Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Advanced inorganic magnetic and semiconducting materials )

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.04.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Materials science and technology   
1.04.00  Natural sciences and mathematics  Chemistry   
2.09.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Electronic components and technologies   

Code Science Field
T150  Technological sciences  Material technology 
ceramics, syntheses of materials, magnetic materials, microwave ferrites, magnetic nanoparticles, semiconducting ceramic, PTCR thermistors
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (17)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  08761  PhD Irena Ban  Chemistry  Researcher  2007 - 2008  302 
2.  26338  PhD Stanislav Čampelj  Materials science and technology  Junior researcher  2006 - 2008  66 
3.  01360  PhD Mihael Drofenik  Chemistry  Head  2004 - 2008  770 
4.  26478  PhD Sašo Gyergyek  Materials science and technology  Junior researcher  2006 - 2008  302 
5.  22280  PhD Aljoša Košak  Materials science and technology  Junior researcher  2004 - 2005  212 
6.  29529  PhD Slavko Kralj  Materials science and technology  Junior researcher  2008  263 
7.  14755  PhD Matjaž Kristl  Chemistry  Researcher  2008  320 
8.  10808  PhD Uroš Kunaver  Chemistry  Researcher  2004 - 2007  49 
9.  15148  PhD Darja Lisjak  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2004 - 2008  417 
10.  10372  PhD Darko Makovec  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2004 - 2008  671 
11.  29535  PhD Simona Ovtar  Materials science and technology  Junior researcher  2008  41 
12.  27778  Natalija Petkovič Habe    Technical associate  2008  21 
13.  19990  PhD Irena Pribošič  Materials science and technology  Junior researcher  2004 - 2005  36 
14.  29744  PhD Darinka Primc  Materials science and technology  Technical associate  2008  44 
15.  07992  PhD Igor Zajc  Materials science and technology  Researcher  2004 - 2008  71 
16.  07475  Silvo Zupančič    Technical associate  2004 - 2007  17 
17.  10019  PhD Andrej Žnidaršič  Electronic components and technologies  Researcher  2005 - 2006  206 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0106  Jožef Stefan Institute  Ljubljana  5051606000  91,575 
The porogram proposes the investigation of new microwave magnetic materials and will be focused on the syntheses, control of the composition and the structure of these materials. The increase of the operating frequency of the electromagnetic devices to the 30-300 GHz demands the application of new magnetic materials particular these based on hexagonal ferrites. These materials can be applied in the elctromagnetic devices or can be used as absorbers of electromagnetic radiation. Among them are spinels, garnets and hexagonal ferrites most valuable. For the application as absorbers are hexagonal ferrites most appropriate, particularly compounds related to the family of complex hexagonal ferrites. As absorbers can be applied also composite materials particular due to their easier designing. In these materials is the ferrite phase dispersed in a polymer. For a successful use of ferrites in the millimetre frequency range, which was not enough investigated, it will be necessary to develop appropriate materials and the adequate processing methods. One of the basic task of the program is to investigate and develop the ferrites which can be used in electronic devices operating at GHz range. The second strategic material is based on magnetis nanoparticles which can be used in technique and medicine. The magnetic nanoparticles using as a technological material in magnetic nanocomposites, for magnetic recording, in magnetic liquids for toners and others are now well established. Among them is the application of magnetic nanoparticles in the magnetic liquids steadily increasing. Magnetic liquid forms when the superparramagnetic particles are dispersed in a compatible liquid. The number of technical and medical application of magnetic liquids for scaling, damping, heat transfer, loudspeakers, measuring devices etc is getting important. Particularly the application of magnetic liquid in medicine is standing increasing; immobilization and isolation of biologically active components, determination and detection of active components, isolation and study of cells, drug and radionuclide targeting and contrast-increasing materials during NMR imaging.
Significance for science
The program contributed important results in the field of nanotechnology. One of the key scientific knowledge / achievements within the program is the synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles which play a key role during the preparation of magnetic nanocomposites. The investigation of magnetic nanoparticles, their synthesis, functionalization of their surface, magnetic characterization and their application for the synthesis of magnetic nanocomposites used in medicine and technique was the main activity of the program. This knowledge was developed within the program and is for Slovenia new. In the frame of this thematic developed within the program young researchers take their doctorate and turn over the research and the subject to the industry, i.e., – Nanotesla Institut- Kolektor Idrija The majority of the research was carried out in the fields of the materials synthesis, i.e., on the synthesis of magnetic nano-particles. Here the research was focused to coprecipitation in the microemulsions - reverse micelles. This was found the most important process for the synthesis of nanoparticles with a controlled morphology. In this field scientific articles were published which were cited. For example, the paper, Surf. rev. lett., 2005, 12, 239-77, “Synthesis of materials within reverse micelles“ was cited 26 times in four years. This review paper comprises 10 of our own articles comprising the science of the nanoparticles synthesis within reverse micelles. The second research field which was initiated within the program and is new for Slovenia is the microwave absorption of electromagnetic radiation by microwave ferrites. In this field the nanocomposite for absorption of electromagnetic radiation in the GHz frequency range were investigated. This scientific topics was initiated in Slovenia since it is closely related with the sustainable development of our society. Namely, to protect the people and property against the damaging influence of the electromagnetic radiation. Within the program the basic knowledge regarding the synthesis, characterization and the operation of magnetic nanocomposites for the protection against the »electromagnetic pollution« were acquired. This knowledge was implemented during making out a product for the protection against the radiation up to 10GHz. Besides, also a patent was taking out. Out of this research topics several scientific papers were published. Among them the paper entitled "Advantages of ferromagnetic nanoparticle composites in microwave absorbers", IEEE trans. magn., 2004, 40, 1679-84, was cited 27 times in four years indicating a broader interest for this subject which indicates the overall environmental concern regarding the electromagnetic pollution. In general the program initiated two very important subjects in Slovenia i) the nanocomposites based on magnetic nanoparticles and magnetic fluids for the use in medicine and technique and ii) the microwave ferrites used to mitigate the electromagnetic pollution where the magnetic particles play as well the dominant role.
Significance for the country
The research proposed in the framework of this Programme was and still is incorporated into different national and international projects: In the field of ferrite materials for applications in the mm-range, the R&D project Eureka, FDMA3451!,"Ferrite materials and nonreciprocal devices for mm-wave applications" (2006-2007) has been coordinated and successfully finished. In the framework of this project, new methods for the preparation of ceramics have been developed. These ceramics are used as insulators at a frequency of 24 GHz and are 8-times smaller than “classic” insulators. In an extension of this project the methods for the preparation of magnetically oriented, thick ferrite films for applications at frequencies 30-100 GHz are being investigated. Several R&D projects dealing with microwave ferrites were also successfully finished in cooperation with the Slovenian company Iskra Feriti. The result of this cooperation is new microwave absorbers (“Ceramic ferrite materials for the absorption of electromagnetic radiation in the frequency range from 100MHz to 12 GHz”: patent no.. 21979. Ljubljana: Bureau of Intellectual Property RS, 2006). In the field of microwave absorbers, the research in the EU6 Project MATERA ERA-NET, 4302-31/2006/26, ABSOFILM, "New generation microwave ferrite thick films for absorbers" (2007-2009) is in progress. In the framework of this project new technology is being developed based on the spraying of absorber layers onto different surfaces. We also cooperate with partners in the project Euripides, IMICIMO, 4302-2/2006-94, "Integrated Miniature Circulators for Microwave Modules", (2008-2010) in the topic of the low-temperature co-firing of ferrites. We also cooperate in several bilateral projects. In relation to microwave ferrites currently two bilateral projects are going on: BI-IT 05-08-007, "Nonconductive magnetic materials for microwave absorbers" (2006-2009) and BI-HUN 10/2007, "Co-sintering of ferrite-ceramics systems for integrated miniature circulators used in microvwave moduls", (2008-2009). In the field of nanoparticles research we have participated in international cooperation with bilateral projects: BI-FR/06-1-PROTEUS, "Control of grain size and morphologies of nanograined oxides by adaptation of the synthesis route: precipitation in microemulsions and hydrothermal synthesis " and BI-FR/06-2-PROTEUS, "Materials with improved high-frequency magnetic properties prepared from silica-coated ferrite particles". We also work on two national applied projects related to the topic of nanoparticle synthesis: "Synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles for the microwave absorbers and magnetic fluids" (the co-funding organization is the industrial Nanotesla Institute Ljubljana) and "Development of photocatalytic superparamagnetic nanocomposites for application in diminishing emissions of harmful pollutants into an environment" (co-funding organization Cinkarna Celje).
Most important scientific results Final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Final report, complete report on dLib.si
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