Projects / Programmes
Modelling and environmental impact assessment of processes and energy technologies
January 1, 2014
- December 31, 2017
Code |
Science |
Field |
Subfield |
2.03.00 |
Engineering sciences and technologies |
Energy engineering |
2.02.00 |
Engineering sciences and technologies |
Chemical engineering |
Code |
Science |
Field |
T140 |
Technological sciences |
Energy research |
Code |
Science |
Field |
2.03 |
Engineering and Technology |
Mechanical engineering |
2.04 |
Engineering and Technology |
Chemical engineering
Researchers (14)
Organisations (2)
The basis of the European energy policy is a strategy for competitive, sustainable and secure energy. The main strategic directions and goals of energy policy that represent key solutions for increase of competitiveness of economy, reliability of energy supply and sustainable development are improvement of energy use efficiency, exploitation of renewable sources and reduction of greenhouse gasses. In this context the research programme addresses sustainable development in energy, within the triangle energy – socio-economic development – environment. The programme logically comprises three thematic packages: (1) Modelling complex energy systems with emphasis on the improvement of energy use efficiency, the exploitation of renewable sources and the reduction of greenhouse gases emissions; (2) Assessments and modelling of the impacts of technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive material as consequence of operating energy systems; (3) Modelling of liquefied natural gas terminals and road tunnels – management – energy – safety.
The first package comprises modelling of complex systems for evaluation of environment impacts and selection of optimum energy strategies, which requires simplification of sufficient presentation of details, selection of key observed parameters and multi-criteria evaluation of processes and development strategies at the level of intervention in a certain technological process, sector or at the national level. Methods of network planning will be used for setting of energy – environment model, methods of multi-criteria analyses in assessing of strategies with different intensities of implementation of measures, and methods of neuron networks at formation of simulation algorithms of different models.
The second package comprises investigations related to the impact of technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive materials onto the environment. Different studies will be conducted, focused on the characterization of natural radionuclides with emphasis on their mobility, fractionation, speciation and radiotoxicity. These results will then be used for modelling of the radiologic environment impact assessments, which will be further used for the improvements in the waste management. The foreseen results will eventually contribute to better knowledge of transfer factors for particular radionuclides among the various compartments of the ecosystems studied.
The third package addresses modelling of gas terminals and road tunnels safety. Due to the increasing energy demand there are growing demands for liquefied natural gas terminals. To assess the safety and risk in installing a gas terminal it is necessary to analyze the effects of terminal and all the activities involved onto the surrounding population and the environment. Road tunnels are important parts of road infrastructure where energy is used for ventilation, lighting, signalling, communications, etc. Quantitative models to define acceptance criteria for LNG terminals in conjunction with risk analyses and algorithms for optimizing energy consumption in road tunnels will be developed.
The research will be carried out in connection with international (e.g., International Atomic Energy Agency), especially European projects (7. FP, IEE, Horizon 2020). Emphasis will be on educating new scientists and professionals to work in the concerned research areas.
Significance for science
Research programme is directed to research on functioning of complicated energy and environment systems and sub-systems, which are at tightening of economic conditions and terms of energy supply and its impact on the environment (climate changes etc.) in the world more and more topic and integral part of policies and orientations of future social sustainable development.
Researches will take place in connection with international, especially European projects (seventh framework programme, IEE-Intelligent Energy Europe etc.) and the new research programme Horizon 2020, where safe, clean and efficient energy and climate measures are set among priority tasks. Research programme Horizon 2020 supports climate and energy goals 20-20-20 with researches regarding technological and economic viewpoints of energy supply, efficiency, technologies with low carbon emissions and networks for transfer of energy/electricity.
Researches present an important element in establishing contact among research achievements and social decisions, what is of key importance for the based on knowledge society of the future.
Researches, performed by the programme group, are of great significance for the usage of scientific achievements for the development of models and programme tools for system researches in energy (integrated energy – environment systems), system algorithms for determination of energy use by economic sectors (industry, households, services sector, transport) and selection of strategy of sustainable development at a regional level. Results of the previous work have shown regularities of research directions, what is confirmed by already concluded and current research / applicative projects in the framework of research EU programmes. Intensive inclusion in international projects is expected also in the future.
Use of research results in preparation of main strategic documents, reduction of energy use and costs in economy and in other consumers and reduction greenhouse gases emissions have a great positive meaning for science development.
The research will importantly contribute to the further development of radioecology because of focusing on the in-depth understanding of problems associated with cycling, mobility and bioavailability of radionuclides in the environment. Understanding of those problems is currently very weak and those problems represent big scientific challenges for the future. The proposed research will represent also important contribution towards finding better solutions for the management of wastes in the field of energy technologies. The results will directly contribute to internationally coordinated programs and projects such as FP7 Network of Excellence “Strategy for Allied Radioecology” – STAR and International Atomic Energy Agency’s programme “Modelling and Data for Radiological Impact Assessments” – MODARIA, as well as to international data base that forms an input for a number of doze assessment models for nuclear and/or radiological emergencies.
Research on LNG terminals as part of an energy system will contribute significantly to the development of methodologies for the safety analysis and assist to definition of clear acceptance criteria, which will useful support the decision-making for siting of an LNG terminal.
Research on transport infrastructure with focus on road tunnels will contribute to the improvement of methodologies to examine safety in road tunnels, reducing management costs and optimizing energy consumption, such as for ventilation and to ensure the quality of air.
Significance for the country
Research in the field of energy is directed to the support of sustainable development of Slovenia. Results of the research will enable the study of energy, environment and economic impact of different scenarios on the energy supply, introduction of new energy efficiency technologies, renewable energy sources and distributed production by individual development strategy. Current results of the research have been used in the execution of a strategic study for the National energy programme until 2030, the Operative programme for the reduction of GHG emissions, and the National action plan for energy efficiency of renewable energy sources and cogeneration. The research results will be used in the future for preparation of a strategic study in key system solutions and strategic and programme documents of Slovenia in the field of energy and environment as well as in fulfilling obligations which arise from already accepted or future EU directives.
Results of research in the field of energy efficiency, introduction of new energy efficiency technologies and distributed production in economic sectors will enable reduction of energy use and costs and consequently improve competitiveness of an economic company.
The group is actively included in feasibility studies, energy audits and consulting in the field of preparation of energy efficiency programmes for industrial companies and other end users (hospitals, public institutions, and old people homes).
Results of the research are directed also to the use of energy in households and services sector that will contribute to higher energy savings and reduction of energy costs in these sectors. Positive impact on employment will be a result of execution of energy efficiency measures, introduction of new energy efficient technologies and exploitation of renewable energy sources.
In the field of knowledge transfer, current practice will continue as regards organisation of seminars and workshops for individual energy efficient technologies and measures.
In the field of education, a programme of education of energy managers from economy and services sector, which already started in 2008, will continue.
The research will have big impact on the future socio-economic and cultural development of Slovenia because sustainability and environmental concern are playing key role in a competitive, successful and sustainable society. The proposed research will allow Slovenia competitive advantage because it will allow for better management of its resources. In addition, the proposed research programme will enable maintaining and development of highly educated scientists and professionals in radioecology and energy technologies.
There are numerous design proposals for LNG terminals in neighbouring countries and in Slovenia. The EU Commission advocated the construction of LNG terminals on the Adriatic coast in the sense of independence and diversity of energy supply. Research of LNG terminals serves to support independent decision making for assessing diverse effects on the environment during normal operation and in the event of an accident.
Most of Slovenian inhabitants use road network daily with road tunnels being its integral part due to undulating terrain. This highlights the increased risk of accidents during daily migrations. Goods being transported are exposed to the risk similarly. The research will contribute to better understanding of conditions in tunnels, better training of operators and will increase the level of safety in road tunnels at acceptable impact on the environment along with optimal expenses.
Most important scientific results
Annual report
final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results
Annual report
final report