Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Geoinformation infrastructure and sustainable spatial development of Slovenia

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.17.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Geodesy   
5.08.00  Social sciences  Urbanism   

Code Science Field
P515  Natural sciences and mathematics  Geodesy 

Code Science Field
2.07  Engineering and Technology  Environmental engineering  
5.07  Social Sciences  Social and economic geography 
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (36)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  12247  PhD Tomaž Ambrožič  Geodesy  Researcher  2013 - 2017  683 
2.  07470  PhD Aleš Breznikar  Geodesy  Researcher  2013  159 
3.  14001  PhD Marjan Čeh  Geodesy  Researcher  2013 - 2017  236 
4.  39205  PhD Urška Drešček  Geodesy  Junior researcher  2016 - 2017  20 
5.  11215  PhD Samo Drobne  Geodesy  Researcher  2013 - 2017  875 
6.  03784  PhD Miran Ferlan  Geodesy  Researcher  2013 - 2017  471 
7.  17898  PhD Mojca Foški  Urbanism  Researcher  2013 - 2017  392 
8.  17882  PhD Dejan Grigillo  Geodesy  Researcher  2013 - 2017  197 
9.  05674  PhD Dušan Kogoj  Geodesy  Researcher  2013 - 2017  958 
10.  07531  PhD Božo Koler  Geodesy  Researcher  2013 - 2017  505 
11.  32010  Miha Konjar  Computer science and informatics  Junior researcher  2013 - 2014  71 
12.  06120  PhD Mojca Kosmatin Fras  Geodesy  Researcher  2013 - 2017  547 
13.  23500  PhD Klemen Kozmus Trajkovski  Geodesy  Researcher  2013 - 2017  157 
14.  33435  PhD Klemen Kregar  Geodesy  Researcher  2013 - 2017  347 
15.  10398  PhD Miran Kuhar  Geodesy  Researcher  2013 - 2017  469 
16.  24340  PhD Anka Lisec  Geodesy  Researcher  2013 - 2017  822 
17.  26122  PhD Aleš Marjetič  Geodesy  Researcher  2013 - 2017  396 
18.  27940  Albin Mencin    Technical associate  2013 - 2016  34 
19.  33468  PhD Gašper Mrak  Urbanism  Researcher  2013 - 2017  141 
20.  19585  PhD Polona Pavlovčič Prešeren  Geodesy  Researcher  2013 - 2017  328 
21.  32889  Petra Pergar  Hydrology  Junior researcher  2013  43 
22.  15392  PhD Dušan Petrovič  Geodesy  Researcher  2013 - 2017  598 
23.  02453  PhD Andrej Pogačnik  Urbanism  Researcher  2013  496 
24.  32886  Matija Polajnar  Urbanism  Technical associate  2013 - 2016  109 
25.  01201  PhD Albin Rakar  Urbanism  Researcher  2013  427 
26.  13531  PhD Simona Savšek  Geodesy  Researcher  2013 - 2017  401 
27.  25481  PhD Oskar Sterle  Geodesy  Researcher  2013 - 2017  182 
28.  10196  PhD Bojan Stopar  Geodesy  Head  2013 - 2017  834 
29.  36874  PhD Gašper Štebe  Geodesy  Technical associate  2016 - 2017  231 
30.  05560  PhD Maruška Šubic Kovač  Urbanism  Researcher  2013 - 2017  956 
31.  02019  PhD Radoš Šumrada  Geodesy  Researcher  2013 - 2016  291 
32.  38467  PhD Jernej Tekavec  Geodesy  Technical associate  2016 - 2017  69 
33.  18846  Barbara Trobec    Technical associate  2013 - 2017  45 
34.  33455  PhD Tilen Urbančič  Geodesy  Technical associate  2014 - 2016  246 
35.  33184  Anja Vrečko  Geodesy  Junior researcher  2013 - 2014  22 
36.  13184  PhD Alma Zavodnik Lamovšek  Urbanism  Researcher  2013 - 2017  901 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0792  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering  Ljubljana  1626981  26,007 
Spatial data infrastructure is the key infrastructure of modern society, which has to be standardized and adjusted between offers and users at the national and international level. The mission and responsibility of geodetic science is to assure reference frame for spatial data, used by many professions. In recent time, mass acquisition of spatial data is attained by means of numerous new technologies, so the quality and connectivity of this data is very important. Research program will be focused in searching synergy between various concepts of acquisition, analysis, modeling and use of spatial data and we will continue to develop new, society useful services. Besides the establishment of new national coordinate system, geokinematic model at the territory of Slovenia will be determined, which can be used in other research areas i.e. seismic hazard modeling. New geoid model will be determined along with the connection of horizontal and vertical components of the national coordinate system. Part of the research will be GNSS positioning techniques for very precise applications. Combination of various data obtained by different measuring techniques (satellite, terrestrial and aerial) will be tested in the common mathematical model, for the use in different specific applications (GNSS positioning in adverse condition, engineering geodesy). New procedure and products from the sources of remote sensing will be developed (total ortophoto, automatic acquisition of topographic content), also original procedures for the evaluation of Lidar data and new procedure in the field of deformation monitoring. In the field of spatial data visualization, we will develop advanced cartographic concepts for contemporary, web supported, cartographic products. Furthermore, the modeling concepts of physical and abstract reality in GIS will be developed. In the field of land administration and land management there is the need to develop and establish of the 3D land administration system. Here, a special attention will be given to the optimization of land administration procedures. In the field of spatial development the relationship between the metropolitan areas of bigger European cities, land use change will be studied, and the relationship between the rural and urban areas will be analyzed. Furthermore, the decision models for land development potential will be developed; for this purpose, technical and business evidences will be joined and the valuation model for the public infrastructure in the local communities will be defined. Since the need for building land is still present, the models of different land policies will be proposed, including the model of building land development.
Significance for science
Humankind is trying to create conditions for reliable decision-making. Numerous data are collected for that purpose and relevant information is created. Quality and prompt data are necessary for decision-making regarding the monitoring and interventions in the space and environment. Numerous technologies are available providing large amount of data yet relevant information for quality decision-making are often missing. Primary objective of the research within this program will be focused on analysis of the technologies, methodologies and conceptual frame to obtain, evaluate, manage and analyze spatial data with the goal of creating relevant information. Taking into account the multidisciplinary cooperation, from geology to agriculture, expected results are to be even more useful and with greater value. Technological development ensures higher and higher quality and bigger amount of observations in order to get more and more detailed description of space and environment. Surveying models needs to be redefined regarding that many of them were created in the period when there were less data available and of lower quality. Besides the rising amount of data and lack of quality information, the problem of losing certain amount of data will be taken into consideration. Scientific research will be focused in optimization of information acquisition from the data, which are present but we don’t know how to sense them or don’t know how to describe them in an analytical way. To connect the data with “analytically indescribable” information, research the artificial intelligence use and other advanced methods will be considered. Large datasets arise the challenges in the field of ontology and semantic connectivity of the datasets and defines another focus point of the research. The research will be oriented on the land and real estate records in connection with numerous spatial and environmental records. In order to support the efficiency of land administration system, the concept of multi-purpose cadaster, which follows the idea of unified database of land and real estate, will be developed. An important contribution will represent the concept of 3D cadaster with analysis of the potential to establish it with its possible use. Furthermore, the field of spatial data and information visualization will be addressed – the topic is very challenging – from 1D to 4D space models. An important aspect of the research refers to the informational and semantics connectivity of the spatial datasets, which is crucial for the geo-information infrastructure quality and implementation of quality standards of spatial data are of crucial importance for qualitative decision making in the space and environment. For the sustainable spatial development, the developed decision models for land use in the process of spatial planning, building land development, investments and management of residential buildings and valuation of the public infrastructure are of high importance.
Significance for the country
The importance of timely and qualitative spatial and environmental data has been growing for quick and suitable decision making at different levels of spatial and environmental activities. The spatial data or geoinformation infrastructure has become in Slovenia as well as in Europe the object of different politics and directives (Directive 2007/2/ES of European Parliament and Council about the establishment of Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the EU-INSPIRE). Mass acquisition of spatial data in the past decade in Slovenia and the incompatibility of the activities among different institutions and sectors have brought numerous problems in terms of applicability of the state geoinformation infrastructure. One of the reasons is also the poor condition of the state coordinate system. These problems stimulated activities in the field of establishment of new coordinate system, which is the basis for quality and interoperability of spatial data. A special importance of the results is to be expected in the field of spatial data infrastructure and land administration system. Problem of weak interoperability of land administration data within the system demands a system approach and long-term strategy development of spatial data infrastructure and land administration. With the optimization of procedures within the land administration system the efficient and transparent system could be established, which is of crucial importance in different fields, including agriculture and problem of food self-security (agrarian operation, cadastral rearrangement by spatial interventions, monitoring of land use changes), settlement development, allocation of infrastructure and other objects (inter-sectorial reconciliation), cadastral and property conflicts (modern approaches of conflicts solutions), natural resources use and protection, reduction of transaction costs. In the field of spatial planning and management, the results might significantly contribute to the risk reduction of conflict decisions regarding the planned land use, to improvement of land management and transparent decisions in the land development and in the real property market and to reduction of the conflicts between the public and private sectors. The results will further provide important contributions to other geo-sciences (geology, meteorology), agriculture and forestry, human and property protection (protections against floods, landslides). Regarding spatial planning in Slovenia there has been a regression in the research field since the late 90ies of the past century. One of the reasons is that the researches from the site of end users (ministries, municipalities, other institutions that influence development in the space) have not systematically supported the research activities. Our opinion is that the proposed concept of the research will highly contribute to the implementation of advanced approaches in the profession as well as among the other actors, in particular decision makers.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2013, 2014, 2015, final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2013, 2014, 2015, final report
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