Groups source: ARIS

Centre for Methodology and Information Science

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.03.00  Social sciences  Sociology   
1.01.06  Natural sciences and mathematics  Mathematics  Probability and statistics 
2.07.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Computer science and informatics   
Statistics, social science methodology, multivariate analysis, social network analysis, measurement quality, sampling, survey errors, internet research, web surveys, modeling.
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on April 23, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS 175  3,425  3,146  17.98 
Scopus 220  4,882  4,449  20.22 
Researchers (15)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Status No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  36383  PhD Sara Atanasova  Sociology  Researcher  72 
2.  37184  PhD Marjan Cugmas  Sociology  Researcher  142 
3.  10156  MSc Janez Jug  Sociology  Junior expert or technical associate  62 
4.  16367  PhD Tina Kogovšek  Sociology  Researcher  350 
5.  28074  PhD Luka Kronegger  Sociology  Researcher  140 
6.  23827  PhD Bojana Lobe  Political science  Researcher  190 
7.  13767  PhD Andrej Mrvar  Sociology  Researcher  285 
8.  50571  PhD Špela Orehek  Sociology  Researcher  31 
9.  19074  PhD Gregor Petrič  Sociology  Researcher  261 
10.  29058  Vika Pušnik  Sociology  Junior expert or technical associate 
11.  55874  Kristina Rakinić  Sociology  Researcher  33 
12.  19505  PhD Damjan Škulj  Sociology  Researcher  157 
13.  30918  PhD Lovro Šubelj  Computer science and informatics  Researcher  119 
14.  56526  Fabio Ashtar Telarico  Sociology  Researcher  21 
15.  27576  PhD Aleš Žiberna  Sociology  Researcher  175 
Research projects (32) Legend
no. Code Title Period Head of the group No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  J5-9336  Opportunities and dangers of online health communities for healthcare  7/1/2018 - 6/30/2022  PhD Gregor Petrič  1,871 
2.  J7-8279  Blockmodeling multilevel and temporal networks  5/1/2017 - 4/30/2020  PhD Aleš Žiberna  3,042 
3.  J5-7551  Social mechanisms for establishing and maintaining of scientific collaboration  3/1/2016 - 2/28/2019  PhD Anuška Ferligoj  1,908 
4.  J5-5537  Cooperation networks in Slovene science  8/1/2013 - 7/31/2016  PhD Anuška Ferligoj  2,887 
5.  J5-5540  Sexuality in Secondary-school Students in Slovenia: behaviour, health and attitudes  1/1/2013 - 7/31/2016  PhD Tina Kogovšek  3,434 
6.  N5-0016  Social Influence in Dynamic Networks (Slovene)  1/1/2012 - 12/31/2014  PhD Anuška Ferligoj  1,396 
7.  J5-4159  Developing an integrated model of indicators for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of e-government policies  7/1/2011 - 6/30/2014  PhD Mirko Vintar  3,732 
8.  J5-4177  Information-communication technologies and transformation of survey research in social sciences  7/1/2011 - 6/30/2014  PhD Vasja Vehovar  2,483 
9.  Z5-2306  Razmerje med e-vključenostjo in socialno vključenostjo: teoretske in empirične zaznave (Slovene)  5/1/2009 - 6/30/2013  PhD Vesna Dolničar  333 
10.  V1-1003  Stroški in napake v uradnih anketah (Slovene)  10/1/2010 - 11/30/2012  PhD Mojca Bavdaž  2,442 
11.  V2-1021  E-kompetentni državljan Slovenije (EKDS) (Slovene)  10/1/2010 - 9/30/2012  PhD Janez Bešter  2,752 
12.  J5-2101  Dinamika soavtorskih omrežij slovenskih raziskovalcev (Slovene)  5/1/2009 - 4/30/2012  PhD Anuška Ferligoj  1,715 
13.  J5-2205  Intimni življenjski stili študentov in študentk v Sloveniji (Slovene)  5/1/2009 - 4/30/2012  PhD Tina Kogovšek  2,815 
14.  L5-2291  Kaj slovenski otroci počnejo na Internetu? (Slovene)  5/1/2009 - 4/30/2012  PhD Bojana Lobe  1,216 
15.  V2-1022  Obvladovanje tehničnih in gospodarsko-družbenih vidikov Interneta stvari v slovenskem okolju (akronim OTGDV-ISt) (Slovene)  10/1/2010 - 9/30/2011  PhD Denis Trček  1,722 
16.  V5-0427  Stanje in trendi rabe IKT v izobraževanju v Sloveniji (Slovene)  9/1/2008 - 8/31/2011  PhD Vasja Vehovar  1,934 
17.  J7-0004  The integration of Internet technology into probability-based sample surveys  2/1/2008 - 1/30/2011  PhD Vasja Vehovar  1,972 
18.  V5-0453  Merjenje razvojno-raziskovalnega potenciala na področju IKT v Sloveniji (Slovene)  9/1/2008 - 8/31/2010  PhD Jaroslav Berce  399 
19.  J7-9248  E-democracy and dynamic web interfaces  1/1/2007 - 12/31/2009  PhD Vasja Vehovar  2,582 
20.  M2-0242  Razvoj sistema upravljanja z znanji v SV (Slovene)  10/1/2007 - 9/30/2009  PhD Jaroslav Berce  4,189 
21.  V5-0227  Evalvacija stanja ter ukrepi za izboljšanje IKT pismenosti (Slovene)  10/1/2006 - 9/30/2008  PhD Vasja Vehovar  1,122 
22.  J5-7029  Social and cultural aspects of virtual lifestyles  9/1/2005 - 8/31/2008  PhD Vasja Vehovar  2,563 
23.  M5-0175  Modeliranja obrambnih segmentov z markovskimi verigami (Slovene)  6/1/2006 - 11/30/2007  PhD Vasja Vehovar  9,169 
24.  L5-6461  Extension of the time distance method to the problem of digital divides  7/1/2004 - 6/30/2007  PhD Vasja Vehovar  1,563 
25.  J3-6204  Samomor v Sloveniji: globalni pogled na razvoj tveganja na samomorilno tveganje (Slovene)  2/1/2004 - 1/30/2007  PhD Andrej Marušič  3,708 
26.  V2-0509  Spremljanje razvoja informacijske družbe (Slovene)  1/1/2002 - 10/31/2006  PhD Vasja Vehovar  1,096 
27.  V5-0652  Pomen socialnega kapitala za mlade raziskovalce (Slovene)  10/1/2002 - 9/30/2006  PhD Anuška Ferligoj  2,259 
28.  V5-0651  Evalvacija uporabe IKT pri poučevanju in učenju (Slovene)  10/1/2002 - 9/30/2004  PhD Vasja Vehovar  1,008 
29.  Z5-3350  Measurement, analysis and visualization of social networks  7/1/2001 - 6/30/2004  PhD Andrej Mrvar  1,172 
30.  J5-7772  Metodološki problemi zbiranja in analize podatkov v družboslovju (Slovene)  1/1/1996 - 6/30/2001  PhD Anuška Ferligoj  3,173 
31.  V3-8568  Spolno vedenje Slovencev (Slovene)  9/1/1996 - 8/31/2000  PhD Igor Švab  3,505 
32.  L5-8994  Methodological issues of Internet research  1/1/1997 - 12/31/1999  PhD Vasja Vehovar  1,213 
ARIS research and infrastructure programmes (4) Legend
no. Code Title Period Head of the group No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  P5-0168  Social Sciences Methodology, Statistics and Informatics  1/1/2015 - 12/31/2021  PhD Gregor Petrič  2,610 
2.  P5-0168  Social Sciences Methodology, Statistics and Informatics  1/1/2009 - 12/31/2014  PhD Anuška Ferligoj  4,261 
3.  P5-0168  Social Sciences Methodology, Statistics and Informatics  1/1/2004 - 12/31/2008  PhD Anuška Ferligoj  3,621 
4.  P0-0509-0582  Social Science Methodology, Statistics, and Informatics  1/1/1999 - 12/31/2003  PhD Anuška Ferligoj  3,506 
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