Projects / Programmes
National and Cultural Identity of the Slovene Emigration
January 1, 2004
- December 31, 2008
Code |
Science |
Field |
Subfield |
5.11.00 |
Social sciences |
Ethnic studies |
Code |
Science |
Field |
H240 |
Humanities |
Contemporary history (circa 1800 to 1914) |
Slovene emigrants/migration: emigration, immigration, returned emigrants/migration policy, migration culture, migration art/migration history/ Slovene emigration literature/global, ethnic, culture, sex, education and profession identity/acculturation, socialisation, resocialisation, multicultiralism, assimilation, (re)integration/emigrant communities, descedants of emigrants, life stories, e(re)migration art, literary returning and flux
Researchers (12)
Organisations (1)
Researching of Slovene emigration from the interdisciplinary aspect with consideration of theoretical starting points and cognitions of fundamental scientific disciplines (historiography, literary history, ethnology, sociology and political sciences, art history). Inclusion in international migration studies. The basis is studying Slovene ethnic identity of emigrant communities across the world, returned emigrants and immigrants to Slovenia. Stress is laid on the following themes: 1. historiographical analysis of the attitude of emigrant and immigrant environments towards Slovenes and their descendants in 19th and 20th centuries (analysis of private archival material, emigration thorugh historical optics, Slovene emigration in East and Southeast Europe. 2. Reintegration of Slovene emigrant literature into source culture, literary science and education, inclusion of immigrated writers into Slovene national literature, integration of emigrant writers in national cultures of new homelands. 3. fine arts and emigrants. 4. Individuals and development of Slovene emigrant communities. 5. Analysis of migration situations with stress on cultural, identity and social aspects, and the role of women/men in preserving cultural heritage in foreign environments. 6. Ethnic aspects of migration processes. Monographs are in plan (internationally schemed), resulta are simultaneously published in Slovene and in foreign scientific journals.Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo ZRC SAZU publishes an international journal Dve domovini/Two Homelands in which current studies linked to the programme are being published.Great emphasis is on following and including in up-to-date research endeavours in migration field, which we achieve by personal contacts, participations at international conferences, and publications in foreign journals. Increasing attention is given to the issue of inclusion of Slovene emigration in international researches as they despite their fewness (from global viewpoint) present a certain share in international migrations with specific phenomena in the fields of mobility, content forms and least but not last in including into new environments.
Significance for science
The research of Slovene emigration and migrations in general is multidisciplinary and demanding due to coordinating of research work. These researches are somewhat on the margin of greater disciplines, which frequently lead to incomprehension or pushing aside issues on the past and present of migration movements in Slovenia and outside it across the world. In the very relation to the minority problematic the researches of emigration were in the background. With the realisation of the 2004-2008 programme we have made a substantial step ahead in the scientific field, which is evident from numerous scientific monographs, scientific articles and chapters in monograph publications, and from several scientific articles, all evident from cobiss and sicris. We have succeeded in a substantial closing up of researches in theoretical and methodology fields in comparison to colleagues’ researches abroad. Hence, we are not behindhand by scientific researches. The sole content problem is the small number of researchers in comparison with states much larger than Slovenia. However, there is challenge in this fact, as to many foreign researchers Slovene migrations were a complete mystery. With the realisation of the 2004-2008 programme we have established ourselves as a quality team that can bring to realisation and reach results in the filed of studying of Slovene emigration and migrations. In order to make our scientific results distinguished we publish increasingly in English and other foreign languages and thus transfer our findings and critical responses by foreign colleagues dealing with migration thematic. Our research results are being increasingly considered by other specialities and scientific disciplines.
Significance for the country
The results of researching of Slovene emigration and migrations in general do not carry only academic significance; they are applicable as well as for the state (forming of migration policies), the military (Slovene soldiers abroad), pedagogical programmes of all levels. Precisely work with the youth has been a constant within our programme frame on Slovene and European scene. The question of xenophobia, dissimilarity, hate speech, rejection of foreigners, and more, are questions that were in many a thing connected precisely with migration processes, in Slovenia as well. When we speak of the significance for the development of our country, it is the understanding and acceptance or at least tolerance of others a step further to a more tolerant Slovene society. There is too much intolerance. Many themes have been studied within the programme frame that included relations towards immigrants (from former Yugoslav countries and from Eastern Europe), and returnees (Argentina). Successful was the cooperation of the Inštitut za slovensko izseljenstvo through the programme with the state bodies dealing with emigration problematic, for example the Urad Vlade Republike Slovenije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu and the Commission in the parliament, as well as with civil-social organizations (Slovenska izseljenska matica, Slovenija v svetu, etc.).
Most important scientific results
Final report,
complete report on
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results
Final report,
complete report on