Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Problems of Autonomy and Identities at the Time of Globalisation

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
6.06.00  Humanities  Culturology   

Code Science Field
S210  Social sciences  Sociology 

Code Science Field
6.04  Humanities  Arts (arts, history of arts, performing arts, music) 
globalisation, crisis, identities, autonomy, religion, intimacy, citizenship, culture, migrations
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on July 26, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022
Data for ARIS tenders ( 04.04.2019 – Programme tender , archive )
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS  70  367  351  5.01 
Scopus  105  685  632  6.02 
Researchers (20)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  12112  PhD Milica Antić-Gaber  Sociology  Researcher  2019 - 2024  789 
2.  32438  PhD Marinko Banjac  Social sciences  Researcher  2019 - 2024  174 
3.  50574  PhD Emanuela Fabijan  Culturology  Junior researcher  2019 - 2022  25 
4.  33552  PhD Ana Ješe Perković  Sociology  Researcher  2019 - 2024  46 
5.  55864  Igor Jurekovič  Culturology  Junior researcher  2021 - 2024  37 
6.  37402  PhD Živa Kos  Educational studies  Researcher  2020 - 2024  80 
7.  24033  PhD Gorazd Kovačič  Sociology  Researcher  2019 - 2024  251 
8.  30023  PhD Primož Krašovec  Sociology  Researcher  2019 - 2024  359 
9.  21584  PhD Roman Kuhar  Culturology  Head  2019 - 2024  814 
10.  24436  PhD Damjan Mandelc  Culturology  Researcher  2019 - 2024  211 
11.  33782  PhD Polona Petek  Sociology  Researcher  2019 - 2023  260 
12.  31849  PhD Jasna Podreka  Sociology  Researcher  2019 - 2024  139 
13.  34127  PhD Tomaž Pušnik  Political science  Junior researcher  2019  64 
14.  51890  PhD Rok Smrdelj  Culturology  Researcher  2019 - 2024  130 
15.  32751  PhD Kaja Širok  Historiography  Researcher  2019 - 2021  240 
16.  33490  PhD Tjaša Učakar  Sociology  Researcher  2019 - 2024  73 
17.  03998  PhD Jože Vogrinc  Culturology  Retired researcher  2019 - 2024  669 
18.  22599  PhD Ana Vogrinčič Čepič  Culturology  Researcher  2019 - 2024  142 
19.  21338  PhD Anja Zalta  Culturology  Researcher  2019 - 2024  390 
20.  54500  Mladen Zobec    Technical associate  2020 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0581  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts  Ljubljana  1627058  98,942 
The basis of the programme team in the past period was criticism of reductionist discussions about globalisation processes that understand them only as a matter of economic or cultural processes, but rarely delve in its intersectional effects. If the research of the issues of autonomy and identities in globalisation processes was previously approached from the macro aspect of globalisation, we plan to shift our focus in the next research period so as to include, but not be limited to, the micro level, the position of identities, with the aim of demonstrating how social macro trends, i.e. globalisation, de-globalisation, integrations and disintegrations are remodelled after being inscribed and processed in personal or collective experiences.   Research has shown that the global and national have proven complementary and not necessarily antagonistic forces in the period of the 'deep globalisation'. What is more: the dispersed power of globalisation forces exists parallel to the still relevant or even increasingly relevant nation state, which has direct effects on different social groups, predominantly on social minorities. At the time of the economic crisis and war zones that drive thousands of migrants to Europe, the nation state seems to rise again. This is accompanied by historically significant rise of populist and (radical) right-wing policies in the EU and the new republicanism in the USA, which turn away from globalisation and post-nationality and herald a new wave of nationalisms and other forms of exclusion whose consequences will be most acutely felt by the vulnerable groups on the margins. This is therefore the area that calls for new research efforts and expands the scope of our research to the area of intersectional discrimination and social exclusion. The results of the analysis of exclusion on the margins will be therefore applied to a broader field of researching the citizenship as the status that should guarantee everybody a full membership in the community; the changed circumstances of globalisation, economic crisis and democracy crisis, however, increasingly reveal its excluding elements, which leads to a broader exclusion and a restriction of the access to an affecting presence in public (to paraphrase Hannah Arendt) for an increasing share of citizens. The described research positions will continue to be researched through five thematic pillars: the basic thematic pillar includes research in the field of globalisation and Europeanisation at the time of contemporary crises, while other thematic pillars research migration, religions, intimate citizenship and culture. We will be interested in the intersectional effects of the mentioned areas, while our research efforts do not target only the detection of social inequalities but attempt to contribute to their resolution through education, dissemination and drafting new policies contributing to the strengthening of democracy and individual and collective human and citizen rights.
Significance for science
In the scientific sense, systematic research of processes taking place under the auspices of globalisation is very relevant because the effects of these processes affect the operation of national and local (glocalisation) communities. The basic concepts entered in the research plan of the programme team are immanently interdisciplinary because they address complex and co-dependent fields addressed by sociological, political, historical, cultural and other studies. They cover politics, culture, individual and collective identities, economy and everyday life. The quantitatively and qualitatively new social phenomena and changes accompanied by technological and communication innovations and bringing both risks and opportunities require that social sciences develop appropriate methodological and analytic approaches of research, question their concepts and overcome the paradigm of methodological nationalism.   The frame of national community seems too narrow for the phenomena of multiculturalism, interculturalism, transnationalism, integrationism and migration, but offers open societies an opportunity for new classification and identification of spaces for developing their potentials. When encountering the processes of globalisation, communities recognise their limitations, surrender to or defy the trends of transformation, hybridisation or adaptation to external influences. Defiance and closing in cause multiple responses identified as the strengthening of nationalism, localism, xenophobia and other forms of exclusion. On the other hand, transnational worlds offer a space for new alliances in the name of restricting the practices of exploitation, environmental devastation, rebellion against the growth of poverty and social differences, against the global capitalism and new forms of hegemony. National and local responses to globalisation pressures are, besides the analysis of the dynamics of European integration processes, one of the central research focuses of our team. Identity and autonomy are analytical concepts through which we observe social (cultural, political etc.) transformations brought by globalisation.   The programme team will produce new knowledge on the basis of the identified research agenda and in the light of commitment to the interdisciplinary and intersectional approach. The effects of its work will be visible in the form of original scientific publications (thematic sections, articles, scientific monographs) and in the transfer of the knowledge to the teaching work. By translating foreign literature and contributing its own scientific production, the team commits to the development of Slovenian scientific terminology, while it will verify its achievements by active participation at national and international scientific meetings and conferences and in international projects. The members of the programme team are committed to the consideration of national and European field directives and strategies for the development and promotion of science and research.
Significance for the country
Only the top-level knowledge in the identified fields, with appropriate transfer of the acquired knowledge to state institutions and their subsystems, to the curricula of all levels of the education system and to the broadest public, will enable the confrontation with the crisis and set an appropriate framework for the preservation of the national (self-)awareness, national and cultural identity, visibility and success of Slovenian national community.   Understanding of global and European processes and their appropriate translation to the operation and responding of Slovenian state and society is a condition for confronting the crisis and the aggravated situation at the national, European and global levels. Such an attitude of confrontation is a more appropriate choice than running away from processes taking place regardless of the wishes and needs of smaller national communities. The confrontation with the situation (global trends and pressures as well as internal situation) requires the strengthening of competences of the key institutions (state administration, politics, bureaucratic apparatus), education systems and the broadest community of citizens (active citizenship, new models of political e-participation), so they can transfer the awareness of the global society, the need for democratisation of global, European and national institutions and political, economic and environmental practices to the personal ethical, democratic, humanistic and ecological attitude and practice. Cultural development and preservation of national identity will be possible only when a critical level of knowledge and competences for confronting the external environment has been achieved. Anything else means a decline to the periphery, to dependency and decay of social and cultural systems that constitute the foundations of identity and autonomy of Slovenia as a state and a cultural community.   The competent, ambitious and committed research team with its rich inter-institutional and international cooperation has suitable conditions to promote the country, the research agenda of the team and new knowledge and skills generated by the synergic effects of its work. In this perspective, with the dissemination of results to the broadest public, with the help of mass media and social networks, and with systematic transfer of the achieved knowledge to all levels of the education system (textbooks for elementary and secondary schools, training of sociology teachers, higher education), it is possible to achieve that important positions in the local, national, transnational (European) and global administration are taken by competent people.   The proposed programme team includes, inter alia, visible representatives of the civil society actively promoting democratic standards and human rights. Committed to the highest professional, ethical and scientific standards, the team of interdisciplinary composition (sociology, political studies, history, cultural studies etc.) offers a suitable basis for the implementation of the proposed research plan.
Most important scientific results Interim report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Interim report
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