Projects / Programmes
Analitična filozofija in klasični filozofski problemi (Slovene)
January 1, 1999
- December 31, 2003
Code |
Science |
Field |
Subfield |
6.10.00 |
Humanities |
Philosophy |
Code |
Science |
Field |
H001 |
Humanities |
Philosophy |
Researchers (8)
Organisations (1)
Analytic philosophy is the heir of the most admirable achievements of classical philosophy, from Socrates and Plato to Hume and Kant. All the aforementioned philosophers conceived of philosophy as a rational and cognitive enterprise, inseparable from science. They were primarily focused on philosophical problems, their research was often inspired by scientific findings and their method of inquiry was argumentative and logical rather than interpretative and historical. The use of such a rational, argumentative method was limited not just to theoretical philosophy, but was from the very beginnings of philosophising employed in practical philosophy as well. Both ethics and political philosophy, as practised in contemporary analytic tradition, are rightly seen as one of the best-developed and fruitful philosophical disciplines. Furthermore, political liberalism, in its present form, originated from the tradition of British empiricism, with authors such as Locke and Mill, and was further refined and developed by some of the most distinguished contemporary analytic philosophers, such as Rawls, Dworkin and Judith Thomson. Practical, normative ethical issues - questions of distributive justice, human rights, decisions about life and death, including abortion, euthanasia and genetic engineering - are among the most exploited topics of analytic philosophy. In our research project, we plan to approach ethical issues from a more general, anthropological perspective.
Another question we want to deal with is the question of being - on what there is in the world - and of how to specify it with the help of classificatory methods that were first proposed by Greek philosophers as a basis for constructing categorial ontology. Alternative approaches, by employing different categories, suggest alternative descriptions of reality, but their common basis nevertheless provides a single criterion of objectivity, thereby making possible a critical assessment of various approaches, from realist to nominalist and conceptualist.
The third question concerns the correct understanding of works of art. The two main opponents in the debate are intentionalists and anti-intentionalists. According to the former, what determines the meaning of a particular art work is intentions, either those of the author (actual intentionalism) or those of the consumer (hypothetical intentionalism). We want to determine the real merits and force of the arguments given in support of the actual intentionalism. A closely related question we want to explore regards the nature of aesthetic judgments: are these empirical judgments, and if so, are they judgments of perception or experience?
The impact of the research project on science in general:
Analytical philosophy has been often mistaken for/reduced to logic and scientific philosophy in the past. It was criticized, by its oponents, for its alleged hostility towards traditional, perenial philosophical problems. The aim of the research project is to prove this objection false. We rarely see traditional philosophical questions discussed in a way characteristic for this project, namely in a strict and rigorous manner. This is even more true of contemporary philosophy, which is marked by highly detailed, yet often methodologically flawed (incoherent) inquiries into the subject. We would like to establish, with regard to each of the subtopics mentioned above, a scientifically and methodologically original, but no less firm basis for the solution of philosophical problems that were originally formulated in the classical tradition of continental philosophy.
The impact of the research project on science in Slovenia:
The proposed research project is the first project that will try to apply and evaluate the most recent scientific discoveries within the domain of philosophy. In other words, it is the first large project in analytic philosophy to be accomplished in Slovenia. Besides this, the approval of this application ...
Most important scientific results
Final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results
Final report