Projects / Programmes source: ARIS


Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
6.12.00  Humanities  Geography   
5.03.00  Social sciences  Sociology   

Code Science Field
S230  Social sciences  Social geography 

Code Science Field
5.07  Social Sciences  Social and economic geography 
5.04  Social Sciences  Sociology 
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (27)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  36453  PhD Maja Bjelica  Philosophy  Researcher  2019  86 
2.  08371  PhD Milan Bufon  Geography  Head  2014 - 2019  608 
3.  20820  PhD Rada Cossutta  Linguistics  Researcher  2019  139 
4.  53555  Lucija Dežan  Sociology  Junior researcher  2019  63 
5.  06589  PhD Aleš Erjavec  Philosophy  Retired researcher  2019  755 
6.  30860  PhD Barbara Gornik  Anthropology  Researcher  2014 - 2019  105 
7.  06391  PhD Anton Gosar  Geography  Researcher  2014  629 
8.  50735  Alenka Kocjančič    Technical associate  2017 - 2019 
9.  29459  PhD Miha Koderman  Geography  Researcher  2015 - 2016  267 
10.  24614  PhD Gregor Kovačič  Geography  Researcher  2015 - 2016  327 
11.  25539  PhD Ana Kralj  Sociology  Researcher  2014 - 2015  121 
12.  27912  PhD Blaž Lenarčič  Sociology  Researcher  2015 - 2019  191 
13.  27824  MSc Zorana Medarić  Sociology  Technical associate  2019  251 
14.  17863  PhD Vesna Mikolič  Linguistics  Researcher  2014 - 2018  578 
15.  39216  Kristjan Nemac  Sociology  Junior researcher  2016 - 2019  28 
16.  08262  PhD Stanko Pelc  Geography  Researcher  2015  321 
17.  34517  PhD Ksenija Perković  Geography  Junior researcher  2014 - 2016  29 
18.  34644  Martina Rameša  Sociology  Technical associate  2015 - 2016  34 
19.  18581  PhD Mateja Sedmak  Sociology  Researcher  2014 - 2019  544 
20.  21580  PhD Rok Svetlič  Philosophy  Researcher  2014  293 
21.  18054  PhD Lenart Škof  Philosophy  Researcher  2014 - 2018  511 
22.  50737  Petra Štefančič    Technical associate  2017 - 2019 
23.  50739  Irena Tozan    Technical associate  2017 - 2019 
24.  34518  PhD Jerneja Umer Kljun  Linguistics  Junior researcher  2015 - 2016  53 
25.  34284  PhD Colin H. Williams  Geography  Researcher  2019  24 
26.  34514  PhD Maja Zadel  Sociology  Junior researcher  2014 - 2015  86 
27.  29382  PhD Tjaša Žakelj  Sociology  Researcher  2015 - 2016  96 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  1510  Science and Research Centre Koper  Koper  7187416000  14,189 
The study of concurrent processes of social and spatial convergence and divergence is turning into a key factor for understanding the possibility of not only horizontal, but also vertical integration in Europe, and therefore of the decelerating and stimulating elements and factors of the new European paradigm “Unity in Diversity.” The present research programme will try to study the complexity of the problems proposed using a combined and coordinated approach of internationally acclaimed Slovene researchers from the fields of political geography, social sciences and humanities, thus deepening and expand the work that has been successfully started and conducted within the research programme “Areas of Cultural Contact in Integration Processes,” ended in 2012. We can say that in this area, the members of the programme group have already proven a very good integration into the international currents studying the abovementioned topics, and that the impact of their works has already ensured a contribution of Slovene science to the theoretical system and to discovering the basic dilemmas of our current situation, as well as to their applicative solution to the benefit of our common future. The research results achieved by the programme group members have also helped the University of Primorska establish itself in a broader international environment as probably the most important Slovene centre for investigating various aspects of multiculturality, and thus increase its international visibility. The study of issues related to ethnicity, cultural identity and cultural assimilation or cultural pluralism and intercultural dialogue is closely connected with and directly addresses the acquisition of adequate knowledge and information that represent the basis for designing a national cultural policy with the aim of preserving national identity, but also ensuring a sustainable spatial and social development of Slovene contact zones in broader European and integration contexts. With its research contents, the programme has so far already enabled the evaluation of traditionally ore peripheral areas of social and cultural contact, in particular the border areas and local ommunities of western Slovenia following its accession to the European Union. It will have a direct ositive effect on the building of more sustainable development patterns in the fields of space, nvironment, economy, society and culture, and will, together with other projects of the University of Primorska, deepen the strategies of studying and teaching intercultural communication. The goals of the programme are, on the one hand, to enable the understanding of the model of institutional and perceptive changes influenced by transnational, integration and global criteria in local, regional and national environments, and on the other, to facilitate the acquaintance with semantic, structural and technological levels of the contents studied within the context of development of the European society of knowledge and processes of identity reconfiguration in the period after joining European integrations. In addition to the cognitive part of research, representing a continuation of the interdisciplinary studies of cultural contact zones in the processes of integration and globalisation, we intend to strengthen in particular the synthetic capacities for developing new integrated “managing” policies in the fields of multiculturality, and social and spatial integration within a broader international context.
Significance for science
The issues related to social and spatial divergence and to studies of cultural contact zones and European integration processes have long been the interest of the world’s leading researchers of international relations, for the majority of conflict situations and cooperative practices in the world have a certain political and spatial dimension and occur in three basic levels, namely: a) relations between states and social systems, and global institutions and structures; b) relations within states, including those between parts of states, individual social groups and regions; c) administrative and behavioural problems of local units and local communities. Thus, the foundations of contemporary social and spatial developments are to be found in the ratio between cooccurring tendencies towards social and economic interaction (convergent processes) within determinate variable functional political and spatial units, on the one side, and tendencies towards social and cultural differentiation (divergent processes) based on historical elements and attachment to various localregional structures, on the other. This raises the question about the various sizes of territorial units and societies in carrying out different social functions or in establishing different levels of territoriality, as well as the question of the relationship between processes of centralisation and decentralisation within states. This element further relates to the question of uneven development, which can be dealt with at a global level through national or macroregional systems, within state systems or even locally. Ultimately, particular importance is found in the very process of linking social groups to a specific space, that is, in the process of social territorialisation on various levels, and on the phenomenon of territorial persistence in the modernisation of social and political systems. This aspect brings up the question of the various levels of attachment to the original social environment and the original space, and of social and spatial mobility within the framework of transformation of local and regional structures in general. Global political conflicts are redirected from ideological antagonism to relationships originating in uneven development, cultural nationalism and the perspective of increased multiculturality in world centres and especially in large urban agglomerations, caused by immigration and formation of transnational identities, and at the same time by a more equal coexistence between state centres and regional units in terms of solving minority demands concerning culture and development. This is why, in the future, science will pay even closer attention to issues related to spatial and social centralisation and decentralisation, to different aspects of territoriality and minority social identity in relation to the dominant social structures and the attitude of cultural spaces towards functional units, for the latter tend to cause special types of relations, ranging from practices of conflict to those of coexistence in a triangular relation between society, space and modernisation influences. The integration of the members of this programme group into the international currents studying the abovementioned topics will ensure a contribution of Slovene science to the theoretical system and to discovering the basic dilemmas of our current situation, as well as to their applicative solution to the benefit of our common future.
Significance for the country
With its research contents, the programme will enable the evaluation of traditionally more peripheral areas of social and cultural contact, in particular the border areas and local communities of western Slovenia following its accession to the European Union and to the Schengen area. It will have a direct positive influence on the building of more sustainable development patterns in the fields of space, environment, economy, society and culture, and will provide starting points for creating models of spatially and socially more balanced development of Slovenia within a wider international context. Together with other projects of the University of Primorska, the programme will deepen the strategies of studying and teaching intercultural communication, influencing the study contents as a key element in training postgraduate students for a new dimension of living and working in a Europe of nations and cultures. It will enable, on the one hand, the understanding of the model of institutional changes and modifications of local institutional activities under the influence of transnational, integration and global criteria within local, regional and national environments, and on the other, the acquaintance and direction of concurrent processes of social and spatial convergence and divergence. The research contents of the programme are aimed in particular towards the understanding and evaluation of cultural diversity in the processes of social integration. The programme will monitor indepth the situation and function of Slovene national minorities in the studied areas of cultural contact, and those of autochthonous and other minority communities in Slovene border areas. The study of issues related to ethnicity, cultural and linguistic identity and practice and, consequently, to cultural assimilation or cultural pluralism is closely connected with and directly addresses the acquisition of adequate knowledge and information that represent the basis for shaping a national cultural policy with the aim of preserving national identity. The scientific study of interethnic contacts and the related phenomena is especially important and necessary in the light of Slovenia’s active membership in the EU and its integration into world globalisation processes, for the familiarity with the nature and possible scenarios of intercultural contacts is the very precondition for preserving and developing national identity and awareness in the circumstances of social integration. Research will show that even in culturally and linguistically mixed areas it is possible to preserve a nation’s independence, regardless of the endangerment of its linguistic elements. In general, the elaboration of a more balanced regional development of Slovenia will allow for the preservation and progress of the settlement and gravitational potential of Slovene border areas in relation to European macroregional urban centres. Through the elaboration of sustainable spatial and social development of Slovene contact areas, the contents of the programme will thus contribute to an integrated management of littoral and other border areas and thereby to the preservation and development of natural and cultural heritage.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2014, 2015, final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2014, 2015, final report
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