Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Competitiveness, innovativeness, efficency and sustainable development of the Slovenian economy in the context of EU development

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.02.00  Social sciences  Economics   
5.02.01  Social sciences  Economics  Economy sciences 

Code Science Field
S180  Social sciences  Economics, econometrics, economic theory, economic systems, economic policy 

Code Science Field
5.02  Social Sciences  Economics and Business 
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (23)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  37436  MSc Miha Bratec  Economics  Junior researcher  2014 - 2017  74 
2.  11975  PhD Tanja Dmitrović  Economics  Researcher  2014 - 2017  362 
3.  39178  PhD Janez Dolšak  Economics  Junior researcher  2016 - 2017  45 
4.  23012  PhD Petra Došenović Bonča  Economics  Researcher  2016 - 2017  498 
5.  18306  PhD Mateja Drnovšek  Economics  Researcher  2014 - 2017  437 
6.  38020  PhD Larry Dwyer  Economics  Researcher  2016 - 2017  126 
7.  32852  Jaka Hajnšek    Technical associate  2014 - 2016 
8.  08652  PhD Nevenka Hrovatin  Economics  Head  2014 - 2017  745 
9.  25241  PhD Branko Korže  Law  Researcher  2015 - 2017  227 
10.  19080  PhD Patricia Kotnik  Economics  Researcher  2014 - 2017  170 
11.  50694  Jaka Kus    Technical associate  2017 
12.  30080  PhD Kir Kuščer  Economics  Researcher  2015 - 2017  150 
13.  09680  PhD Janez Malačič  Economics  Researcher  2014 - 2016  924 
14.  06912  PhD Tanja Mihalič  Economics  Researcher  2014 - 2017  911 
15.  37927  Martina Petan    Technical associate  2015 - 2017  18 
16.  23027  PhD Nina Ponikvar  Economics  Researcher  2014 - 2017  277 
17.  03881  PhD Pavle Sicherl  Economics  Researcher  2014 - 2017  279 
18.  36388  PhD Tina Šegota  Economics  Junior researcher  2014 - 2017  91 
19.  21243  PhD Matej Švigelj  Economics  Researcher  2014 - 2017  180 
20.  09678  PhD Maks Tajnikar  Economics  Researcher  2014 - 2017  1,081 
21.  22247  PhD Jaka Vadnjal  Economics  Researcher  2014 - 2017  721 
22.  19766  PhD Katja Zajc Kejžar  Economics  Researcher  2014 - 2017  341 
23.  23026  PhD Jelena Zorić  Economics  Researcher  2014 - 2017  235 
Organisations (3)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0584  University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business (SEB)  Ljubljana  1626922  43,253 
2.  1516  SICENTER Socio-economic Indicators Center  Ljubljana  5769175000 
3.  1612  GEA College - Faculty of Entrepreneurship  Ljubljana  5939739  1,768 
The proposed research programme is a follow-up to our research into competitiveness, innovativeness, efficiency factors, and sustainable development conducted in the 2009-2013 period, using comparable theoretical background. Analysis will be conducted at three levels, (denoting three subject areas): 1. The individual’s/firm’s level analysis: in the field of small and medium companies (SME) the following topics will be addressed: (a) factors of innovativeness at the level of entrepreneur; (b) open-innovation process with focus on relationships between innovativeness’ factors; (c) the role of information-communication technology (ICT) in supporting exports; (d) characteristics of SMEs having achieved high growth in the recession period; (e) aspects of family business transfer to the next generation, whereby a special emphasis will be put on its alternative role (discontinuance of tradition with independent entrepreneurial path).   Within a broader area of an industry’s and entrepreneurial dynamism analysis the growth of Slovenian companies, their survival, investment, export behaviour and pricing policies will be studied. The investigated factors of dynamism and business performance will include company characteristics as well as characteristics of an industry and the macroeconomic environment. As consumers’ purchasing behaviour importantly affects business performance factors of consumer preference formation regarding products of domestic origin will be examined. Results could be used by local producers to strengthen their market position.   2. The industry level analysis will pertain to several sectors of the economy. The tourism industry will be studied from three different perspectives relating to: (a) discourse between the concepts of sustainable vs. responsible (ethically oriented) tourism; (b) competitive position of Slovenia as a tourist destination; (c) competitiveness of Slovenian tourism sector. The analysis of the Slovenian healthcare sector will focus on establishing whether its systemic characteristics allow its integration into the future unified, single European healthcare system. In the energy sector, we will study: (a) the results of reforms following the third EU energy package adopted in 2009; (b) economic regulation and relative efficiency of Slovenian energy companies; and (c) efficient use of energy and environmentally-oriented behaviour of companies and individuals. In the electronic communications market we will analyse behaviour of the regulator, service providers and users, whereby static and dynamic competitiveness, as well as attainment of the EU Digital agenda goals will be assessed. Special emphasis will be placed on analysing user behaviour (demand gap associated with the transition to the next generation networks).   3. The national level analysis will continue to investigate (a) the Slovenian competitive position by applying time-distance method to several macro-economic indicators and (b) demographics developments.
Significance for science
In innovativeness the programme deals with several specific issues (determinants on the level of individual/entrepreneur, open innovation and formulation of this concept, etc.). The programme will contribute to the understanding of the role of ICT in firms’ export activities by using quantitative data and large samples, thus adding to existing research that mainly focused on multinationals and the role of trade in technology adoption. Entrepreneurial mindset and entrepreneurial actions that lead to high firms’ growth in the times of economic downturn will be examined, which has not been sufficiently theoretically and empirically studied yet. The proposed research tests various theories concerning entry, growth, exit and internationalization on the sample of Slovenian firms in the last two decades, using the most recent econometric methods. The available firm-level dataset allows empirical investigation of a number of untested theoretical premises. This will contribute to the understanding of determinants of firms’ performance in domestic and foreign markets from various perspectives. A study of a relationship between firms’ performance and their ownership structure enables to propose theoretical grounds for efficient allocation of state-owned assets among industries. Processes of shaping consumer preferences toward country of origin are not completely understood. Our research studies various socio-psychological constructs (ethnocentricity, patriotism, nationalism, national identity, animosity, affinity, cosmopolitism), theoretically identified as possible antecedents of attitudes towards goods of domestic and foreign origin.   In tourism research an empirical analysis will be accompanied by a theoretical upgrade of the discourse between the concepts of sustainable and responsible tourism. Also, the competitiveness of Slovenia as a tourism destination and of the tourism industry will be studied. A critical view will be designed for existing models of competitiveness, their interpretation and standards recommended by international institutions. In the health sector a model of restructuring a public sector organisation will be developed together with a critical analysis of how Slovenian health care system achieves standards of the common European one. In the energy and environmental field the project aims at establishing factors that affect cost efficiency of regulated companies taking into account their heterogeneity and factors of energy-efficient investments of firms and households. In electronic communications the programme will contribute to identifying determinants in a choice of the Internet access modes and willingness to pay for higher Internet speeds, one of the important goals of the Digital Agenda for Europe. The programme will further develop and apply the time distance method to investigate the Slovenian competitive position and to analyse current demographic trends and effectiveness of implemented measures to mitigate adverse trends.
Significance for the country
Achieving the research goals in all suggested research areas will maintain and improve competitive advantages at the level of individuals (entrepreneurs) and companies, as well as at the country level. Results will help: - companies to strategically respond to increased competitiveness in the sector - Slovenian managers to properly design the course of action (for example with respect to ICT investments, internationalisation, open innovation strategy) -         establish a network to consult family firms and develop alternative models for passing family owned business to younger generations -         formulate professional foundations for efficient decision making of Slovenian institutions (e.g. regulators (Energy Agency, Agency for Post and Electronic Communications), ministries and the government) -         set the appropriate regulatory pricing policy for utilities taking into account environmental issues -         establish industry-specific policies (energy, electronic communication, tourism) -         strengthen the consumption of locally produced goods (by understanding factors that influence local goods purchasing), which has several positive advantages compared to purchasing of globally produces goods: it benefits local production and jobs, reduces the CO2 footprint due to transportation vicinity, improves ties between local producers and consumers, protects local heritage, traditions, culture and national identity -         transfer findings into the higher education curriculum of the Faculty of Economics UL and its partner institutions, as well as into curriculum of joint international programs in a framework of EU projects -         design recommendations for long-term sustainable growth of the Slovenian population, seen as the conditio sine qua non for the existence of the state and the nation and one of the Slovenian priorities -         propose guidelines for economic policy, based on the following: 1. Analysis of financial restrictions' impacts on firms' survival and growth and testing interactions with other firms' characteristics enables setting foundations for creating an efficient financial environment. 2. Analysis of the factors of the employment growth, productivity and export business performance, emphasizing the firm's heterogeneity, enables to advise on set of policies, such as employment, technological and industrial, FDI and competitiveness policies. 3. Analysis of industry factors affecting firms' performance and analysis of pricing policy provides an empirical ground for efficient competitiveness policy. 4. Analysis of the role of private and state ownership will result in proposals for the efficient ownership structure and regulation in different industries and in public sector. 5. Analyses at three levels assist economic policy in increasing competitiveness of Slovenian companies and the public sector (industrial policy, internationalisation). 6. Recommendations for the Slovenian health system reform aim at achieving comparability and competitiveness with the European health system.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2014, 2015, 2016, final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2014, 2015, 2016, final report
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