Projects / Programmes source: ARIS


Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
6.12.00  Humanities  Geography   
5.03.00  Social sciences  Sociology   
5.11.00  Social sciences  Ethnic studies   
6.05.00  Humanities  Linguistics   

Code Science Field
S230  Social sciences  Social geography 

Code Science Field
5.07  Social Sciences  Social and economic geography 
Political geography, social and spatial convergence and divergence, areas of cultural contact, integration processes, linguistic practice, identity, cross-border cooperation
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (32)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  20000  PhD Jan Bednarich  Philosophy  Researcher  2010  66 
2.  27527  PhD Janez Berdavs  Geography  Researcher  2010  36 
3.  14816  PhD Valentina Brečko Grubar  Geography  Researcher  2009 - 2012  277 
4.  08371  PhD Milan Bufon  Geography  Head  2009 - 2012  608 
5.  20820  PhD Rada Cossutta  Linguistics  Researcher  2011 - 2012  139 
6.  18478  PhD Goran Filipi  Linguistics  Researcher  2010 - 2012  252 
7.  22368  PhD Nadja Furlan Štante  Theology  Researcher  2011 - 2012  255 
8.  06391  PhD Anton Gosar  Geography  Researcher  2009 - 2012  629 
9.  29459  PhD Miha Koderman  Geography  Researcher  2012  267 
10.  21518  PhD Vlado Kotnik  Culturology  Researcher  2009 - 2012  253 
11.  24614  PhD Gregor Kovačič  Geography  Researcher  2011 - 2012  327 
12.  25539  PhD Ana Kralj  Sociology  Researcher  2009 - 2012  121 
13.  32127  Vesna Markelj  Geography  Junior researcher  2009 - 2012  11 
14.  07653  PhD Karmen Medica  Anthropology  Researcher  2011 - 2012  396 
15.  17863  PhD Vesna Mikolič  Linguistics  Researcher  2011 - 2012  578 
16.  18056  PhD Anton Mlinar  Humanities  Researcher  2011 - 2012  337 
17.  08262  PhD Stanko Pelc  Geography  Researcher  2011 - 2012  321 
18.  34517  PhD Ksenija Perković  Geography  Junior researcher  2011 - 2012  29 
19.  07029  PhD Drago B. Rotar  Culturology  Researcher  2009  355 
20.  15419  PhD Irena Rožman  Ethnology  Researcher  2010 - 2012  132 
21.  18581  PhD Mateja Sedmak  Sociology  Researcher  2009 - 2012  544 
22.  28827  PhD Peter Sekloča  Political science  Researcher  2009  87 
23.  25540  PhD Miha Staut  Geography  Researcher  2010  80 
24.  21580  PhD Rok Svetlič  Philosophy  Researcher  2009 - 2012  293 
25.  18054  PhD Lenart Škof  Philosophy  Researcher  2009 - 2012  511 
26.  33309  PhD Sara Štuva  Humanities  Junior researcher  2010 - 2012  13 
27.  34518  PhD Jerneja Umer Kljun  Linguistics  Junior researcher  2011 - 2012  53 
28.  27530  PhD Jana Volk  Linguistics  Researcher  2012  111 
29.  24766  PhD Matej Vranješ  Anthropology  Researcher  2009  53 
30.  34514  PhD Maja Zadel  Sociology  Junior researcher  2011 - 2012  86 
31.  21338  PhD Anja Zalta  Culturology  Researcher  2009  390 
32.  20023  PhD Ernest Ženko  Philosophy  Researcher  2009 - 2012  230 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  1510  Science and Research Centre Koper  Koper  7187416000  14,189 
The study of concomitant processes of social and spatial convergence and divergence is becoming the key factor for the comprehension of possibilities of horizontal as well as vertical integration in Europe, as well as limiting and accelerating factors and elements of the newly established European paradigm "unity in diversity". The research program aims at the study of complex problems identified by means of a combined and coordinated approach implemented by internationally renowned domestic researchers of political geography, linguistics, social sciences, and humanities. Special emphasis is laid on the area of contact of major European cultural and language domains; i.e., the Romance, Slavonic and Germanic domains, that only interact and coexist in Slovenia. Based on the example of Slovenia and its contact areas, a new integration model is being developed, examining comparative development possibilities for horizontal and vertical integration processes in the future united Europe. Within a wider, political-geographical, framework, the research program concentrates on the typology of border areas, the degree of the functional and socio-cultural integration of the border population, forms of institutionalised cross-border integration, and the degree of harmony between social and spatial planning in the case of upper Mediterranean areas - from the three-border area of Austria, Italy and Slovenia, to the Istrian three-border area of Slovenia, Italy and Croatia. Further aims are the study of elements and factors that limit or promote cross-border communication and integration, the position and role of local communities and minorities for intercultural and functional social integration, and the effects of the implementation and dissolution of borders on society and its space after Slovene entry into the EU. Moreover, comparative studies of processes and problems of border and contact areas at the Slovene and wider European levels are studied, particularly in relation to the western European practice of institutional integration, central European functional cross-border integration, and open issues in connection with contact areas of potential conflict in southeastern Europe. In addition, problems of spatial deconcentration and decentralization as well as sustainable spatial development that contribute to the development of a more appropriate spatial organization and spatial policies at the national and transnational levels are studied. Social and linguistic case studies focus on problems of language practice, identity, education, and intercultural communication as a factor for the comprehension of the social and cultural extension of language contacts and intercultural connections. Furthermore, potentials for intercultural empathy as a means for the prevention of nationalism, tensions and incomprehension between ethnic groups are researched.The program also aims at deepening the socio-linguistic, pedagogical and didactic aspects of language practices and policies, the question of the complexity of languages exposed to everyday contacts with the neighbouring environment, and problems of language interference in areas of cultural contact. This provides a framework for the research of dialectological aspects in the area of Romance-Slavonic contact in relation to new language and communication practices, educational models in areas of cultural contact, the integrational role of schools, socio-psychological aspects of monolingual and bilingual language practices, and attitudes toward and the appreciation of various languages and cultures in contact areas. A general aim of the research program is the development of Slovenia and Slovene areas of social and cultural contact into a model of European integration, preserving the identities of national environments and developing internationally comparative and interrelated research programs .
Significance for science
The topics of social and spatial divergence and the study of the cultural contact sphere and integration processes in Europe has long been present within the interests of the leading researchers of international relations in the world. Namely, most conflict situations and cooperative practices in the world have a certain political and spatial dimension and take place on three basic levels, which are: a) relations between states and social systems and among global institutions and structures; b) relations within individual countries including relations between different parts of the state, individual social groups and regions; c) problems of management and behaviour of local units and local communities. Political geography thus encounters problems and processes arising from various relations between the above levels, and primarily between the society and space, where space conditions society, its characteristics, and developmental possibilities, while in return, society redefines space and transforms and evaluates it in a special way. The basis of contemporary politically-geographical occurrences therefore lies in the ratio of synchronous tendencies towards social and economic associations (convergent processes) within the scope of certain variable functional and political spatial units and tendencies towards a social and cultural distinguishing (divergent processes) based on historical elements and attachment to various locally-regional structures. In this process, a question arises of various sizes of territorial units and societies in the performance of various social functions or in the formation of various levels of territoriality and a question of the relationship between centralising and de-centralising processes within individual countries. This element is then linked to the question of disproportionate development, which can be treated on the global scale, through the systems of the state and the macro-region, within state systems, or even locally. Finally, there is a special significance also in the process of attachment of social groups to a specific place - the process of social territorisation on various levels and the phenomenon of territorial persistence in the modernisation of social and political systems. This point of view opens a further question of various levels of attachment to the original social environment and space as well as the social and spatial mobility in the scope of transformation of local and regional structures in general. Global political conflicts are shifting from the sphere of ideological opposition to the relationships arising from disproportionate development and cultural nationalism and the potentially increased multi-culturality in global centres and particularly in large urban agglomerations arising from immigration, the formation of trans-national identities, and, at the same time, the more equal cohabitation of state centres and regional units in the sense of resolving the cultural and developmental demands of minorities. That is why, in the future, science will investigate with increased attention the relationship of cultural spaces towards functional units, as the latter cause the development of special relationships, which range from conflict to coexistence practices in a triangular relationship between society, space and the influences of modernisation. The involvement of programme group members in current international research taking place in this field will ensure that Slovenian science contributes to the theoretical body and to the discovery of the basic dilemmas of today and their applicative resolving to the benefit of our common future.
Significance for the country
Through its research, the programme will enable the evaluation of traditionally marginal research spheres of social and cultural contact, and particularly of the near-border regions and local communities of West Slovenia after its entrance into the EU and the Schengen area. The programme has a direct positive effect on the achieving of more sustainable developmental patterns in the spheres of space, economy, society and culture, and provides the grounds fro developing models for spatially and regionally harmonious development of Slovenia. Along with other projects of the University of Primorska, the programme will deepen the strategies of research and teaching of intercultural communication and significantly effect the study programme as a key element of educating post-graduate students towards a new dimension of residing and working in the Europe of nations and cultures. It will enable, on one hand, the understanding of the model of institutional activities under the influence of trans-national, integrational, and global criteria within the local, regional, and national environment, and on the other hand, the comprehension and direction of simultaneous processes of social and spatial convergence and divergence. The research content of the programme is thus oriented particularly towards the understanding and evaluating the cultural diversity in the processes of social integration. Within this scope, research will thoroughly monitor the position and function of minorities in the study areas of cultural contact and of other minority communities within the near-border regions of Slovenia. Studying questions, associated with ethnicity, cultural and lingual identity and practice, and the consequential cultural assimilation or cultural pluralism is closely and directly linked to acquiring appropriate knowledge and information, which represent the basis for the formation of the national cultural policy with the aim of preserving national identity. Scientific research of trans-ethnical contacts and the accompanying phenomena is particularly important and necessary in the light of the active membership of Slovenia in the EU and its inclusion into worldwide globalisation processes, as it is precisely the knowing of the nature and possible scenarios of intercultural contact, that represents the prerequisite of preserving and developing the national identity and awareness in the environment marked by social integration. Research will show that it is possible to preserve the original national character even in areas of mixed cultures and languages, without considering the endangerment of the lingual elements. In general, the development of a more proportionate regional development of Slovenia will enable the preservation and development of the settling potential and gravitational potential of the near-border areas in Slovenia in relation to macro-regional urban centres after the entrance of Slovenia into the EU. That is why the research group will contribute to the integrated managing of coastal and other near-border areas, and therefore to the preservation and development of natural and cultural heritage, by developing sustainable spatial and social development of Slovene contact areas. The contents and aims of the research programme are in perfect accordance and contribute significantly to the achievement of the following sets of priorities listed by the Ministry: the second set of priorities pertaining to the development of human resources and social cohesiveness and the preservation of natural and cultural heritage; the fifth set of priorities pertaining to interdisciplinary research, the seventh set of priorities pertaining to the development of basic humanities in supporting the strengthening of the Slovene identity and culture in the European and wider international sphere; the ninth set of priorities pertaining to the association between democracy and social development in the context of contemporary Slovene society.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2009, 2010, 2011, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2009, 2010, 2011, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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