Projects / Programmes source: ARIS


Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
6.11.00  Humanities  Theology   
6.03.00  Humanities  Anthropology   

Code Science Field
H125  Humanities  Philosophical anthropology 

Code Science Field
6.03  Humanities  Philosophy, Ethics and Religion 
person, society, violence, culture of peace, reconciliation, empathy, justice, dialogue, solidarity, subsidiarity, values, virtues, religion, Christianity, worldviews, ideologies, liberalism, atheism, revolution, totalitarianism, war, the EU, the Balkans, Slovenia, patriotism, religion and ideas.
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (30)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  35342  PhD Mateja Centa Strahovnik  Philosophy  Researcher  2015 - 2021  89 
2.  13660  PhD Tomaž Erzar  Theology  Researcher  2015 - 2021  332 
3.  16264  PhD Stanko Gerjolj  Theology  Retired researcher  2015 - 2021  924 
4.  28926  PhD Roman Globokar  Theology  Researcher  2015 - 2021  519 
5.  55812  Rok Gregorčič  Theology  Junior researcher  2021 
6.  18053  PhD Anton Jamnik  Philosophy  Researcher  2015 - 2021  468 
7.  11982  PhD Janez Juhant  Philosophy  Retired researcher  2015 - 2021  1,267 
8.  18358  PhD Branko Klun  Philosophy  Researcher  2015 - 2021  387 
9.  36362  PhD Urška Lampret  Social sciences  Junior researcher  2015 - 2019  16 
10.  39082  PhD Simon Malmenvall  Theology  Researcher  2016 - 2020  299 
11.  33133  PhD Ana Martinjak Ratej  Theology  Junior researcher  2015  35 
12.  53466  PhD Jonas Miklavčič  Theology  Junior researcher  2019 - 2021  42 
13.  38280  PhD Iva Nežič Glavica  Theology  Researcher  2021  62 
14.  27632  PhD Mari Jože Osredkar  Theology  Researcher  2015 - 2021  292 
15.  18872  PhD Robert Petkovšek  Philosophy  Head  2015 - 2021  510 
16.  20058  PhD Mateja Pevec Rozman  Philosophy  Researcher  2015 - 2021  182 
17.  34643  PhD Ivan Platovnjak  Theology  Researcher  2015 - 2021  430 
18.  51346  PhD Borut Pohar  Philosophy  Researcher  2018 - 2021  37 
19.  53465  Janez Potisek  Theology  Junior researcher  2019 - 2021 
20.  29879  PhD Erika Prijatelj  Theology  Researcher  2015 - 2021  159 
21.  38414  PhD Peter Rožič  Philosophy  Researcher  2015 - 2018  178 
22.  18869  PhD Stanislav Slatinek  Theology  Researcher  2015 - 2021  457 
23.  32580  PhD Tadej Stegu  Theology  Researcher  2015 - 2021  160 
24.  26014  PhD Vojko Strahovnik  Philosophy  Researcher  2015 - 2021  430 
25.  29034  PhD Tadej Strehovec  Theology  Researcher  2015 - 2021  216 
26.  28925  PhD Andrej Šegula  Theology  Researcher  2017 - 2021  190 
27.  51876  PhD Stjepan Štivić  Philosophy  Junior researcher  2018 - 2021  50 
28.  15559  PhD Ivan Janez Štuhec  Culturology  Retired researcher  2015 - 2021  565 
29.  24684  PhD Janez Vodičar  Theology  Researcher  2015 - 2021  394 
30.  15057  PhD Bojan Žalec  Philosophy  Researcher  2015 - 2021  714 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0170  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Theology  Ljubljana  1627112  12,310 
Religions and worldviews play a crucial role in the lives of individuals and society. In the modern era the role of religion was replaced by the ' scientific worldview ' and assigned the label of societal problem (violence?). However, sociologists have again confirmed religion’s social significance. The intertwining of ideological frameworks has led to uncertainty, ideation of fundamental concepts, conflicts, violence, wars and revolutions, and left unhealed wounds in nations and global society. The Balkans is the neuralgic point where the problems compressed. The basic intention of this research is to methodologically verify the origins of the violence of ideologies, worldviews and religions, assess from the point of view of ideas their responsibility for the disputes and investigate the possibilities for a transformative healing of memory on an individual and collective level. The goal is to create a culture of peace, cooperation, coexistence, a sustainable society and the elimination of the consequences of conflict and injustice. Methodologically this is a catharsis of the past and an establishment of a conceptual heuristic present - culture of coexistence, cooperation, democratic processes and open future (Popper, 1945, open society and its enemies). It's a (new) hermeneutics of religion, early modern ideologies and worldviews. It reflects an attitude toward religion regarding the creation of an open society based on respect for both individuals and groups; social justice and integrated inclusive collaboration. Current conditions dictate the collapse of systems and ideologies as well as the accompanying ideological-moral crisis. Cohabitation is a necessity, but requires adjustments among the various ideological and ethical foundations of the global society. This is the reason we emphasize the role of Christianity and the (world) religions in these processes. Thus the possibility of exceeding the ideological conflicts and deviations of the recent past will be considered. This is an assessment of the aporia of totalitarianism (Europe), revolutions (Slovenia), the Balkan wars and the search for common ground functioning of these societies. This problem is approached multidisciplinary. Our research group will concentrate on the conflict of ideologies in Europe, especially in Slovenia. It will further analyze the origins and causes of wars and revolutions in our country and in the surrounding areas and offer conditions regarding the removal of traumatic consequences embedded in both personal and social consciousness. Our starting point is the understanding that religions and worldviews have a non-violent role in these processes. Consequently we consider their importance for the peaceful co-existence today. This is crucial both for personal and social awareness as well as for sustainable social practices of in order to create good policies in Europe and in the world. Thus, this research will contribute to the objectives of Europe 2020.
Significance for science
The scientific contribution of the research program will first of all be in the hermeneutic holistic contextual assessment of the role of ideologies, religions and worldviews in the processes of shaping modern societies. Additionally, the research will assess the consequences (trauma) left by the outbreaks of violence (war and revolution) in the consciousness of individuals and groups (nations). It is difficult to understand the development of modern society’s complex problems, which are condensed into this crisis. However, their resolution is subject to a fundamental assessment of its genesis, which is the central purpose of our study. Because their ideological load has a decisive role a very important part of this analysis includes new insights into the role of religious and ethical aspects as well as new insights into the importance of and the role of emotions in these processes. For the most part, previous research either neglected the emotional dimension as well as the religious and pseudo-religious aspects or the research, with its reductive approach, distorted their true role. Moreover, researchers both with their reductive world views or ideological dimensions of societal problems as well as on the level of their methodology, concept or content disabled the evidence of their anthropological devious paths. This assessment is necessary and consistent with the research hypothesis that the conceptual foundations of religion, ideologies and worldviews are decisive factors for the development of human identity and social consciousness as they form a human symbolic world and affect the (non) violent behavior and decision-making in groups and in individuals. Their understanding is the key to understand violence and the above mentioned symbolic systems have both a decisive impact on the behavior and decision-making in societal processes as well as the source of complications in modern society. For these reasons, the multidisciplinary scientific contribution of our research group is important both to define and apply the foundations of solidarity in the society as a crucial source of tackling the causes of violence in society and for understanding violence in the past ideological systems, as well as for the detection of religions and worldviews today and for settling disputes and other (serious) complications of today's society. Our scientific contribution will critically review the religious and civil ideas of societal institutions employing anthropological and ethical criteria. In this way our research will contribute to strengthening individual capacities, shaping society from a values perspective, consolidating the meaning of life, social justice, culture of coexistence, solidarity and dialogue. This includes human rights grounded in religious values (and obligations), locally and globally, and assessment of the standpoint of ideas for assuring the conditions, out of which we live. Our contribution will also be an assessment of both revolutionary and ideological frameworks based on anthropological, socio-philosophical and theological theories of personhood and the role of religion in overcoming ideologies, the establishment of reconciliation and forgiveness as well as overcoming the fatal national, ideological, revolutionary and other divisions through the establishment of human and global justice.
Significance for the country
Our research program will make a decisive contribution to solving the fundamental problems of Slovenia. Dealing with the current crisis around the world and in Slovenia is possible only with understanding its origins, which are closely linked to the devious ways of modern era demonstrated as an anthropological disrespect for the holistic human person. Ideologies instrumentalized human persons and caused trauma, the consequence of violating human dignity and fundamental human rights. This burdened conscience of individuals and the whole society prevents collaboration and makes economic progress and the social well being of the majority of citizens very difficult. The elimination of the causes of the crisis means clarifying and dismissing the effects in the consciousness of individuals and of the whole society, which is essential for the development of the nation and a prosperous future for Slovenia. General belief in Slovenia is that we are in a severe moral crisis, which is also a global phenomenon. However, in our situation it is associated with a totalitarian recent past, which is the reason for other devious ways of this society and which further inhibits its development. Studying the origins of the Slovenian crisis is essential to eliminate them and to establish a society of cooperation, dialogue, sustainable development and a culture of trust and inclusion. For these reasons, clarifying the problem of violence, the role of religion and Christianity, worldviews and ideologies in Slovenia is the key to solving the crisis. Therefore, our study in the context of Slovenia and the Balkans will contribute to the basic hygiene of Slovenian awareness and progress within Slovenian society. The findings of these dimensions help to towards reestablishing the foundations of a genuine human society dialogue. We intend to clarify the role and importance of Christianity / Catholicism and other conceptual foundations by searching for the society’s common basic values. Thus, from a recent history of a violent exclusive society Slovenes can attain a coexistence (inclusiveness) and the promotion of personal abilities in encouraging the objectives of a common future and building values ??of democracy, solidarity and patriotism. The scientific and professional relevance stretches back to fundamental theoretical considerations and is also focused on practical applications. Assisted through collaboration with research groups from abroad as well as individual researchers through participation in international scientific meetings, publications in international scientific journals and monographs in foreign languages?, the project will further support our researchers abroad. This will also provide for further scientific cooperation, which will then have great importance for our professions in Slovenia. In this way, scientific cooperation will be established. This will form the basis of future joint projects. Our research program will also be connected with other research organization projects.  The program will further facilitate the integration of international exchange (bilateral projects, research visits and hosting renowned foreign researchers). The program will also raise funds from abroad, and will include and finance new young and promising researchers, which is one of the most optimal ways of passing on knowledge.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2015, interim report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2015, interim report
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