Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Biografije, mentalitete, epohe (Slovene)

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
6.01.00  Humanities  Historiography   
6.07.00  Humanities  Literary sciences   

Code Science Field
6.01  Humanities  History and Archaeology 
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (11)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  30272  PhD Pavlina Bobič  Historiography  Researcher  2009 - 2012  80 
2.  03471  PhD Stanko Granda  Historiography  Researcher  2010 - 2014  1,080 
3.  10900  PhD Igor Grdina  Historiography  Head  2009 - 2014  1,733 
4.  08466  PhD Dušan Kos  Historiography  Researcher  2009 - 2012  193 
5.  11963  PhD Mateja Matjašič Friš  Historiography  Researcher  2009 - 2011  147 
6.  21446  PhD Mateja Ratej  Historiography  Researcher  2013 - 2014  505 
7.  11698  PhD Petra Svoljšak  Humanities  Researcher  2009  582 
8.  28441  Katja Škrlj  Historiography  Junior researcher  2009 - 2012  36 
9.  27514  PhD Petra Testen Koren  Historiography  Researcher  2011 - 2014  256 
10.  04305  PhD Andrej Vovko  Historiography  Researcher  2009 - 2010  1,563 
11.  30800  PhD Neža Zajc  Historiography  Researcher  2011 - 2014  268 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0618  Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts  Ljubljana  5105498000  62,563 
Significance for science
Programme Biographies, Mentalities, Epochs is important for the development of science in two ways: 1. within the frameworks of comparative paradigm and paradigm of cultural history it analyses specific problems (i.e., the area of Slovenia and its relation with Europe); 2. it opens new perspectives in the research of multi- and interdisciplinary problems, which is imanent to contemporary historiography. The programme, focusing on the examination of history of Slovenian area, fills in a great gap in the international historiography. Slovenian cases (personalities, events, developing processes) have been hitherto only exceptionally represented in sample studies, in that Slovenian history was due to insular approach to the research of individual questions apparent in the European context only through the analysis of specific topics (Christianization, the early Middle Ages, reformation, the era of bourgeoisie). In principle the regionally or locally limited examination of specific problems is epistemologically questionable, in that it hinders a thorough understanding of the topics in question. The programme therefore in a special - original - way relates the biographical level with the mentality; at the same time, while associating with the phenomenon of the epoch, preserves contact with more traditional concepts of history. Due to complexity, multi- and interdisciplinary studies aim at searching the paradigmatic "sample cases". In historiography, which is related to personal, temporal and local concreteness, the establishing of routes to multi and inter-disciplinary examination largely depends on the nature of sources. Cultural history, which traditionally differs from other historical research paradigms in the widest understanding of the concept of historical source, is because of its consideration of texts and images (in the broadest possible definitions of both phenomena by W. J. T. Mitchell) directed towards the multi- and interdisciplinary as well as comparative research. Moreover, all these approaches are inhabited in cultural history and constitute it. In spite of such openness it has clear conceptual and methodological vantage points that secure its scientific nature; in that way there is no unreflected blending of paradigms of individual sciences. With both central emphases the programme is at the cutting edge in historiographical research. At the same time it does not break away from continuity, which is essential for history as a science of man in time. New perspectives do not aim at abolishing or mechanically supplementing the traditional ones, but at establishing the dialogue with them. In this way historical research proves its imanent position to history. This provides room for metahistorical examination of problems which is necessary for scientific verification of results. A historian can strengthen the validity of his work that cannot be based on paradigms of the so called exact sciences by opening the door to his "workshop", i.e., by explicitly introducing his own understanding and manner of work. Theory and history of history are therefore not aimless. In Slovenia, a discussion about methodological and conceptual questions of historical research and historiography is often unsystematic – so the proliferation of theoretical reflexions on these issues is of particular importance. The use of thus far inaccessible sources has a direct impact on the creation of new historical knowledge, while also facilitating the verification and definition of the need for a revision of existing historical research. As a basis for the treatise of individual “cases”, some collections have the capacity to impact more general problems. This is why the programme enforces the scientific status of historical research in the Slovene environment where numerous controversies indicate a low historical culture.
Significance for the country
The realization of the programme Biographies, Mentalities, Epochs is significant for the development of Slovenia because of its focus on modernization of historiography. In Slovenia, history is not merely a treasury of experiences and place of dialogue, but above all the sphere of misunderstanding and of searching for an explanation of adequate current judgements and deeds. The responsibility for this situation largely rests on historiography and its unreflected generation of identification - either affirmative of negative - images. The programme brings new incentives in the Slovenian spiritual space; since there is not only the question of copying and accomodation but of acknowledging other experiences, the programme puts Slovenian historiography in the broader context. This is particularly true for its comparative component. Conceptual and methodological originality of research members of the group, which is not uniform, but deeply individual, is important for historiography as well as other disciplines in that we speak of thematically very widely set programme. Knowledge about the activity of individual personalities and mentalities is important for every planning (within individual sciences and sectors of contemporary public life); in this way work of the group gets an entirely pragmatic dimension. Since the programme concentrates on multi- and interdisciplinary research of activities of individual persons and draws on comparative analysis of mentalities and epochs (on a synchronous and diachronic axis), it is significant due to the possible conduct of typological research, which makes it distinct from the majority of historical researches in Slovenia that are in terms of space and time characteristically insular. Slovenia is relatively small and its openness to research in national sciences is essential: the phenomena in question, processes as well as events, gain value in the view of broader perspective. Research of hitherto overlooked problems and inclusion of new approaches enriches Slovenian historiography and other disciplines. In this manner the well-known data enter the new, dense information network. Since the programme is inclined towards production of deficient biographic studies, its accomplishment means not only modernization of historical researches but also provides the bases for it. The great paradigmatic backwardness of Slovenian historiography, which is still mainly occupied with political-ideological questions and divisions rather than with conceptual and methodological modernization, can in the short run only be improved in individual sectors, especially the basic ones. In those segments of historical research work, dependent on fundamental researches, modernization on a scientific level is necessarily visible at a later stage. Programme Biographies, Mentalities, Epochs with its three central thematic features is devoted to the multi-layered study of basic problems of history. Its success largely conditions the possibility of modernization of historiographical research in Slovenia. Putting the programme into effect establishes an integral historical culture. By historicising the past happenings blocks the un-reflected exploitation (abuse) thereof for the political purposes, which so often occurs in Slovenia. By pointing out the complexity of each identity it spreads the non-integralist understanding of this often used term. This applies to what Lucien Febvre defined as the core of historical work: spreading the knowledge about different possibilities of human life in different cultural circles, periods and geographical spaces and coming into contact with them. This way the validity of Marc Bloch’s warning that there is nothing but general history comes into full sight, even on a micro-level of actual historical materials
Most important scientific results Annual report 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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