Projects / Programmes
The stream of ideas and values in Slovenia in the past and present
January 1, 1999
- December 31, 2003
Code |
Science |
Field |
Subfield |
6.03.00 |
Humanities |
Anthropology |
6.10.00 |
Humanities |
Philosophy |
6.11.00 |
Humanities |
Theology |
Code |
Science |
Field |
H125 |
Humanities |
Philosophical anthropology |
H002 |
Humanities |
Theology |
H240 |
Humanities |
Contemporary history (circa 1800 to 1914) |
H250 |
Humanities |
Contemporary history (since 1914) |
H130 |
Humanities |
History of philosophy |
Researchers (23)
Organisations (1)
The group started with their research in year 1998 and within the same year some results of the research were published. Juhant published his research "Die Auflösung des Konflikts zwischen der katholischen Kirche und der neuzeitlichen Welt; zwischen sozialer Scholastik, Liberalismus und Kommunismus" in the international research collection: "Verdrängter Humanismus-verzögerte Aufklärung
According to the plan the research has still been going on and the following results have been accomplished as follows:
1. The presentation of the Slovene conceptual and cultural history, and the European response about the mentioned topic in comparison to similar aspects abroad, which is essential especially from the point of view of the Church, theology and faith. Some results have been already published: Juhant: and co-authors have published the translation, the critique and treatise about the historic influence of St. Thomas Aquinas in Slovenia, the treatise on Pascals thoughts and the international research The influence of the critical thought of the Slovene philosophers (Insbruck). Kovač has published a study on Nietzsche and together with Klun and Petkovšek they have been doing the research on modern streams of philosophy, Jamnik has done the research on contemporary liberalism and its ethical and cultural values. The group of authors (Kolar, Dolenc) contributed and assisted at the international symposium on Baraga (1999) in Rome, at the symposium on Janez Svetokriški organized by SAZU (1999), Benedik and Kolar have published some of the results of the research on problems of the history of Church (published in Acta ecclesiastica Sloveniae), Špelič has published patristics and scholastics works (Viktorin Ptujski, Bonaventura).
2. The study of theoretical concepts of religion and the study of different religions is the research work of Maja Milčinski who published some studies on Chinese and Japanese religions. Ocvirk and Dolenc deal with the role of Church in interreligious cooperation and ecumenical work.
Jezeršek presented the study monograph of Islam for the students. The members of the research group in cooperation with some professors at the Faculty of Arts prepared the curriculum of the supplementary study for the teachers of the subject "Religion and Ethics".
3. The research on the study of the ethical-juridical basis of the basic human rights and its modern society based on values such as peace and justice. The results have been presented by Slatinek and Košir who deal with the problems of the relationship between the human rights and law. Stres, Štuhec, Ocvirk, Slatinek and Košir deal with the role of the religion and Christianity in the democratic processes of the transitional postmodern society and multiculturalism. Mlinar discusses the problems of the postmodern society with reference to the ethical-juridical dillemas of the modern world as for example the research on planning life of the man with connection to the conception and euthanasia. He also deals with the role of religion as the basis for human rights. Gostečnik has published a monograph and some treatises on the family problems, with the emphasis on the role of psychoanalysis in such processes.
The group organized the symposium "The role and the importance of theology in the modern Church and society." The researchers took part at the significant national and international conferences and symposia and gave the lessons about the matters of their research work at the universities and other institutions. Some very important results of the research can be found in diplomas' and master' works, in which the young generation had the chance to take part in this programme.
Most important scientific results
Final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results
Final report