PhD Boštjan Kerbler

PhD Boštjan Kerbler
no.: 23488 source: ARIS

researcher – active in research organisation
Foreign language skills
Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.08.00  Social sciences  Urbanism   
6.12.02  Humanities  Geography  Social geography 

Code Science Field
S230  Social sciences  Social geography 
housing, real estate management, living environments
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on July 26, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022 (update for tender in 2023: YES)
Data for ARIS tenders ( 21.05.2024 – Target research programmes, archive )
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS 20  134  124  6.2 
Scopus 46  208  186  4.04 
source: ARIS
Level of education Professional title Study subject Faculty Year
    Geography and history  SI University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts 2002 
Doctor's degree  Ph. D.   Geography  SI University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts 2007 
Doctoral dissertations and other final papers Show
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source: COBISS
source: ARIS
Type of employment Research org. Research group Date of employment Position Role Title
Full time employment (100%, RD:100%)  Urban planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia  Spatial Planning  1/1/2003  Reserch and development associate  Researcher   
Research projects Legend
source: ARIS
no. Code Title Period Head No. of publications
1. J5-50175  Digitalization of elderly people’s home environments in Slovenia   2023 - 2024  PhD Boštjan Kerbler  1,656 
2. J7-4599  Health-oriented behavior as a creator of sustainable development of the built environment   2022 - 2024  PhD Bojan Grum  3,479 
3. V5-2337  Housing provision in Slovenia: a social survey on the state and trends   2023 - 2024  PhD Mitja Hafner Fink  1,817 
4. J5-2568  Public space for the needs of the elderly in large housing estates in Slovenia   2020 - 2023  PhD Boštjan Kerbler  2,204 
5. J5-2569  Quality of living in the housing estates of the socialist and post-socialist era: A comparative analysis between Slovenia and Croatia   2020 - 2023  PhD Richard Sendi  1,056 
6. J6-8266  Environmental effects and karst water sources: impacts, vulnerability and adaptation of land use   2017 - 2020  PhD Nataša Viršek Ravbar  5,754 
7. J5-8243  The Model of Quality Aging in Place in Slovenia   2017 - 2020  PhD Boštjan Kerbler  1,904 
8. J5-7178  INTEGRAL SYSTEM OF FLOOD SUSTAINABLE SPATIAL PLANNING   2016 - 2018  PhD Barbara Goličnik Marušić  2,679 
9. J5-7295  Urban renewal decision support system balancing energy efficiency and management of local resources in neighbourhoods in Slovenia   2016 - 2018  PhD Tadeja Zupančič  2,466 
10. J5-6824  Innovative Forms of Living Environments for Elderly People in Slovenia   2014 - 2017  PhD Boštjan Kerbler  1,647 
11. J5-4321  Model for the implementation of an efficient rental housing market in Slovenia   2011 - 2013  PhD Richard Sendi  1,074 
12. V5-1094  Prilagajanje podnebnim spremembam z orodji prostorskega načrtovanja (Slovene)   2010 - 2012  PhD Mojca Golobič  1,457 
13. Z5-2062  SISTEM TELENEGE ZA STAREJšE LJUDI: s posebnim poudarkom na oskrbi starejšega prebivalstva v perifernih podeželskih območjih Slovenije (Slovene)   2009 - 2011  PhD Boštjan Kerbler  383 
14. L5-2381  Ukrepi za uresničevanje pravic invalidv do dostopa brez ovir: inventarizacija obstoječih grajenih ovir v grajenem okolju in v pomembnih javnih objektih po Sloveniji (Slovene)   2009  PhD Richard Sendi  2,055 
15. L5-0012  Measures for the realisation of the rights of the disabled to barrier-free access   2008 - 2009  PhD Richard Sendi  1,881 
16. L5-6500  RESTATE - Restructuring Large-scale Housing Estates in European Cities: Good Practices and New Visions for Sustainable Neighbourhoods and Cities   2004 - 2007  PhD Richard Sendi  1,401 
17. V5-0963  Določitev primerjalnih prednosti območja Alpe-Jadran v širšem evropskem prostoru (Slovene)   2005  MSc Andrej Gulič  1,725 
ARIS research and infrastructure programmes Legend
source: ARIS
no. Code Title Period Head No. of publications
1. P5-0100  Spatial Planning   2018 - 2024  PhD Barbara Goličnik Marušić  2,624 
2. P5-0100  Spatial Planning   2014 - 2017  PhD Barbara Goličnik Marušić  3,322 
3. P5-0100  Spatial planning   2009 - 2013  PhD Barbara Goličnik Marušić  5,015 
4. P5-0100  Spatial planning   2004 - 2008  PhD Breda Mihelič  3,750 
Doctor Bostjan Kerbler is scientific counsellor with many years of experience in the theoretical and empirical research. Already at the time of the study he received two awards for outstanding research achievements. His specialist area of work are housing studies. He became well known as the editor in chief of the international indexed scientific journal and rose it to higher levels, for which he received many acknowledgements. He has published numerous scientific articles in peer-reviewed national and international journals. He is a member of the scientific committee, a member of the editorial boards of various international scientific journals, a member of the scientific committees of international scientific conferences, a member of several international professional organizations and peer-reviewer of scientific monographs and international scientific journals. He is also ranked as an associate professor. He lectures at the master's and doctoral studies at the Infrastructure and Real Estate Management Department. He is a member of the Study Commission, a member of the Commission for Quality and Evaluation, a representative of higher education teachers in the Commission for the Quality of Studies, and the President of the Disciplinary Commission. In addition to teaching he performs mentoring activity. He is an excellent organizer and motivator, and an outstanding advisor and lecturer, which is why he is highly respected and appreciated among people.
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