PhD Špela Stres

PhD Špela Stres
no.: 16407 source: ARIS

researcher – active in research organisation
Phone number (01) 477 34 84
E-mail spela.stresat signijs.si
Foreign language skills
Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.02.00  Social sciences  Economics   
2.06.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Systems and cybernetics   
Spin dynamics, accelerator physics, electron, proton, stohastics, mammography, silicon detectors
Bibliography Representative bibliographic units | Personal| COBISS+
source: COBISS
source: SICRIS
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on July 26, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022 (update for tender in 2023: NO)
Data for ARIS tenders ( 21.05.2024 – Target research programmes, archive )
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS 0.5 
Scopus 0.43 
Audiovisual sources
no. Title (with video link) Event Source
source: ARIS
Level of education Professional title Study subject Faculty Year
  B. Sc.   Physics  SI University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics 1996 
      SI 2006 
Doctor's degree  Ph. D.   Physics  SI University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics 2006 
Master's degree      IT 2012 
Master's degree    Economics  LU 2015 
Doctoral dissertations and other final papers Show
Obtaining results now
source: COBISS
source: ARIS
Type of employment Research org. Research group Date of employment Position Role Title
Full time employment (20%, RD:20%)  Jožef Stefan Institute  Innovation Relay Centre  8/9/2023    Researcher   
Research projects Legend
source: ARIS
ARIS research and infrastructure programmes Legend
source: ARIS
no. Code Title Period Head No. of publications
1. P0-0521-0106  Fizika nizkih energij (Slovene)   2001 - 2002  PhD Miloš Gregor Budnar  3,578 
International projects
no. Code Title Period Head No. of publications
1. ESRR-KTT  Consortium for Technology Transfer from PRO to Economy (KTT)    9/1/2017 - 6/30/2022  Špela Stres   
Spela Stres is Head of "Innovation and Technology Transfer Center" for the Jozef Stefan Institute (JSI) and an invited lecturer at University of Ljubljana. She first served at JSI as Teaching-, Research-, Senior Research-Assistant. She continued as a Research Associate at the Deutsches Elektronen Synchroton in Hamburg. After an affiliation with the industry she returned to JSI as a Senior Researcher as well as managing the Communication and TechTransfer Unit, coordinating the national Enterprise Europe Network and supervising creation of several spinout companies in the field of material science and ICT and the SI-TT Association creation, which she presides. She served as "CERN Technology Transfer Network" Board member and as Vice President of "European Association of Science and Technology Professionals". She was a Fellow at JUAS /CERN, Geneva, a Head of new product development for an SME and operated in several missions as individual exploitation strategy expert in Germany, UK, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Czech Republic, Belgium, France for SMEs and public research organisations alike. She is experienced in different EC programmes as ERC Evaluator and Advisory Group Member for DG CONNECT and DG RTDI; as Strategic Advisory Group and Expert Group Member for several DGs; as Project Coordinator of numerous EU/national projects. She is involved in large scale negotiation processes in the roles of the main negotiator, business architect or legal advisor. She holds a PhD in Physics of University of Ljubljana; a Masters Degree of Law in the field of Intellectual Property of the University of Turin and World Intellectual Property Office (Geneva); an Executive MBA of Cotrugli Bussines School (Lichtenstein); a Patent Attorney Exam. She is a member of a high level 10-Member Group of the Technology Facilitation Mechanism at United Nations, New York. Member: LES Benelux(2011-),ASTP(2008-),SI-TT(2010-),EPS-TIG. Holder of CertifiedLicensingProfessional(CLP)Certificate(2014-).
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