Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

7.1.3 Model of the integration of Slovenian bicycle network

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.19.03  Engineering sciences and technologies  Traffic systems  Traffic systems 

Code Science Field
T220  Technological sciences  Civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, offshore technology, soil mechanics 

Code Science Field
2.01  Engineering and Technology  Civil engineering 
bicycle networks, model for the bicycle route system, connection to European cycling networks, development of tourism and small business
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (16)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  28903  Simon Detellbach    Technical associate  2015 - 2017  192 
2.  17898  PhD Mojca Foški  Urbanism  Researcher  2015 - 2017  391 
3.  17882  PhD Dejan Grigillo  Geodesy  Researcher  2015 - 2017  197 
4.  06120  PhD Mojca Kosmatin Fras  Geodesy  Researcher  2015 - 2017  547 
5.  23500  PhD Klemen Kozmus Trajkovski  Geodesy  Researcher  2015 - 2017  156 
6.  10956  PhD Peter Lipar  Traffic systems  Researcher  2015 - 2017  628 
7.  36032  Tatjana Marn  Urbanism  Researcher  2016 - 2017  15 
8.  28904  PhD Rok Marsetič  Traffic systems  Technical associate  2015 - 2017  182 
9.  33468  PhD Gašper Mrak  Urbanism  Researcher  2016 - 2017  139 
10.  29090  Marko Peterlin  Urbanism  Researcher  2015 - 2017  96 
11.  15392  PhD Dušan Petrovič  Geodesy  Researcher  2015 - 2017  598 
12.  38361  Uroš Rozman  Civil engineering  Technical associate  2016 - 2017 
13.  11334  PhD Maja Simoneti  Landscape design  Researcher  2015 - 2017  328 
14.  13184  PhD Alma Zavodnik Lamovšek  Urbanism  Researcher  2015 - 2017  900 
15.  24974  Tadej Žaucer  Urbanism  Researcher  2015 - 2016  80 
16.  06698  PhD Marijan Žura  Civil engineering  Head  2015 - 2017  603 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0792  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering  Ljubljana  1626981  25,932 
2.  2690  Inštitut za politike prostora (Slovene)  Ljubljana  2193981  490 
IIn Slovenia the efforts aimed at infrastructural arrangement of bicycle infrastructure started with clearly expressed need for in integral incorporation and planning of bicycle routs and infrastructure in strategic documents of the Republic of Slovenia already in 2004 (Strategy of spatial development of Slovenia). Despite the efforts put into the construction of bicycle infrastructure, the definition of the location and the planning of bicycle network lack interconnection and are to a large extent left to the initiatives of regional or local institutions (regional development agencies, municipalities) and organizations (tourist associations, Euro Velo Slovenia). Thus, for the time being Slovenia still has not established a comprehensive bicycle network, or a uniform database of bicycle routs and infrastructure. As a consequence, cycling as tourist offer is marketed highly partially. The main reason for such condition is in dispersed competences of different ministries, local communities and development agencies and, most importantly, in lack of understanding that cycling is an explicitly interdisciplinary activity with numerous multiplication effects on health, tourism, small business and environment protection.   The purpose of the project is to establish a concept for a comprehensive and integrated bicycle network that would comply with the criteria of placement into environment, the latest results of traffic planning, and would at the same time take into account the needs and wishes of local communities (for the needs of local population and tourism development). With this in mind we will pursue the objectives of the research project, i.e. to provide the bases for the integration of all bicycle routs in Slovenia with the purpose to create healthy, green environment for tourists and local population. The objectives of the research are elaborated in the following points: To define the types and forms of bicycle infrastructure and their users according to target groups, with the emphasis on visitors (tourists) as well as inhabitants. To create, based on the existing data on bicycle paths and lanes and the bicycle routes registered in the Central road data bank, the data of Euro Velo Slovenia, the Slovenian tourist organization and based on the data collected with the help of a questionnaire performed in municipalities and regional development agencies as well as other available data on bicycle routs and connections, a uniform database on bicycle infrastructure. To present of the current situation of bicycle routs and infrastructure in Slovenia and their link to the European cycling directions and networks and classification of bicycle routs to adequate categories. To design a model of a comprehensive bicycle network, which shall also include a proposal for additions based on missing infrastructure in the bicycle network. Where reasonable for certain sections, the missing infrastructure will also be presented in several alternative solutions. To define criteria and indicators for the definition of priority bicycle infrastructure, which would have to be realized in the shortest possible time, and to prepare a proposal for the division of responsibilities between national and regional levels, considering the needs and expectations of the users and the related target groups. To design a proposal of guidelines and measures for the establishment of the proposed bicycle network with the definition of responsibilities and tasks according to individual sectors at the national level (business sector, infrastructure, environment and space, etc.) and regional (local) level (regional development agencies, local communities, especially municipalities). At the same time, also harmonization of interests among all stakeholders and cooperation of the wider interested public (economy, non-government and tourist organizations, local companies and producers of food and other tourist products and offer, societies, individuals, etc.) will have
Significance for science
Raziskovalna naloga z naslovom "Izdelava modela povezanosti celotne Slovenije s kolesarskimi potmi" je naravnana predvsem aplikativno, s ciljem vzpostaviti enovito bazo obstoječih kolesarskih poti in povezav, izdelati model celovitega kolesarskega omrežja v Sloveniji ter predlagati smernice, ukrepe in konkretne naloge za njegovo izvedbo. S tega vidika bomo v raziskovalnem delu uporabili pretežno že znane metode, ki pa jih bomo povezali na način, ki bo dokazal velik pomen metodološko pravilnega umeščanja kolesarskih poti in povezav. Pri tem je treba upoštevati vse vidike umeščanja objektov v prostor, predvsem pa pokazati na multiplikativen učinek kolesarskih poti v povezavi z njihovo obliko in vrsto, še posebej v povezavi z uporabniki kolesarskih poti in povezav ter njihovimi navadami. Največji doprinos raziskovalne naloge bo na področju gorskega kolesarstva, ki ga bomo vključili v model celovitega kolesarskega omrežja, saj gre za področje, ki v Sloveniji še ni sistemsko celovito urejeno.
Significance for the country
Dokončanje kolesarskega omrežja Slovenije in njegova povezanost z evropskimi kolesarskimi omrežji zagotovo ni le turistični produkt v ožjem pomenu besede, temveč s svojim vplivom na izboljšanje kvalitete okolja, zagotavljanjem trajnostne mobilnosti in nadgradnjo zelene infrastrukture omogoča razvoj številnih drugih storitvenih dejavnosti. Vpliv na gospodarstvo in s tem razvoj delovnih mest v majhnih in srednje velikih podjetji ni samoumeven, temveč bo odvisen od kakovosti izgrajenega kolesarskega omrežja (potek poti po zanimivih trasah in razgibanem terenu, varnost, podlaga, privlačnost poti zaradi spremljajočih kulturnih in naravnih znamenitosti, upoštevanje vseh tipov kolesarjev (demografska sestava in navade), dodatne turistične ponudbe ob poteh, zagotovljenih servisov za kolesa, označb poti …). Višja kakovost kolesarske poti zagotavlja višji obisk in s tem večji vpliv na gospodarski razvoj. V splošnem pa bo kolesarsko omrežje vplivalo na gospodarstvo (a) v času načrtovanja, saj bo za novo načrtovane odseke treba pripraviti ustrezno dokumentacijo in pridobiti ustrezna dovoljenja, (b) v času gradnje  (priložnost tudi za manjša in srednje velika gradbena podjetja) in (c) v času obratovanja oz. uporabe. Predvsem v zadnjem delu, ko bodo kolesarske poti polno zaživele, je možen razmah številnih dejavnosti v turizmu (kulinarika, prenočišča, izletniški, kombinacije različnih vrst aktivnosti na večdnevnih počitnicah, ki vključujejo tudi kolesarske izlete, ogledi kulturnih in naravnih zanimivosti …) in dejavnosti, ki so povezane s turizmom (trgovine, servisi, javni transport …).  Ne smemo pozabiti tudi na upravljanje in vzdrževanje kolesarskega omrežja in posameznih odsekov, zato smo v predlogu raziskovalnega projekta predvideli tudi izdelavo predloga za delitev prisojnosti po ravneh odločanja in po posameznih sektorjih ter seznam nalog, ki jih morajo posamezne inštitucije in organizacije pri tem opravljati. Eden ključnih elementov uspešnega delovanja kolesarskega omrežja je vzpostavljeno stalno spremljanje stanja kolesarskega omrežja in učinkov na gospodarski razvoj (monitoring). V ta namen bo treba razviti sistem kazalnikov za spremljanje stanja, za kar bodo morali poskrbeti pristojni sektorji javne uprave.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2016, final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Final report
Views history