Projects / Programmes
Biological tests for toxicity and genotoxicity determination in water, soil and food
Code |
Science |
Field |
Subfield |
4.02.00 |
Biotechnical sciences |
Animal production |
Code |
Science |
Field |
B006 |
Biomedical sciences |
Agronomics |
B003 |
Biomedical sciences |
Ecology |
toxicity, genotoxicity, biotests, water, soil, food, GIS
Researchers (16)
Organisations (3)
The competitive production of healthy and safety food in Europe acquires effective and reliable monitoring through the whole production chain, in scope of which there is the analytical control of water, soil and produced food, which is carried on by physico-chemical analytics and biotests for toxicity and genotoxicity detection. Physico-chemical methods can not comprise all the paramethers of quality and safety of water, soil and food only the biotestscan prove zhe integral effects of environment on living organisms. Both groups of analyses are needed for the relevant assessment of soil, water and food contamination and most of all for the relevant risk assessments. The EU directives strongly support the application of biotests in safety assessment of chemicals, veterinary medicines, phytopharmaceutical preparations and in environmental risk assessment. The is a lack of genotoxicity and toxicity biotests in Slovenia and the practise is not coordinated to EU directives. For this reason we first want to analyse the existent biomonitoring of environment and food and further on connect the existent cappacities in this field, supply with the missing methods according to the EU directives. This kind of work would support the sustainable environment management and competitivenes of Slovene agriculture. The project offers as a result a complete system for ecotoxicological testing of water, soil and food in Slovenia. The introduction of all advised biotests for toxicity and genotoxicity testing and the development of some new ones is planed by the project. A selected small area of Slovenia will be first tested by this proposed model and the results would be the basis for the creation of the expert system by GIS technology. The final result of the test offers the expert system for water and soil monitoring and for foretelling the situation of soil and water in Slovenia (GIS-SLO-EKO).