Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Modelling and environmental impact assessment of processes and energy technologies

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.03.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Energy engineering   
2.02.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Chemical engineering   

Code Science Field
T140  Technological sciences  Energy research 
P305  Natural sciences and mathematics  Environmental chemistry 

Code Science Field
2.11  Engineering and Technology  Other engineering and technologies 
Energy, environmental protection, process chains, energy efficiency, multi-criteria process evaluation, modelling, waste management, toxic chemicals, radioactive substances
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (15)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  11202  PhD Fouad Al-Mansour  Energy engineering  Researcher  2009 - 2013  206 
2.  30869  PhD Marko Černe  Energy engineering  Junior researcher  2009 - 2013  38 
3.  20615  MSc Evald Kranjčevič  Energy engineering  Technical associate  2009 - 2010  68 
4.  17760  MSc Stane Merše  Energy engineering  Technical associate  2009 - 2013  435 
5.  05101  PhD Stojan Petelin  Traffic systems  Researcher  2009 - 2013  650 
6.  33355  PhD Petra Planinšek  Energy engineering  Junior researcher  2010 - 2013  41 
7.  22584  MSc Aleš Podgornik  Computer science and informatics  Technical associate  2011 - 2013  46 
8.  02626  PhD Svetozar Polič  Chemistry  Researcher  2009 - 2011  242 
9.  31693  PhD Matevž Pušnik  Energy engineering  Technical associate  2011 - 2013  117 
10.  15719  Igor Ribič    Technical associate  2009 - 2013  19 
11.  03308  Milan Simončič    Technical associate  2009 - 2010  58 
12.  08945  PhD Borut Smodiš  Control and care of the environment  Head  2009 - 2013  496 
13.  01352  PhD Peter Stegnar  Control and care of the environment  Researcher  2009 - 2012  275 
14.  32326  PhD Boris Sučić  Energy engineering  Technical associate  2011 - 2013  168 
15.  28486  PhD Marko Štrok  Energy engineering  Researcher  2009 - 2013  370 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0106  Jožef Stefan Institute  Ljubljana  5051606000  91,479 
2.  0600  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport  Portorož  1627015000  6,688 
The programme includes basic research, validation of new detection methods and development of applicative knowledge in order to obtain integrated knowledge as regards looking for new development possibilities concerning environmental protection, natural and cultural heritage. Processes in environment and energy are complex and interconnected, along production chains and environment impacts, as well as in geographical and time sequence. Research is thus oriented to processes of great dimensions being of wider significance for economic systems and entire society. Modelling, estimation of environment impacts and selection of strategies is based on simplified but sufficient presentation of details, selection of key observed parameters (indicators) and multi-criteria evaluation of processes and development strategies on the level of intervention or strategy in a certain region or at the national level. Basic research approach is modelling "bottom-up", from individual technological processes to chains (vertical) and by statistical analysis and aggregation (horizontal). Complex models are in the form of a network, supported by suitable programming which is specific as regards the purpose of the research. Model characterisation and scenario analyses carried out on that basis will expose more or less promising technologies and suitable time for mass introduction of new environment friendly technologies. Research is aimed at fields, which have not yet been sufficiently considered, e.g., co-impact of state measures and market mechanisms, which is also a direct challenge in energy and environmental protection. An important research component is elaboration of terms for technological development, eventually leading into suitable combinations of technical regulations and standards, as well as proposals for flexible, stimulating and market instruments. Main research objective of studies concerned with toxic substances in the environment is achieving knowledge and capabilities for radioactive materials characterisation and introduction of appropriate systems for their management.
Significance for science
Research on operation of complex energy and/or environment systems is becoming, along with increase of energy use and aggravation of economic conditions of energy sources supply and their effects on the environment (climate changes etc.) in the world, a more and more timely topic and a constituent part of policies and orientations of the future social development. Research has been carried out in connection with domestic and European projects, where the system approach to environment and energy issues is much emphasized, among others also with the strategy of introducing low carbon technologies, technologies for exploitation of renewable sources of energy and measures and suitable energy efficiency policy on the sectorial and country level. For the development of science in the world it is important to establish a contact among research achievements and social decisions that is of key significance for the society of the future based on knowledge. Development and testing of a suitable energy model, encompassing appropriate presenting and managing of complex systems, is a key factor of success of this connection. Research carried out by the programme group is very important for the development of models and programme tools (REES-SLO, REES-SLO2, REES-MOL) for system researches in energy, the connection of different models for analysis of different energy efficiency strategies and different scenarios of energy supply for different economic development strategies, the development of suitable methods (top down - TD, bottom up - BU) for the calculation of energy savings and the development of energy efficiency indicators. Research into the modelling, the environmental impact assessment and the transport of contaminants within the environment is more and more oriented from the determination of the levels of pollutants and dose calculations, towards understanding the processes of biogeochemical transformations and deeper understanding of environmental processes. The proposed research programme is following this trend, thus contributing significantly to the international science in this field and at the same time allowing for equal incorporation of the Slovenian scientists into the worldwide research trends. The programme group is intensively involved in international testing and validation of radioecology models (e.g., program MODARIA – Modelling and Data for Radiological Impact Assessments, coordinated by the International Atomic Energy Agency), and contributes to more reliable determination of transfer factors for natural radionuclides in various ecosystems. The research results importantly contribute to better knowledge of biogeochemical transformations and transport of natural radionuclides in contaminated areas. At the global level, new projects are assessed both from the viewpoint of environmental impact as well as from its safety aspect, where the most critical decisions are the accident scenarios considered. The safety assessment involves research on what may happen with particular facility or object and what kind of damage may be expected. It should be emphasised that, according to the European practice, such assessments should be developed in a strictly conservative way, involving the most pessimistic damage, i.e., the research should involve the worst scenarios and the most devastating damage.
Significance for the country
Research programme has been considerably oriented to address the new challenges in energy efficiency improvement, the increase of renewables share in energy balance and electricity production, and the reduction of GHG release in the air. Research programme has been oriented to the efficient energy use arising from the Energy Efficiency Action plan and the utilization of renewable energy sources, as two main activity areas to reaching the reduction of GHG emissions and decrease of energy dependency. Research was addressing conditions for technological development considering suitable combination of technical rules and standards as well as stimulative and market instruments. Model characterisation and scenario analyses executed on this basis have exposed more or less promising technologies and suitable timeframe for mass introduction of new technologies. Basic influence of new and innovative energy- and environmental friendly technologies and procedures will eventually result in an increased competitiveness of Slovenian enterprises, particularly those that are already included in the competitive European environment, as well as in sustainable development of the entire society. Sustainable development and long-term energy planning of Slovenia is a key orientation and a goal of the research carried out. Obtained results are expected to give expert and professional bases for national energy strategy (National energy program to 2030), legislation and programme documents of Slovenia in the fields of energy development, low carbon technologies (CHP, RES) and energy efficiency. Research results have been used for quantitative and qualitative monitoring of adopted energy programmes and action plans carried out in the field of energy and environment, and control of obligations fulfilment (CHP Directive, Energy Services Directive, Emission Trading Directive, Building Directive and Integrated Pollution Prevention Control - IPPC Directive). The research group is actively involved in feasibility studies, energy audits, and advice on preparation of energy efficiency programmes and measures for industrial enterprises and other energy end-users (hospitals, public institutions, retirement homes, etc.). The group is actively involved in the Innovation Relay Centre of Slovenia, which is part of the world's largest network for the promotion and marketing of technologies. The researchers participate in under – and graduate – level study programmes at three universities and one international post-graduate school. The research programme helps maintain the base of qualified scientists who, with their knowledge and professional expertise, support in Slovenia the safe use of nuclear energy, technology and emergency preparedness, in line with the Government programme of long-term assurance of supporting activities related to nuclear and radiation safety. The research results from the professional basis for implementing remediation programmes for the areas, contaminated by energy activities, such as the uranium mining and milling tailings at the Žirovski vrh area. During past years the Hot Cells Facility (HCF) has been renewed and commissioned. HCF now forms, as defined in the relevant national resolutions, main part of the system for management of radioactive waste emerging from small producers as well as the central facility appropriately equipped for interventions involving highly radioactive sources in case of accident, illegal trafficking or a terrorist act. Safety analyses that have been carried out within the Programme include the assessments important for the planned national infrastructure energy and transport systems such as gas terminals, tankers, fuel reservoirs and tunnels.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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