Organisations source: ARIS

Faculty of Environmental Protection

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
1.00.00  Natural sciences and mathematics     
4.00.00  Biotechnical sciences     
6.00.00  Humanities     
7.00.00  Interdisciplinary research     

Code Science Field
S000  Social sciences   
P000  Natural sciences and mathematics   
B000  Biomedical sciences   
T000  Technological sciences   

Code Description
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on September 14, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS 205  4,114  3,771  18.4 
Scopus 234  4,929  4,549  19.44 
Research groups (1)
no. Code Name of group Responsible person No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1. 2872-001  Inštitut za ekotehnologije in trajnostni razvoj (Slovene)  PhD Boštjan Pokorny   3,501 
Researchers (13)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Status No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1. 12031  PhD Samar Al Sayegh Petkovšek  Control and care of the environment  Researcher  353 
2. 30604  PhD Kristijan Breznik  Mathematics  Researcher  218 
3. 29946  PhD Anja Bubik  Control and care of the environment  Researcher  112 
4. 24375  PhD Elena Bužan  Biology  Researcher  377 
5. 15695  PhD Gašper Gantar  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher  288 
6. 23161  Klemen Kotnik  Geography  Researcher  115 
7. 19338  PhD Irena Mrak  Control and care of the environment  Researcher  328 
8. 58418  Zarja Platovšek  Biology  Researcher 
9. 18112  PhD Boštjan Pokorny  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  893 
10. 59310  Katrin Školnik Škrabe  Control and care of the environment  Researcher 
11. 18465  PhD Natalija Špeh  Geography  Researcher  215 
12. 57921  Nataša Uranjek  Chemistry  Researcher  37 
13. 16283  PhD Borut Vrščaj  Plant production  Researcher  944 
Research projects (10) Legend
no. Code Title Period Responsible person No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1. N4-0350  Wild boar fear of hunting: effects on space use, stress, and meat quality  3/1/2024 - 2/29/2028  PhD Boštjan Pokorny   2,265 
2. N1-0281  Biotope influence on genetic diversity, fitness traits and embryonic diapause in the European roe deer  1/1/2023 - 12/31/2026  PhD Elena Bužan   1,233 
3. V1-2372  Risk assessment due to environmental and natural disasters in areas impacted by military activities of the Slovenian Army  10/1/2023 - 9/30/2025  PhD Boštjan Pokorny   5,329 
4. V4-2220  Support for improved management of the interactions between large herbivores and forests  10/1/2022 - 9/30/2025  PhD Klemen Jerina   3,585 
5. V4-2223  Wild boar rooting: causes, consequences, possibilities for reducing damages  10/1/2022 - 9/30/2024  PhD Boštjan Pokorny   4,336 
6. V1-2031  Carnivores affect ungulates: determination of species-specific predation rate and the importance for management of wild large mammals in Slovenia  11/1/2020 - 10/31/2022  PhD Ivan Kos   3,800 
7. V4-1825  Game species in urban environment, on roads and in other non-hunting areas: problems, challenges and solutions  11/1/2018 - 10/31/2020  PhD Boštjan Pokorny   3,943 
8. V1-1626  Distribution, abundance, population trends and potentional expansion of golden jackal (Canis aureus L.) v Sloveniji  10/1/2016 - 9/30/2018  PhD Ivan Kos   2,445 
9. V4-1627  Optimizing the census methods of wild ungulates in Slovenia and guidelines for their integration into game management  10/1/2016 - 9/30/2018  PhD Klemen Jerina   1,447 
10. V4-1437  Characteristics, problematic and management of populations of (Hooded) Crows in urban environment  7/1/2014 - 6/30/2016  PhD Boštjan Pokorny   6,416 
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