Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Factors of lifelong learning of science and choosing a science related career, at the national and internatonal level from the NPZ (national assessment), PISA and TIMSS databases

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.01.00  Social sciences  Educational studies   

Code Science Field
S270  Social sciences  Pedagogy and didactics 
S272  Social sciences  Teacher education 
science education, lifelong learning, OECD PISA, IEA TIMSS
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (7)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  13356  MSc Andreja Bačnik  Educational studies  Researcher  2008 - 2011  153 
2.  29990  PhD Gašper Cankar  Educational studies  Researcher  2008 - 2011  152 
3.  04159  PhD Zdenko Kodelja  Educational studies  Researcher  2008 - 2011  732 
4.  07777  PhD Gorazd Planinšič  Physics  Researcher  2008 - 2011  549 
5.  06904  PhD Jelka Strgar  Biology  Researcher  2008 - 2011  376 
6.  13247  PhD Mojca Štraus  Educational studies  Head  2008 - 2011  236 
7.  24346  PhD Tina Vršnik Perše  Educational studies  Researcher  2008 - 2011  305 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0553  Educational Research Institute  Ljubljana  5051614000  7,205 
Students generally enter education prepared and eager to learn. International studies generally show that students are highly interested and have a positive attitude towards science school subjects. How can schools foster and enhance this attitude, and ensure that young people leave school equiped with knowledge and motivated for learning throughout their lives? Students' attitutes towards science, towards environment, knowledge about environment and environmental issues and their preparedness to act responsibly towards environment are important as bases for supporting sustainable development in the society. In the proposed project the databases of international studies OECD PISA, IEA TIMSS, OECD TALIS and the national assessment will be used to investigate students' attitudes towards science, their engagement in science, responisiblity towards environment and other variables. Findings for Slovenian students will be compared to findings for students from other relevant countries as well as related to their science achievement. Based on the before mentioned databases we will investigate to what extent the generations at the end of their compulsory education are prepared to continue their educational paths and/or enter into labour market processes. In this way the proposed project will establish a framework for development of curricula and teaching strategies at the level of compulsory and upper secondary education in Slovenia which will support developemnt of scientific competencies of students and enable their full and responsible engagement in the modern society.
Significance for science
The project comprises development of scientific research as well as design of the expert guidelines in the area of education. The project therefore includes the development of the scientific research in education and more specifically in the area of life-long learning and implementation of the teaching strategies in science in the education system as well as guidance for students in choosing a profession. Educational scientific research will gain new insights about the factors related to attainment and application of the scientific knowledge, such as how students perceive the importance of science for the society in general, what is their personal value of science and what are the levels of their awareness of environmental problems and responsibility for sustainable development as an important part of the scientific competences that young people should attain. The research of these educational aspects is, among other, conducted by investigating the characteristics of science teaching in Slovene schools and the options for its development as well as the development of guidance of young people towards choosing science related professions. The fundamental data analyses include relations of these aspects with student achievement as measured in the international studies PISA, TIMSS and others. Understanding of the science and technology is fundamental for young person's ''preparedness'' for life. Assessment of the levels of scientific literacies of students as well as the levels of their engagement in science as part of their literacy which is a prerequisite for their continuous interest and motivation for science as well as the base for their lifelong learning of science and a factor of student choice of future education and vocation is therefore important. Based on the scientific research in the project activities new insights are developed about the factors related to student learning and general interest of young people for science, for example the perceived importance of science among the young as well as the levels of correlations between science achievements and factors seemingly unrelated to science competence development and the developments of attitudes towards science. Based on parallel analysis of data from different sources (NPZ - national assessment, PISA and TIMSS databases) an insight into broader context of factors that can relate to achievements of each database is enabled. On the basis of these factors and relations between them a more objective insight into disscused problem is enbled. The analyses and results of the project represent a base for further use and data analysis of the data gained in future cycles of the international studies. Those will be the fundations for forming further theoretical development and will enable the development of furher guidelines. Based on scientific conclusions of the project new frameworks for learning and teaching strategies can be developed for science as well as other areas supporting the life-long learning. At the same time teaching strategies can be developed that emphasize the importance of the scientific competences for all individuals not just for students that wish to pursue scientific careers. The theoretical insights obtained provide a base for further development of learning and teaching strategies in schools. In the project the characteristics (groups) of students who specifically need additional support in efforts for the development of scientific competences are indicated in order to ensure their ability for full participation in the society. Characteristics of students with particularly low interest in science related studies and careers as well as particularly low levels of scientific competences are also investigated.
Significance for the country
Generally, the project addresses issues of modern society, among which there certainly are the efforts for stimulating the scientific development. Countries lagging behind in promoting engagement of students in science will face problems of lacking qualified workers in science related careers. The analysis of relationships between engagement in science and interest in science related careers is important for all countries and supports their development. Addressing these issues successfully requires countries to make major investments in scientific infrastructures and to attract qualified individuals into science related professions which is supported by continuous monitoring of science achievements during students' educational careers. Data on upper secondary and higher education enrolment into science related educational programs do not indicate an important increase in the numbers of candidates. At the same time broad public support for scientific endeavor needs to be secured and attention given to the development of the capacity of all citizens to use science in their everyday lives. This also means that individuals who are not necessary scientific experts themselves are capable of perceiving the benefits of the development brought by the science and introduce into their everyday personal and professional lives and for their own good. In addition to direct investigations of scientific competences of students and science teaching in the Slovenian education system the project comprises research of student attitudes towards sustainable development as an important part of their scientific competences. Data on student attitudes toward sustainable development include their knowledge of different environmental problem, to what extent they are concerned about these problems at personal level as well as for others in the country and in the world and how they perceive the future development of these problems in the next 20 years. In these elements the project directly supports and addresses the issues of governmental developmental policies. It provides basis for development of educational educational measures and yield of professional development in the science related fields. The project addressed gender differences in science achivements and related factors. In the last decades, there has been an increasing interest in gender differences in education, with regard to achievement in different areas and at different levels of education, as well as with regard to other comparisons like attitudes towards science. Investigation of this area is important for country development due to generally low levels of interest of female students for areas such as mathematics and physical sciences, and on the other side by low levels of male students’ achievement in reading. Low level of interest for physical sciences can be observed in the gender structure of the general matura candidates in the recent years choosing optional subjects (Državni izpitni center). There are less than 30 percent females among the students taking physics as an optional subject. The results of the project are therefore important for the development of the Slovenian education system in this area.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2008, 2009, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2008, 2009, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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