Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Geoinformation infrastructure and sustainable spatial development of Slovenia

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.17.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Geodesy   
5.08.00  Social sciences  Urbanism   
2.01.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Civil engineering   

Code Science Field
P515  Natural sciences and mathematics  Geodesy 
geodesy, terrestrial reference systems, geodetic surveying, earth surface displacements and deformations, modern geodetic measuring techniques, geodynamics, cartography, photogrammetry, land cadastre, geographic information systems, spatial and urban planning, land management, rural development, regional development, civil engineering, municipality engineering, education
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (28)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  12247  PhD Tomaž Ambrožič  Geodesy  Researcher  2004 - 2008  685 
2.  07470  PhD Aleš Breznikar  Geodesy  Researcher  2004 - 2008  159 
3.  14001  PhD Marjan Čeh  Geodesy  Researcher  2004 - 2008  236 
4.  03784  PhD Miran Ferlan  Geodesy  Researcher  2004 - 2008  471 
5.  17882  PhD Dejan Grigillo  Geodesy  Researcher  2004  198 
6.  27534  PhD Jure Klopčič  Civil engineering  Junior researcher  2007 - 2008  94 
7.  05674  PhD Dušan Kogoj  Geodesy  Researcher  2004 - 2008  959 
8.  07531  PhD Božo Koler  Geodesy  Researcher  2004 - 2008  506 
9.  06120  PhD Mojca Kosmatin Fras  Geodesy  Researcher  2004 - 2008  547 
10.  10398  PhD Miran Kuhar  Geodesy  Researcher  2004 - 2008  469 
11.  24340  PhD Anka Lisec  Geodesy  Researcher  2006 - 2008  828 
12.  27940  Albin Mencin    Technical associate  2007 - 2008  34 
13.  17446  Milan Pajer    Technical associate  2004 - 2005 
14.  19585  PhD Polona Pavlovčič Prešeren  Geodesy  Researcher  2004 - 2008  330 
15.  15392  PhD Dušan Petrovič  Geodesy  Researcher  2004 - 2008  599 
16.  02453  PhD Andrej Pogačnik  Urbanism  Researcher  2004 - 2008  496 
17.  05764  PhD Anton Prosen  Geodesy  Researcher  2004 - 2008  648 
18.  01201  PhD Albin Rakar  Urbanism  Researcher  2004 - 2008  427 
19.  00770  PhD Branko Janez Rojc  Geodesy  Researcher  2004 - 2005  672 
20.  13531  PhD Simona Savšek  Geodesy  Researcher  2004 - 2008  402 
21.  17448  Konstanca Soss    Technical associate  2004 - 2005  28 
22.  17447  Bojan Stegenšek    Technical associate  2004 - 2008  121 
23.  25481  PhD Oskar Sterle  Geodesy  Junior researcher  2006 - 2007  184 
24.  10196  PhD Bojan Stopar  Geodesy  Head  2004 - 2008  834 
25.  05560  PhD Maruška Šubic Kovač  Urbanism  Researcher  2004 - 2008  956 
26.  02019  PhD Radoš Šumrada  Geodesy  Researcher  2004 - 2008  291 
27.  00526  PhD Florjan Vodopivec  Geodesy  Researcher  2004 - 2005  366 
28.  13184  PhD Alma Zavodnik Lamovšek  Urbanism  Researcher  2008  902 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0792  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering  Ljubljana  1626981  26,187 
Spatial data (Geo information) infrastructure is realized by geodetic professional and scientific activities. The base of the spatial data infrastructure is the quality coordinate system. The official coordinate system in Slovenia is unsuitable for today's requirements, so the main task of slovenian geodetic science community is the establishment of the new terrestrial coordinate system. Modern reference systems are realized through the theories, methods and tecnologies of satellite geodesy and terrestrial surveying and with the quality modelling of obtained observations. The Earth is a dynamic planet perpetually changing. Since these changes can be observed, the important role in this resarch is the development of first geo-kinematic models of Slovenian territory. The Europe, as well Slovenia is in the process of implementation of the (ESRS) European Spatial Reference System, because the quality and interconnection of spatial data became more and more important. Spatial data infrastructure form geodetic service data bases such as: land cadastre and state topographic and cartographic system. Connection of digital land cadastre data and topographic databases aims at improving digital cadastral maps, whereas relative map accuracy as primary legal source is preserved. The results lead to new real estate record, i.e. 3D cadastre of real estates. For the establishement of this record, new standards have to be prepared. This field of profession is covered by different international standards (ISO/DIS, CEN ENV), which however define only the basic parameters that need to be evaluated and improved. Quality measures must be developed for the use in practice. Improvement of cadastral maps is the primary duty within the EU countries that will improve the security of real estate transactions. The property market enables and facilitates general progress of economy, whereby the provision and harmonization of quality spatial data is the base for property evaluation and for realization of such transactions. The goal is to provide a transparent real estate market and to lessen the property transaction costs. For property transactions one has to develop transparent methods for land evaluation and the compliance with the international standards. Further on land and buildings cadastre, land registry and topographic databases should be integrated. Collateral the cartographic development of topographic data structures will proceed in order to assure their further interoperability and quality that will be harmonized with the adequate EU standards and regulations. Researches in topographic infrastructure include: analyses of user needs and of the existing topographical databases, implementation of Slovenian and European legislation as well as the NATO standards, preparation of required legislation and regulations, spatial data compatibility of the neighbouring countries, modelling of relational and logical topographic data infrastructure models, assurance of data retrieval, preparation of standard digital formats, analyses of data history. 3D cartographic visualisation is still a research topic also in developed countries, because it is much more comprehensive than presentation in 2 D. Geoinformatics is an important tool for sustainable land use. Data which are describing natural, technical, economic, social conditions, and ecological limitations are needed for planning. In market economies the link between land use planning and real estate property evaluation is important and will be researched. Sustainable comprehensive planning requires cooperation between sectorial planning. Sectorial planning must correspond to the needs of environmental protection and interdisciplinarity. The research program will cover this field. Special attention will be focused on rural planning in Slovenia which has to preserve landscape and maintain ecological balance. Besides, planning the agricultural lands is a permanent research challenge in EU.
Significance for science
Throughout its history, geodetic science adjusted available measuring techniques to the needs of geodesists, taking care of the quality and accuracy of the measurements. The situation is nowadays the same: available measuring technologies are upgraded through various algorithms for observations processing, unique software and working methods, assuring high standards of service. Therefore, research of our research group was aimed at analysis of up-to-date technologies, methodologies, and concepts, trying to add new knowledge in quality treatment of physical space. We have aimed at automated and reliable methods of massive data acquisition, analysis and presentation of immense amount of spatial data. We have started to use some alternative techniques of spatial data evaluation e.g. artificial neural networks. The work was oriented towards geodynamic phenomena and this resulted with the first reliable and complete insight into geodynamics of Slovenian territory. Various methods of deformation analysis were implemented for the purpose of stability monitoring of built objects and geodynamic phenomena. It was shown that some of the postulates, generally accepted for a long time in geodetic science could not always be used without any doubt. Three-dimensional mapping of spatial data are far more intuitive and attractive for user as the ordinary maps. This kind of interference of spatial data is very effective and suitable for the presentation of the actual conditions. The new technology, developed in recent years enabled three-dimensional mapping, although the representation methodology is for the sake of simplicity of data acquisition, limited to photo-realistic mapping. The performed research contributed to preparation of suitable methodology for spatial data representation in three-dimensional environment, considering valuable centenarian experience of cartographic data representation. Spatial data representation requires more and more amount of spatial data. Therefore our research war aimed at massive data acquisition. New technologies like lidar technique are very promising because of possibility to acquire quickly a big amount of different spatial data. Our work dealt also with the possible use of aerial lidar data and also the estimation of various analytical error models of lidar technique, enabling later on better understanding of acquired data. It has been estimated that over 80% of human or institutional decisions refer to space directly or indirectly. Development of the information technology and geographical information systems as the consequence gave the spatial data a special role since spatial data has become a crucial platform for human decisions as well as for monitoring activities in the space. The methodological approaches to development of conceptual models, analysis of data quality, systematic specification of spatial data (such as reference systems, parameters of quality) provide the base for qualitative use and integration of numerous spatial data also at the international level. Together with the familiarity of the procedures in the fields of real estate management, the quality of spatial data further contributes to the qualitative methodological approach to spatial planning. The developed methodology for modelling of real estate transaction procedures as well as the holistic approach to the analyses of the activities in the space has become an advanced approach on the international level. In the field of developing sustainable methods for spatial planning, the research provided new knowledge in the specific circumstances of a small, transitional country – represented by Slovenia. Sustainable planning methods in the fields of rural planning, urban system, regional planning were the main research results. The model of global compensation of urban land uses is a new research achievement on the international level as well.
Significance for the country
In 2008 Slovenia adopted new coordinate system in order to enable quality positioning and unification of spatial data. The decision was based on numerous analysis of the old system and the presence of new technologies, which enable realization of the new system and newly acquired positions into the system. Positioning based on GNSS enables the acquisition of spatial data of high quality. Quality of the spatial data was for a long time been ignored within Slovenian geodetic community and it caused a lot of damage. We are sure that establishment of the new reference system is a great achievement. The coordinate system is not yet broadly used, but its use is obligatory in the real estate registration. Its implementation into all aspects of geoinformation infrastructure - GI is scheduled for the next decade. Our work was oriented also to the role of time component in the frame of GI. We have determined the first geo-kinematic model of the whole Slovenian territory. It was connected with other data from the two seismic active zones in Slovenia, Posočje and Krško. With the similar methods we have been involved in stability monitoring of built objects, important for the Slovenian economy. We have collaborated to stability monitoring of the highways, land surface at the area of coalmine, various hydro and nuclear powerplant Krško. Establishment of length etalon for leveling rods and EDM comparator network is of great importance for assurance of standardized unit of measure in description of points positions in space. Various software packages are becoming the standard for users in Slovenia. The software deals with all kinds of least squares techniques of data adjustment, deformation analysis, transformation of coordinates etc. The national topographic data or spatial data represents the main platform for the policy of spatial development and decision making in all activities, linked to the space. The research results represent an important contribution to the effective organization and provision of spatial data, and have further contributed to better cooperation with the neighbour countries in the fields of provision of spatial data. A special emphasize has been given to the lidar technology, which is supposed to be one of future technologies for mass acquisition of spatial data. Spatial data provide the base for several decisions of a man or society; at the same time the role of the spatial data has to be emphasized in the sense of providing data for protection of numerous rights, which refer to the land, real estate. For these reasons, standardization of the field of spatial data, geoinformation is of crucial importance for each society. In Slovenia, the accepted standards and standards that are planned to be adopted in the near future in these fields will definitely contribute to unification of the approaches to acquisition, maintaining and managing of spatial data, and to more effective public administration and controlling of the spatial development as the consequence. Here, the importance of developed methodology for modelling real estate transactions has to be highlighted, based on unified modelling language, where the international comparison of the procedures was done as well in the paste research period. This models can provide a platform for simplification and optimization of procedures in the public sector that refers to the spatial planning an real estate management. In the field of spatial planning, the main research results were the classification of MEGA and FUA towns in Slovenia. In the field of rural planning the proposed new methods will contribute to the renewal of Slovenian villages. The research of possible Slovenian regions will emphasize the importance of the subdivision on six to eight regions. Prof. Pogačnik was the member of the governmental task force in preparing the Slovenian development program 2007-2013 and he contributed sustainable viewpoints in planning.
Most important scientific results Final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Final report, complete report on dLib.si
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