Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

IT4CAP Design of information-technology solutions in support of data-based implementation of Common agricultural policy of the European Union

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.06.02  Social sciences  Political science  International relations 

Code Science Field
S000  Social sciences   

Code Science Field
5.06  Social Sciences  Political science 
Common agricultural policy, policy process, methodology, data management, data repository, data mining, statistical-analytical tools
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (15)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  34673  PhD Sonja Bezjak  Sociology  Researcher  2018 - 2020  164 
2.  36386  Maja Dolinar  Sociology  Technical associate  2018 - 2020  62 
3.  28009  Simona Hauptman  Plant production  Researcher  2020 
4.  32919  Andrej Jamšek  Plant production  Technical associate  2018 - 2019 
5.  25513  PhD Tamara Korošec  Animal production  Researcher  2019  107 
6.  52679  Boštjan Kristan  Plant production  Researcher  2019 
7.  33095  PhD Marko Lovec  Political science  Head  2018 - 2020  358 
8.  51175  Polona Mlinarič    Technical associate  2020 
9.  36854  Boštjan Mur    Technical associate  2018 - 2020  12 
10.  34730  PhD Meta Novak  Political science  Researcher  2018 - 2020  224 
11.  38461  PhD Ajda Pretnar Žagar  Computer science and informatics  Researcher  2018  47 
12.  10661  PhD Janez Štebe  Sociology  Researcher  2018 - 2020  373 
13.  38464  Vesna Tanko  Computer science and informatics  Researcher  2019 - 2020 
14.  12536  PhD Blaž Zupan  Computer science and informatics  Researcher  2018 - 2020  533 
15.  30921  PhD Lan Žagar  Computer science and informatics  Researcher  2018  17 
Organisations (3)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0148  Institute of Agriculture  Maribor  5129877000  781 
2.  0582  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences  Ljubljana  1626957  40,401 
3.  1539  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science  Ljubljana  1627023  16,713 
Starting point of the proposed project is growing importance of and need for primary data in the process of European Union’s (EU) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) implementation in the period 2021-2027 characterised by a turn from compliance towards result based policy. Among other things, the turn will bring more flexibility, ability to define instruments on national level and national responsibility for control. All of this requires for data support in order to programme obligatory national Strategic, plan part of which will be monitoring and impact assessment as well as to ensure compliance with national adaptations and definitions during the control stage. The future requirements include (a) addressing the issue of sufficiency and efficiency of the existing indicators and data sources (e.g. on income or environment), (b) finding possible solutions within existing resources when it comes to the new priorities (Regulation lists 9 priorities) and indicators such as rural poverty, infrastructure, sustainability understood in broader sense (Annex on indicators to Regulation) and (c) to define data needs based on preliminary conditionality (ex cross compliance), defining of eco schemes (passive type of support within pillar I) and national definitions which will require for changes to national registries. All of this will have to be implemented in a relatively short period of time (by the 2020) which is also the period of this project that wants to provide for support to the ministry in charge within this demanding process. The specific issues and objectives addressed by this project in compliance with requirements of strategies and legislative documents on one and existing scientific evidence on the other hand are as follows: - Poor awareness of existing data sources that result from various tasks (by different agents and for different purposes, from implementation to control and science (Volk et al. 2017, Rač et al. 2017; Lovec, Juvančič and Erjavec 2018), particularly from the viewpoint of methodology, new needs based on new policy framework, data linking, IT improvements and upgrades; - Need for a centralised approach towards data sources based on specific protocols and IT solutions to unify standards and access to data for different purposes and by different stakeholders via a comprehensive platform and based on proper solution for user interface, data visualisation and analytical tools (all based on existing solutions for public and private sector domestically and abroad); - Addressing specific needs in the process of CAP 2021-2027 implementation which are based on adaptation of instruments at national level, new indicators to monitor and evaluate effectiveness and policy impact as well as needs related with stakeholder dialogue, all of which will require for data support in the process of programming and implementation as well as a specific data strategy including operational roadmap (see result of CRP Perspectives and challenges of CAP post-2020 implementation in Slovenia); - A need for a concrete IT solution (unified platform and user interface) for data mining and analytical needs in accordance with tasks performed by different agents and stakeholders, from ministry in charge, to control and implementation agency, advisory service, research and education institutions, NGOs and others; - A need for broad dissemination of results and inclusiveness in the process to ensure wide access and usability as well as sustainability of the project beyond the funding period. Project team consists of three partner organisations: (a) Faculty of social sciences (FSS) of University of Ljubljana (UL) with three research centres that have earned experiences in CAP, public policy and data management; Faculty of Computer and Information science (FCIS) taking care of IT solutions; and Slovene Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry - Institute of Agriculture and Forestry Maribor (SCAF – IAFM) which will be dealing with the perspec
Significance for science
Relevant, representative and accurate data are crucial for the development of science and profession in any field. The project addresses many gaps and shortcomings in the field of CAP research and agricultural policy in general (in Slovenia) within various disciplines and disciplinary areas such as agrarian economics, political and administrative sciences, sociology, statistics, informatics and others. Also, due to its practical orientation, it is important for the holders of professional tasks and the performance of these tasks and the development of the profession in the mentioned fields in general. The first contribution relates to 'mapping' and editing existing data sources and collections in different areas and subfields from (a) the point of view of content (from issues of income to nature and the environment), and (b) the carrier and purpose (from general censuses to geolocation bases), as well as from the point of view of (c) knowledge of individual data sources created for policy implementation purposes, e.g. in the context of control, monitoring and evaluation. The latter is a prerequisite for understanding the possibilities of using data within disciplines and professional tasks, as well as the possibilities of integration and advanced data analytics - some of these options will be developed and presented within the project on the case of the implementation of the CAP in the period 2021-2027 (preparation and monitoring of the implementation of the Strategic Plan). Another contribution of the project relates to improved access to individual data sources and data arranged in specific databases, especially where the records and registers are designed for administrative purposes on the basis of EU legislation and regulations, as well as to the resources of individual stakeholders (training and counseling, research institutions). Better access will be achieved by reviewing options for the availability of data under different conditions (unit anonymization, availability of cumulative data, the availability of specific links at the level of secondary statistics, and the like). Such protocols allow the exploitation and processing of data for scientific purposes with an appropriate risk limitation. The third contribution relates to better knowledge of the standards for designing, managing and determining availability of data sources, including capture, methods, statistics, definitions, units, variables, time series, updating, both relevant to (a) the primary and (b) secondary level bases. The contribution is not only important from the point of view of methodology and statistics, but also from the point of view of assessing and improving the quality of resources and data collection, potential adaptation and rationalization, better understanding of the quality of databases and data, and thus adequate interpretation of data and analyzes. The criticisms of individual collections in use, such as FADN (see literature review), point to the problem of models and analytics based on the latter, in this case in the field of income and income effects of individual measures. Critics point to the problematic nature of standard results and interpretations that are often poorly known outside the narrow circle of specialists. The project will stimulate discussion of such problems within science and profession, in particular (a) between different fields / disciplines; and (b) between science and the profession and finding solutions through the experience of various disciplines. In the framework of the development of a data strategy, decisions will be taken to address the issue of income effects when deciding on measures based on existing resources, which are important in terms of studying policy processes in the real environment. The income of agricultural holdings is, of course, only one case, while there are others, such as environmental effects, social issues and the like that will be addressed as well. Based on the data strateg
Significance for the country
Agricultural holdings are key stakeholders of the CAP and agricultural policy in general. In the future, the design and implementation of the measures will depend on the evidence (data) based impact analyses that will be part of the intervention logic applied within the policy cycle. Although the integration of the latter into the framework of the implementation of the CAP has already taken place within the framework of the past reform (CAP after 2020), especially at the normative level, in more practical terms, the interventional logic will play a much more important role within the upcoming CAP 2021-2027 where various implementing powers will be transferred to the national level. The analyses needed to complement the implementation of measures at national level, will require new data and data sources and the relevance, representativeness and accuracy of the data will influence the proper understanding of the effects of measures and the formulation of measures. Agricultural holdings, both business-oriented as well as at the level of industry associations, chambers, associations and cooperatives, use data and data sources to create their own business strategies in terms of production decisions, decision to enter into individual measures, risk management methods, joint appearance on the market and others. In doing so, they rely on existing data sources. The result of the project will be (a) better knowledge of data and data sources, and (b) improved exploitation capabilities, which will enable farmers and organizations to facilitate the planning and optimization of business strategies. It will also help expert departments, such as the advisory service, who will be able to plan their activities with the help of databases pooling and advanced analytics, both in terms of the content of the counseling (which options are appropriate) and the implementation itself (which content is most needed by which groups of farmers) which will allow, for example, centralization and specialization, and increase in the effectiveness of advisory service. This result, for example, is made possible by better use of control data, monitoring and evaluation data of the RDP, as well as own data collected in the context of the implementation of the advisory service in accordance with the reporting requirement. The same applies to education and other activities carried out by the KGZS. In terms of facilitating the identification of topics and target groups, the project will also serve private actors working in the field of education and training. The project will also be important for the agricultural sector from a strategic point of view. It envisages the creation of a strategic data plan as the other side of the strategic plan for the implementation of the CAP in Slovenia in the period 2021-2027, which will include the definition of implementing measures, definitions of categories of beneficiaries and the like, on the basis of which policy will be implemented resulting in new data collections. In the framework of the preparation of the strategic plan and the data strategy, a discussion will be held with various stakeholders, which will enable the agricultural entities to understand the requirements and opportunities arising from the new framework of the CAP, and to formulate their own requirements and to take these requirements into account when designing and implementing the Strategic Plan. In other words, agricultural holdings will have a say on what kind of information and for what purpose will be collected, whereby the project will provide an appropriate scientific and professional framework for such discussions and the development of appropriate solutions in line with the expected standards. The database and information solutions will evaluate the project and put the project in the context of Slovenia's development, especially from the point of view of openness and scalability. These two elements are crucial for the advancement of informatio
Most important scientific results Final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Final report
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