Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Bliskovni vlakenski laserji velikih vršnih moči na osnovi mikro-strukturiranih aktivnih optičnih vlaken (Slovene)

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.21.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Technology driven physics   

Code Science Field
2.11  Engineering and Technology  Other engineering and technologies 
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (16)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  11905  PhD Aleš Babnik  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher  2009 - 2012  103 
2.  06502  Aleš Dolžan  Systems and cybernetics  Researcher  2009 - 2011  28 
3.  23009  PhD Aleš Gorkič  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher  2009 - 2010  43 
4.  10157  PhD Ladislav Grad  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher  2009 - 2012  82 
5.  14440  PhD Andrej Horvat  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher  2009 - 2011  13 
6.  10926  PhD Darja Horvat  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher  2009 - 2011  64 
7.  21238  PhD Matija Jezeršek  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher  2011 - 2012  381 
8.  11749  Marko Kažič  Electronic components and technologies  Researcher  2009 - 2012  15 
9.  24380  PhD Blaž Kmetec  Technology driven physics  Researcher  2009 - 2012 
10.  11742  PhD Marko Marinček  Physics  Researcher  2009 - 2012  59 
11.  01649  PhD Janez Možina  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Researcher  2009 - 2012  641 
12.  15646  PhD Rok Petkovšek  Manufacturing technologies and systems  Head  2009 - 2012  277 
13.  12752  PhD Boštjan Podobnik  Physics  Researcher  2009 - 2012  62 
14.  03659  Zdenko Vižintin  Systems and cybernetics  Researcher  2009 - 2012  27 
15.  21898  Bojan Gorazd Zalar  Electronic components and technologies  Researcher  2009 - 2012 
16.  18955  MSc Matjaž Zalar  Systems and cybernetics  Researcher  2009 - 2012 
Organisations (4)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0143  Fotona proizvodnja optoelektronskih naprav d.o.o. (Slovene)  Ljubljana  5045223000  897 
2.  0782  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering  Ljubljana  1627031  29,821 
3.  1617  OPTOTEK razvoj in proizvodnja optične in laserske opreme d.o.o. (Slovene)  Ljubljana  5326389  32 
4.  7741  LPKF LASER & ELECTRONICS d.o.o. (Slovene)  Naklo  5711096  314 
Significance for science
The main results of the project that are important for the development of science are: 1. Pulsed operation of Er:ZBLAN fiber laser with a wavelength in the range of 2.8 µm, which is particularly interesting for medical applications because of its absorption of water. Peak power achieved at the time of publication represented an absolute record for this type of fiber lasers. The research was published in the article: High-power pulsed diode-pumped Er:ZBLAN fiber laser - published in "Optics Letters". 2.A successful attempt of Q-switching using a photo-elastic modulator and active micro-structured optical fibers was preformed. With the same type of modulator we were able to demonstrate the increase in power (power scaling) of a Q-switched laser, while the output power at the double repetition frequency was almost doubled. Part of this research was also financed by the EU project ALPINE. It was published in the article: Power scaling of AOM-switched lasers with SCPEM-based time-multiplexing - published in Optics Letters. Partial report was accepted for publication by Applied Physics B (Influence of the retardation of the multiplexing element and a dual channel Q-switched laser). 3. The report on laboratory setup of a continuous fiber laser with a narrow spectrum and a high degree of polarization, which is suitable for frequency doubling was published in the article: CW fiber laser for second harmonic generation in Juourna of Mechanical Engineering. 4. A study was published regarding the research of Er-doped fiber laser: Spectral dynamics of pulsed diode-pumped erbium-doped fluoride fiber lasers - published in the Journal of the Optical Society of America. Series B, optical physics.
Significance for the country
The results of the project already have and will continue to have direct and indirect impact on future production of laser systems in Slovenia, particularly for manufacturers, who are directly involved in the project (LPKF, Fotona, Optotek). Above all we expect the introduction of new solutions especially in the case of systems for micro-processing industry, where activities are already under way, and in the field of therapeutic laser systems for medical applications. Such solutions will contribute to improvements in quality and technological sophistication of these systems in the global market. With the introduction of new sources, based on the technology of active optical fiber in the years to come, we expect increase in the quality, reliability and service life of instruments in the field of medical applications, thereby increasing the effectiveness of therapy treatment of disease conditions in medicine. We also expect that with the introduction of new laser systems based on active fibers for use in industry, possibilities will be opened for new applications and thereby increasing the competitiveness of Slovenian industry laser systems. Key results of the project, which will have the greatest impact are: 1. Development of Er: ZBLAN fiber laser operating in quasi-continuous mode based on fast switching of diode pumping. Peak power reached in the experiment at that time represented absolute record for this type of fiber lasers. Er: ZBLAN fiber lasers are particularly important, because their output wavelength is in the range 3µm, where water has a strong absorption peak. Such lasers are extremely important especially for medical applications, where absorption in biological samples (tissues) is desired. Today the area is still covered, so to speak exclusively with classic solid state lasers, such as the Er:YAG as active material and, consequently, free standing optics. Easy integration of optical fiber is not possible in this case. Standard optical fibers which are made of quartz (SiO2) light strongly attenuate light in this region and are therefore not suitable. Most promising at present are optical fibers based on ZBLAN, which can also be doped with active erbium ions. Unfortunately, it turns out that in this case the fiber is thermally and mechanically very sensitive. It was necessary to employ special technological processes both for the treatment of active optical fibers as well as for optical pumping. Part of this research, which is relevant to science was published "Optics Letters": entitled "High-power pulsed diode-pumped Er: ZBLAN laser". 2. Important for use in medicine and thus for Slovenian manufacturers of medical laser systems is also continuous fiber laser with narrow output spectrum and polarized output suitable for frequency doubling. In the research a laboratory setup was developed of a continuous, pulsed diode pumped fiber laser of oscillator-amplifier type with single-stage, ytterbium, micro-structured fiber amplifier. The laser is ready for frequency doubling where it is possible to get the output wavelength of 532 nm, which is attractive for use in medicine. 3. For use in industrial processes, the most important setup is the sub-ns fiber amplifier based on micro-structured fibers. The research associated with this laboratory setup many skills were acquired that will be indirectly and directly used for construction of the prototype, which the company LPKF intends to designed as a high performance ps laser for micro-processing in industrial applications.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2009, 2010, 2011, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2009, 2010, 2011, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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