Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

The Problems of Autonomy and Identities in Global Era

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
6.06.00  Humanities  Culturology   

Code Science Field
S210  Social sciences  Sociology 

Code Science Field
6.04  Humanities  Arts (arts, history of arts, performing arts, music) 
globalization, autonomy, identity, citizenship, European integration, nationalism, gender, intimate citizenship, discrimination, culture, migration, religion, political participation, memory
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (18)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  12112  PhD Milica Antić-Gaber  Sociology  Researcher  2015 - 2018  789 
2.  32438  PhD Marinko Banjac  Social sciences  Researcher  2015 - 2018  174 
3.  50574  PhD Emanuela Fabijan  Culturology  Junior researcher  2018  25 
4.  33552  PhD Ana Ješe Perković  Sociology  Researcher  2015 - 2018  46 
5.  24033  PhD Gorazd Kovačič  Sociology  Researcher  2018  251 
6.  30023  PhD Primož Krašovec  Sociology  Researcher  2018  359 
7.  21584  PhD Roman Kuhar  Culturology  Head  2015 - 2018  814 
8.  24436  PhD Damjan Mandelc  Culturology  Researcher  2015 - 2018  211 
9.  33782  PhD Polona Petek  Sociology  Researcher  2015 - 2018  260 
10.  31849  PhD Jasna Podreka  Sociology  Researcher  2015 - 2018  139 
11.  34127  PhD Tomaž Pušnik  Political science  Junior researcher  2017 - 2018  64 
12.  51890  PhD Rok Smrdelj  Culturology  Junior researcher  2018  130 
13.  37433  Špela Šinigoj  Humanities  Junior researcher  2015 
14.  32751  PhD Kaja Širok  Historiography  Researcher  2015 - 2018  240 
15.  33490  PhD Tjaša Učakar  Sociology  Researcher  2015 - 2018  73 
16.  03998  PhD Jože Vogrinc  Culturology  Researcher  2017 - 2018  669 
17.  22599  PhD Ana Vogrinčič Čepič  Culturology  Researcher  2015 - 2018  142 
18.  21338  PhD Anja Zalta  Culturology  Researcher  2015 - 2018  390 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0581  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts  Ljubljana  1627058  98,951 
The research platform of the program group Problems of autonomy and identity in times of globalization is structured to rethink the concepts of identity and autonomy through a prism of transformation and multiple contexts that are caused by globalization effects. We will focus on the following research topics: critique of insufficient and reductionist analyses of globalization, analysis of (in)stability of identity and autonomy in a national and global context, analysis of consequences of diminished/changed influence and strength of the nation-state and effects of integration. The research agenda is thematically divided into five research pillars. At the core of the research agenda we address and analyze the challenges, which the processes of globalization and deglobalization, glocalization and alterglobalization bring for identity and autonomy (pillar 1), for example in the context of Europeanization and active citizenship. Further on, we shall revise globalization as the common denominator through the optics of migration (pillar 2), intimacy (pillar 3), religion (pillar 4) and culture (pillar 5). In the context of migration we shall focus on challenges arising with the tightening of the EU migration policies and on issues that are immanent to the new-old faces of globalization, neo-colonialism and post-colonialism. Special emphasis is given to feminization of migration, hence its connection with the next pillar, which deals with the question of equal gender opportunities and the circumstances of individuals, who are constructed as “aliens” within the national political community due to their “intimate choices” (e.g. sexual minorities). This question intertwines with religion, which represents the fourth pillar. We will research religion in the light of its changed relations with the state/government, intensity of secularization processes and transformation of religion(s) in the globalization era. The last research pillar represents the widest concept of culture, where we shall conduct in-depth research of certain fields, such as the role and perspective of language, film and museum in post-modern era. The five thematic fields cover topics that are heterogeneous at first glance, but only the synergy of different research interests with a common denominator – globalization processes – assures our unique research contribution: intersectional, multi-dimensional understanding of globalization processes, and perspectives that Slovene society and the state have in them. Relevance and impact of this research approach can be seen in the “empowerment” of various (national) actors in the fields of our research (e.g. educational institutions, politics, non-governmental and cultural sector), as the results will be of a tangible assistance in organizing their activities in the context of “new realities", established by the globalization of the 21st century.
Significance for science
In scientific terms the systematic research of the processes that are taking place in globalization, is extemely relevant, since their effects decisively interfere with the functioning of national and local (glocalisation) communities. The basic concepts written in the research plan of the program group are immanently interdisciplinary, as they address the complex and interrelated fields, dealt with by sociology, political science, history, culturology etc. They include politics, culture, individual and collective identities, economy and everyday life. Qualitatively and quantitatively the new social phenomena and changes that are accompanied by technological and communication innovation, and that bring risks as well as opportunities, require from social sciences the development of appropriate methodological and analytical approaches to research, rethink the concepts and a need to go beyond the paradigm of methodological nationalism. The framework of national community seems too tight for the phenomena of multiculturalism, transnationalism, integrationism and migration, but offers to open societies opportunities of novel positioning and identification of areas for the development of their potentials. Confronted with globalization processes communities recognize their limits, follow or resist the trends of transformation, hybridization or adaptation to external influences. Resistance and closing causes multiple responses that are identified as strengthening of nationalism, localism, xenophobia and other forms of exclusion. On the other hand, transnational worlds offer space for new alliances in the name of limiting the practices of exploitation, environmental devastation, resistance against poverty and growing social inequalities, against global capitalism and new forms of hegemony. National and local responses to globalization pressures are, together with the analysis of the European integration processes dynamics, one of the central research focuses of our group. Identity and autonomy are analytical concepts through which we observe social transformation brought about by globalization. Program group will produce new knowledge on the basis of set research agenda and in the light of its commitment to interdisciplinary and intersectional approach. The effects of work will be recognized in the form of original scientific publications (thematic blocks, articles, scientific monographs), transfer of knowledge to pedagogical work. By translating relevant foreign literature and by their own scientific production, the group is committed to the development of Slovenian scientific terminology; the scientific achievements of the group will be tested through active participation in national and international scientific conferences, and through participation in international projects. Members of the program group are committed to follow the national and European sectoral directives and strategies for the development and promotion of science and research.
Significance for the country
Only expert knowledge on identified fields, its appropriate transfer to state institutions and their subsystems, to the curricula of all levels of the education system, and to the general public, will facilitate to cope with the crisis, and set the relevant framework for the conservation of the national (self)consciousness, national and cultural identity, perspicacity and success of the Slovenian national community. Understanding of global and European processes and their accurate transmission to the functioning of Slovenian state and society is a precondition to deal with the crisis and tightened circumstances at national, European and global level. Such a posture of confrontation is more appropriate than an escape from the processes that take place irrespective of the aspirations and needs of the smaller national communities. To cope with these conditions (global flows and pressures as well as the internal situation) it is necessary to strengthen the competencies of key institutions (public administration, politics etc.), educational systems and the wider community of citizens (active citizenship, new models of political participation); so they are able to transmit the awareness of global society, the need for democratization of global, European and national institutions, political, economic, and environmental practices, to their personal ethical, democratic, humanistic and ecological attitude and practice. Cultural development and preservation of national identity will be possible only when a critical amount of knowledge and skills to deal with the external environment is reached. Everything else represents a decline to the periphery, to dependence and dissolution of social and cultural systems, which constitute the foundations of identity and autonomy of Slovenia. Competent and pervasive, rejuvenated and committed research group, with its extensive inter-institutional and international cooperation, holds the necessary conditions to promote the country, its research agenda and new knowledge generated by synergistic effects of our work. With such perspective, by dissemination of the results to the general public, through mass media and social networks, as well as through systematic transfer of knowledge to all levels of the education system (textbooks for schools, teachers training, higher education), it is possible to achieve that the important positions in the local, national, transnational and global governance are occupied by competent people. The proposed program group includes: chair of the national subject committee for Civic and patriotic culture and ethics; an author of a series of elementary school textbooks; visible civil society representatives who promote democratic standards and human rights. Committed to the highest professional, ethical and scientific standards, the interdisciplinary group (sociology, political science, history, culturology etc.) offers an appropriate basis for the implementation of the proposed research plan.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2015, 2016, 2017, final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2015, 2016, 2017, final report
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