Projects / Programmes source: ARIS


Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.04.03  Social sciences  Administrative and organisational sciences  Management 

Code Science Field
S180  Social sciences  Economics, econometrics, economic theory, economic systems, economic policy 
S186  Social sciences  International commerce 
S188  Social sciences  Economics of development 
S189  Social sciences  Organizational science 
S190  Social sciences  Management of enterprises 
S214  Social sciences  Social changes, theory of social work 
T140  Technological sciences  Energy research 
national competitiveness, sustainable development, lisbon strategy, system of indicators
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (2)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  19650  PhD Art Kovačič  Social sciences  Researcher  2005 - 2007  133 
2.  09110  PhD Boris Majcen  Economics  Head  2005 - 2007  485 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0502  Institute for Economic Research  Ljubljana  5051690000  2,511 
Since the mid 1980s a growing number of businessmen, policy makers and researchers have recognized the importance of international competitiveness for economic growth and standard of living. At the same time the rapid technological change, increasing mobility of productive resources and the growing structural problems of industrialized economies have called into question the validity of traditional economic theories. The economic prosperity of countries is associated with their ability to generate or attract economic activities which are able to increase income by performing well on the market. Slovenian catch-up with the EU countries in terms of welfare and economic growth is associated with the application of new technology and knowledge and with the creation of the sustainable economy. Analytical valuation of national competitiveness using the main determinants is the important step for policymakers. The high competitiveness is not just a result of entrepreneurship activity but also a result of balanced policies on governmental or regional level. After EU integration Slovenia needs a new way of monitoring the competitiveness and directing of policy actions. We must balance the policy actions for fostering convergence to EU on economic, social and environmental field. Monitoring the national competitiveness and the effects of sustainable development policy is the main goal of the project. Iwill search for and develop new tools for progress monitoring and with this activities I will complement the actions within the Strategy of Economic Development and National Development Program. In these documents one of the one of the critical development problmes is found in the competitiveness of Slovenian economy lagging behind in the view of globalisation and Eu integration process. One can recognize this problem within several facts: traditional industries have a high share in GDP, low value added on employee in recent years, low share of high tech in export, institutional framework is not prepared for entrepreneurship development. In order to achieve a stable national development in the middle term some changes in development policies are needed. This will turn away the current activities focusing on macroeconomic stabilization, transition reforms and creation of institutional framework for market economy in concordance with the EU rules. Two concepts (competitiveness and sustainable development) form a legal base for policymakers in all european countries. Rich countries are worried about losing the economic leadership, not just compared to others reach countries, but also in comparision with the new industrialized competitors, that have lower prices. On the other side some of the new EU member states try to catch up more developed countries with the use of new technologies and new knowledge. The development stage of a country depends on chosen strategies and policies on entrepreneurial and on national level. The material standard and quality of life can be reached by creation of new and better knowledge, and by improvingproductivity and with this the possibility for higher salaries. Many governments are taking seriously ranks of national competitiveness in two reports (WEF and IMD). Yearly competitiveness reports are the inputs for creation of development strategies and for balancing sustainable development policies. In the last Slovenian Strategy of development and also in Development report systems of indicators are becoming an important tool for policy monitoring.
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