.  33158  PhD Maja Vidmar  Chemistry  Junior researcher  2015  12 
26.  07557  PhD Klementina Zupan  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2015 - 2016  241 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0103  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology  Ljubljana  1626990  23,830 
Research work of the programme group will be built on two basic fields of synthesis or preparation of novel compounds and materials. These are coordination chemistry, where we are directed into biologically active coordination compounds and prepration of varioous meterials, applicable in electrochemical systems and catalysts. Both areas are linked by a long lasting expertise and strong research equipment for structural analysis of solids. This enables an insight into the stucture-properties relationship and makes possible the targeted variation of structural parameters for improvememnt of the desired properties. In the area of coordination compounds the so far successful studies of ruthenium coordination compounds that show ant-cancer activity, will be continued as well as the compounds of vanadium, zinc and cobalt that support hte action of insulin, so as the copper compounds for protection of wood, and other coordination compounds that cna beused as model substances for the function of enzymes. We also have smo good results int area of materials, so that the research will be continued in the promising directions. This means the materials fot solid oxide fule cells, catalysts for low temperature fuel cells and dry reforming of methane as well as the functionalized graphenes for separators in the elecrochemical cells. As notified, the structural analysis of the prepred materials will serve for thir efficient improvement, the knowledge of the structures itself, on theother hand, enlarges the knowledge base and enables the development also in other fields.
Significance for science
General: The research agenda that we propose is an integral part of the research of the Department of Chemistry of each established university abroad. Relationship findings between structural, biological and other properties of substances are essential for natural processes understanding (especially through the study of model compounds and structures). Understanding of the correlation between these characteristics also allows further development and directing research towards the preparation of compounds with a specific structure, and thus a certain biological effectiveness, which ultimately may allow the use of materials prepared for a certain purpose (protection of wood, the appropriate medication). Since the knowledge of the structure, so crucial for understanding the properties of substances and materials and their further development, with structural analysis in the world is engaged by a large number of researchers, the number of structural data is growing rapidly. The synthesized substances and materials from within our framework will be included in a global database. It is important also to continue through cooperation with leading developers of new methods in the field of powder diffraction, Slovenia maintain contacts with the latest developments in this field along with an active contribution. Research in the field of interactions of metal ions and biologically active compounds (antibiotics, virostatics, cytostatics) can also lead to a clarification of the mechanisms of drugs action, which are often only partially explained. On the other hand, the synthesis of new compounds of this type gives the possibility of developing new drugs for mankind to fight all illnesses in urgent need. Even understanding of the processes, which vary non-covalent interactions is the subject of special interest, which is confirmed by numerous review articles and books in the last decade . Development of powder patterns of methods which allow insight into the crystal structure of cases , it is not possible to grow single crystals suitable , also produced the performance of the experimental possibilities of computers and increasingly in importance. Also, the proposed research in the field of complex products and materials with their results actively involved in international efforts to further develop the field of materials with specific properties and materials for use in micro- and nanotechnologies. New materials are also a key focus of research programs around the world. Contribution to the development of methods and processes for the preparation and characterization of such products will be in the priority areas of cleaner production of electricity with fuel cells are welcomed. Most of the results will be presented at national and international scientific meetings and published texts in scientific journals. Emphasis on the structural studies broadens tha knowledge base. Every new structure the databases gain new information (i.e. ICSD in CSD) and the knowledge on the solid matarials. These data are available to all reasearchers in the world for use on various purposes (identification of compounds, analysis of similar structures, staistical claculations, quantum chemical calculations …). A detailed study of structural charcteristics of a group of compounds may help us in the design of new compounds of desired architectures and properties.   Specific for the types of materials: More than two dozen metal ions are present in biological systems and most often they are essential for the correct functioning of cellular processes. Many clinically used drugs possess functional moieties capable of interacting with metal ions and, as in the case of quinolone antibiotics, the increase or decrease of different metal ion concentration can greatly influence (usually decrease) the effectivity of the drug. It is thus of utmost importance to study the interactions and determine the structure of biologically relevant metal species with bioactive molecules.
Significance for the country
General: A contribution to a professional development and positive effects in education will be considerable. Students will be confronted to real problems, they will have to deal innovatively, develop persistency, integrate their knowledge and find solutions through team work.   The programme includes important research for conservation of environment. This are materials for various applications, for example fuel cells, which are one of the main points of sustainable development, ecause the conversion of energy from chemical to electrical produces less waste than the traditional uses. Two aspects of influence on the development can be identified in the programme.: a) structural analysis supports the development of novel materials also i other research groups nad industry, b) the own prepared compounds and materials contributes to potentaila new sustainable products. Specific for types of materials: By studying the interactions of metal ions and clinically approved drugs and the effect of such interactions on the effectivity we can improve the therapeutic processes. It is known for example, that food supplements which contain metal ion sources (for metals such as zinc and iron) can decrease the effectivity of antibacterial agents. Our aim is to gain novel knowledge which will help shorten the time of administration of the drugs which will have a positive impact on the economic as well as environmental level. Students will be involved in experimental work or will be informed with the most interesting results. This is important contribution in education of researchers in topics that are currently actual. Diabetes mellitus is one of the most widespread lifestyle-related diseases in the 21st century. It is arguably the costliest metabolic disorder of our times with substantial and far-reaching societal-economic consequences, and its incidence increasing rapidly and is becoming financial burden for the economics and health systems. The development of novel effective drugs is crucial for improving the health status in society, and provides new market products for the Slovenian pharmaceutical industry. Research in the field of diabetes raises general knowledge and awareness, since research group is closely involved in the education system and the topic is part of several diploma theses and doctoral dissertations. The proposed research on grapšhenes is consistent with worldwide activities in the field of energy conversion and storage. With implementation of advanced batteries into automotive industry we will be a witness of new era of technology and development which will have large impact on our society. Slovenian industry is highly connected with automotive industry and we already have some important players on the field of hybrid electric cars or battery driven electric cars. Potential products based on GBM/ILs composites will possess high added value which will give a possibility to some start-up or SME company to establish a portfolio of products on the world level. At the end we need to mention the beneficial impact of electromobility on the lowering amount of exhausted gasses from fossil fuels.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2015, 2016, final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2015, 2016, final report
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