Projects / Programmes
Slovene language, slovene literature and teaching slovene language and literature
January 1, 2004
- December 31, 2008
Code |
Science |
Field |
Subfield |
6.05.00 |
Humanities |
Linguistics |
6.07.00 |
Humanities |
Literary sciences |
5.01.00 |
Social sciences |
Educational studies |
Code |
Science |
Field |
H004 |
Humanities |
Philology |
dialects-vocabulary, modern dialectological methods, dialectisms-focalization of literary texts, instrumental phonetics, inter-dialects, metaphor and symbolics in slovene literature, naratologie, language teaching, literacy, reception of children's and adult literature.
Researchers (9)
Organisations (2)
The research will focus on the study of vocabulary in the speeches of Carinthian, Pannonian and Styrian dialectal group, using the most modern dialectological methods. Special emphasis will be put on onomastics, especially on the collection of geographical (ground) names (here we will co-operate with the Institute of Urban Jarnik in Klagenfurt), of the vocabulary of field and vineyard cultivation and of different crafts. We will make an inventory of the words of a selected north-western speech of Prlekija, which will be included in a dialectal dictionary. We will give insight into the intertwining of Slovenian dialects with neighbouring speeches in the contact border areas, with special reference on interference as a consequence of Slovenian-German, Slovenian-Hungarian, Slovenian-Croatian and Slovenian-Romance linguistic contacts. We will take account of the presence of Germanisms, Hungarisms, Romanisms and Croatisms in Slovenian dialectal vocabulary. The use of dialectalisms enables the verbal focalisation of literary texts. The role of dialect and its stylistics is particularly interesting in the interaction with literary language, be it in the function of linguistic colouring, characterisation of characters, or just as the wish to emphasise local particularities or in the framework of post-structuralist tendency to general fragmentation, including linguistic fragmentation. For this reason, we will give special emphasis to the linguistic polyphony of the novelistic prose by authors from north-eastern Slovenia. We will also examine dialectal data by means of instrumental phonetic analysis. The findings of instrumental phonetics will be the basis for the further development of the method for the analysis of Slovenian dialectal sounds and prosody in terms of sound frequency, duration and quality, whereby special attention will be paid to quantity and quality of phonemes and their variants. The results of the instrumental analysis of the speech data and the comparison with the Slovenian standard language will be presented in the form of a spectrographic and statistical overview. We will also study the eastern Slovenian standard language (from Prekmurje and eastern Styria) from the 16th to the end of the 19th century and the attitude to the central Slovenian standard language. We will analyse texts by authors from Prekmurje and eastern Styria (vocabulary, morphology, syntax) and compile a dictionary and grammar of both standard norms up to the middle of the 19th century. In making an inventory of the Pannonian vocabulary, we will search for the origins in the Pannonian linguistic base, with reference to the old church Slavonic and the Freising monuments. The lexicological examination of the Slovenian language will focus on word formation, terminology and phraseology. We will study the phonetic and phonological characteristics of the sound plane, with special emphasis on the phonological treatment of the syllable. We will focus on modern standard language. The inventory will consist of the inventory of phonemes of the Slovenian (mostly) standard language. They will be presented with their articulatory-acoustic characteristics as the selection of inherent distinctive properties. We will determine the rules of limitation on the compatibility of phonemes; the results will be in the form of phonotactical rules: compatibility, distribution, valence and frequency of consonantal-vocal sets, particularly on the level of the syllable. The contact areas of dialects produce inter-dialects. Historical and geographical reasons confirm the correctness of the thesis that the phonological rules are firmer, older and were established earlier than the morphological and lexical rules, which date from the history of the modern age and also had socio-political and church-management causes. Inter-dialects confirm the direction of inter-linguistic communication.
Significance for science
Research of programme group P6-01 56 was tightly connected to EU accession of our country, as by membership new questions connected to status of Slovenian language arose for us. Relation towards this question is very complicated and exceeds tight linguistic views, even socio-linguistic ones, and therefore demands for a complete thought bringing responses to questions connected to language competences. Slovenia has to carefully plan position of languages within nationally mixed areas, and at the same time has to be active in language policy also in areas, where Slovenians live in other countries. Therefore, in establishing a certain strategic concept of language policy, it has to act decentralised. In the concept of decentralisation, also the fact has to be exposed that, in the context of research on national languages and national literature, research centres are spread and national research centres for some language and its literature are central even in global dimension. And, like e.g. French linguistic scientific public sets quality standards for scientific studies on French language and its literature, also Slovenian scientific language and literature public represents standards and criteria of quality of research on Slovenian language and literature. And, in analogy with this also: every national community is obliged to contribute knowledge on its language and its literature to the threshold of global language and literature science knowledge. In this light, research by programme group P6-01 56 gets a special value, especially those, who studied texts of Slovenian language: - such texts in Pannonian speeches; - inventory of dialectic texts for a dictionary on Northeast Upper Mura speech and - studies on texts from the point of view of defining the relation between Central and East Slovenian language . Research directed to word formation, terminological, lexicological and phraseology questions of Slovenian language is of special importance; characteristics of adjective formation – the basis of material composed in the test dictionary of word families in Slovenian language – were tackled. History of European literature is incomplete without a chapter on Slovenian literature. In this frame, research of Slovenian drama has to be stressed, the discoveries of which show that drama of first post-war years is marked by modest artistic attempts, among which also some ambitious works can be found. The sorts move between war drama on the one side, and continuation of pre-war civil drama as well as satyr comedy on the other side, and in continuation, in accordance with instructions by soc-realistic poetry, are put in brackets by samples of rural drama usually coloured by propaganda of modern themes of the past contemporary socialist times. Research was directed also towards narrative prose. In this context, first, studies on Jančar's narrative prose have to be emphasised, in the frame of which narrative structure of Jančar's short prose and novels was determined, as well as a mechanism that works in the individual's texts in an invariable form. Second part was directed to signals shining through individual texts of the corpus by the author’s voice and through selected texts and the poetry of the view. In the framework of research important for European history of literature, also studies of contemporary Slovenian short narrative prose, in the framework of which on diachronic and synchronic level studies on different problem knots of contemporary Slovenian short prose of eighties and nineties of 20 century have to be emphasised. Studies on prose encompassed also research on mind prose by Vladimir Bartol, research on baroque prodigies was conducted, and then the roles of stereotypes in contemporary Slovenian short prose, mythologisation in Slovenian short prose of eighties and nineties of twentieth century, narrative prose of Kajetan Kovič, as well as literary creativity of Slovenian writers in Austria.
Significance for the country
In the framework of research programme group P6-0156, first, we have to mention strengthening of national identity and preservation of threshold of natural and cultural heritage. Confirmation of national and cultural identity is of extraordinary importance in dialectological, socio-linguistic and phraseological research in times of globalisation meaning a breakthrough of languages with hundreds of millions of speakers and so-called extinction of languages with less numerous speakers. Research on Slovenian literature is of extraordinary importance for the strengthening of national identity. Research by programme group P6-0156 importantly contributed to enrichment of Slovenian literary science in the field of genre, style, language, theme, creative approaches. In this context, research on narrative proceedings, based on which in short story, a movement towards synthesis of different meanings and sense – discourse, analysis of style, thematic and idea contacts connecting Slovenian literature in Austria with the one emerging here, and question of women in literature - happened, has to be especially emphasised. For development of Slovenia and position of Slovenian language in an educational system, research in the field of studying teaching of Slovenian language directed towards resolution of two sorts of questions, were especially important: first group of research was oriented towards measuring of success of so-called two-track options of the communication model of literature teaching directed towards the pupil on a level, when teaching of literature is directed towards development of receptive capabilities of teenage literature mainly. An innovative instrument was formed, and we expected it to be much more sensitive than classic questionnaires and test knowledge, as it gave children the possibility of expression of their literary aesthetic endowment and proving capability of comprehension and evaluation of literary texts after individual segments of receptive capabilities not only by language means, but also by the help of non-linguistic differentiated signs and mediate telling with productive test methods. Evaluation of results showed that two-track model of literary education directed towards the pupil is more successful than the one-track model. For an educational system, also research on didactics of literature is important. Exact studying of ethic component of fairy tales' literary texts being representative for the canon of external civilised circle and their reception showed that mimetic familiarisation with literary persons in literature texts of other nations and civilisations enhances capability for empathy into another (unusual) way of thinking and feeling and moral judgement, as well as with tolerance for diversity. Experimental verification proved that knowledge of structural characteristics of fairy tale literature and rules, on which faira tale action is based on, enable children to experience »foreign«, »unusual« literary action, to identify, who in the text is the carrier of ethical and who his counter-character, and then evaluate a text regarding its ethic message – what proves that fairy tale canon is an important means for development of inculturation and multi-culturality of young generations. In short: in circumstances of European integration that doubtlessly respects cultural diversity, we see the relevance of the described research in defining specialties forming Slovenians as independent national collective based on an own history.
Most important scientific results
Final report,
complete report on
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results
Final report,
complete report on