Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Urban renewal decision support system balancing energy efficiency and management of local resources in neighbourhoods in Slovenia

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.12.01  Social sciences  Architecture and Design  Architecture 

Code Science Field
T240  Technological sciences  Architecture, interior design 

Code Science Field
6.04  Humanities  Arts (arts, history of arts, performing arts, music) 
architecture, built environment, neighbourhood, sustainable retrofitting, indicators system, decision-making support, assessment methods
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (10)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  26562  PhD Matevž Juvančič  Urbanism  Researcher  2016 - 2018  141 
2.  23488  PhD Boštjan Kerbler  Urbanism  Researcher  2016 - 2018  383 
3.  10121  PhD Vojko Kilar  Architecture and Design  Researcher  2016 - 2018  402 
4.  29241  Barbara Mušič  Urbanism  Technical associate  2017 - 2018  118 
5.  22631  PhD Matej Nikšič  Urbanism  Researcher  2016 - 2018  303 
6.  30757  PhD Simon Petrovčič  Architecture and Design  Researcher  2016 - 2018  86 
7.  10488  PhD Richard Sendi  Urbanism  Researcher  2016 - 2018  350 
8.  29390  PhD Špela Verovšek  Urbanism  Researcher  2016 - 2018  98 
9.  11310  PhD Martina Zbašnik-Senegačnik  Architecture and Design  Researcher  2016 - 2018  550 
10.  12101  PhD Tadeja Zupančič  Architecture and Design  Head  2016 - 2018  455 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0505  Urban planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia  Ljubljana  5051703000  2,794 
2.  0791  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture  Ljubljana  1626949  8,997 
The purpose of the research project is to establish data-based system to support decision-making process in modular urban renewal of Slovene settlements at the level of neighbourhoods. It focuses on their energy efficiency, prudent resources’ management and sustainable performance. The solutions will be searched for the reliable metrics that evaluate the characteristics of built environment. The project offers consistent and clearly defined targeted qualities, which make the aims of the sustainable policies more tangible and are at the same time fundamental, meaningful notions both, for the residents as well as for the planners and contractors in sustainable neighbourhood retrofitting. Specifically, the research develops the evaluation model for neighbourhood sustainability performance index, based on the modular system of indicators and to it connected methodology for the interpretation of resulting values. The envisioned instrument evaluates sustainable performance of the neighbourhoods based on the measureable quantitative and qualitative indicators through five crucial categories, i.e.: a) energy efficiency, b) environmental efficiency, c) efficient use and management of the built environment, d) local residents’ and communities’ engagement level and e) exploitation of ICT, smart solutions. Each of the given categories is observed through the prism of three strategic levels of implementation, i.e.: 1) buildings or households, 2) public/in-between spaces, 3) organisation of traffic and its infrastructure. Such structuring introduces possibilities for evaluating neighbourhoods from natural aspects and built environment characteristics, appearances and functionalities, as well as activities, habits and socio-demographic structure of their inhabitants. The spatial qualities are, thus transformed into a measurable form, not only for the research purposes and for the decision-making support in renewal processes but also as an education and awareness raising tool for fostering responsible, environment-friendly behaviours when dwelling, homes, building, etc. are concerned. The design of the assessment model will be accompanied by the empirical study of six Slovene representative neighbourhoods. They will provide the “research testing ground” for the indicator system design, testing of its convenience, functionalities and the reliability of the instrument on specific Slovene territory. Assuming and foreseeing the lack of data and indicators at the neighbourhood level, the research will examine their availability and look for other possibilities (such as interpolation, calculations, use of smart and mobile technologies, crowdsourcing and even field sensing) to fill in the gaps. In accordance with the EU tendencies and policies aimed towards stimulation of active citizenship the possibilities to adapt our system for the activation/ informing/ education of communities will be studied. One of the important goals, which ensure the innovative potential of the project, is the adaptability and flexibility of the system of indicators in a way that they enable evaluation and comparison between different forms of neighbourhoods with different local-specific characteristics. At the same time the system maintains an adequate level of universality to accomplish the assessments in a repeatable and provable ways. And secondly, modularity in assessment design provides for modularity of actions, subsequently leading to possibilities for gradual neighbourhood retrofitting, beginning with the measures that are most urgent/ economically viable/ realisable. The proposed research tackles the problem of neighbourhoods’ renewal with emphasised interdisciplinary and holistic approach. Project team members with their professional background (architecture, urbanism, planning, civil engineering and geography), specific expertise, achievements and projects participation assure competency and adequate scientific capacity for the implementation of the envision
Significance for science
THE RELEVANCE OF THE RESEARCH     The research project is pursuing the guidelines and is contributing to the set objectives of European strategic documents in several fields. It pertains to following the objectives of European energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse emissions and using alternative energy resources. (The climate energy package for 20-20-20[1]). It is relevant and coherent within the framework of the guidelines of smart cities and intelligent solutions supported by ICT in accordance with the Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE[2]). In the field of data processing and data-supported decision making, the proposed research project contributes to the objectives of the directive INSPIRE[3] , as well as to the strategy EU Innovative Union policy[4], especially by encouraging general public and inhabitants to partake in the understanding of urban environments and their potential, and by increasing the response of communities. Establishing the instrument for provision of data on sustainable efficiency and general dynamics of urban spaces to support decision making, makes the project consistent with the objectives and the ambitions of the programme ESPON[5], Smart cities and communities4, IEEE Smart Cities Initiative[6]. On the national level, the proposed research project is consistent with basic orientations of strategic research programmes in all mentioned fields that follow European directives and documents.   IMPORTANCE FOR THE SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS   The structured and modular system of indicators for the assessment within the selected categories of efficiency highly contributes to a wider research field. Firstly, the project results are gained with the support of knowledge and working methods from a wider spectre of disciplines. Thus, it addresses a wider research, expert and academic community. This enables the transfer of new knowledge among disciplines that deal with the planning of urban space on the level of neighbourhoods.   The revision of the elements and spatial qualities in the built environment (level of neighbourhoods) adds new knowledge on the dynamics into the stock of knowledge of participating research-technical disciplines that address neighbourhood retrofitting and its more sustainable and high-quality design   In the light of architecture and urban practices the project at hand contributes to expanding expertise in the field of evaluation and assessment of built environment as a whole and analytically, in relation to its individual parts. It identifies impacts on energy efficiency made by individual conditions, to environmental sustainability, economic vitality or the quality of dwelling. [1]http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?qid=1399375464230 [2] Digital Agenda for Europe [3] Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community [4] Smart cities and communities - European innovation partnership [5] ESPON: http://www.espon.eu/main/ [6] The IEEE program to develop ten smart cities
Significance for the country
The project is socially important due to its transfer, development and relation to the comprehensive objectives of sustainable development of built environment from European and world wide scale into Slovene territory specifics. Drawing from various disciplines and thus connecting them, gives the interdisciplinary approach, which is in this subject matter necessary, greater legitimacy. By actively engaging individuals into data collection, raising awareness and educating on sustainable efficiency of their neighbourhood, which they have a direct and concrete experience with, and actively including them into the system of energy saving measures, active population/citizenship in modern, ICT-supported, democratic societies is being encouraged. Assigning neighbourhoods as the carriers of retrofitting process and sustainable development in the field of dwelling culture presents a factor of immediate social relevance, essential in committing to reduced energy use, emissions and the use of alternative resources, as well as a tangible, manageable, vital, even more concrete, synergetic whole in issues related to preserving identity, cultural-historic heritage, active citizenship and the transfer of social values. Sustainability performance index brings us a step closer to a comprehensive, operative insight into sustainable spatial efficiency in the field of dwelling and the management of space in urbanised areas in Slovenia. The carriers (ministries, municipalities, institutions, and institutes) and operators of space/infrastructure, regulators, those in charge of setting energy and spatial policies and decision-makers obtain with the project the strategic “tool” for impact assessment, regulation, the design of strategies and policies. In the second phase (they obtain the operative tool for modular retrofitting.     Direct impact for the economy includes technological development (impact on the development of construction, infrastructure, sustainability-oriented technologies and smart solutions in the field of urbanism and cities), connecting data and indicators, connecting and implementing various technologies with the carriers of socially committed interest groups (also with the help of ICT technologies) and introduces one of the tools for designing strategic and operational policies that will connect sustainable improvements of neighbourhoods with sensible economic logic into eco-society, which is not only socially and ethically richer but also economically viable and thus competitive.   Considering the economic situation and the lack of investments in building/construction sector, it is the energy and sustainable improvement of neighbourhoods, where one of the greatest potentials for companies lies (not only construction sector).
Most important scientific results Interim report, final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Interim report, final report
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