Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Development of new methods for the detection, diagnosis and prognosis of alien organisms harmful to forests

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
4.01.01  Biotechnical sciences  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Forest - forestry 

Code Science Field
B430  Biomedical sciences  Sylviculture, forestry, forestry technology 

Code Science Field
4.01  Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences  Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 
forest, harmful organism, diagnosis, prognosis, quality assurance system, laboratory, pest risk analysis, pheromone trap
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (12)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  28895  Danijel Borkovič    Technical associate  2014 - 2017  30 
2.  29092  PhD Maarten De Groot  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2014 - 2017  726 
3.  32514  Zina Devetak  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Technical associate  2014 - 2017  455 
4.  29164  PhD Mitja Ferlan  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2014 - 2017  226 
5.  30165  PhD Tine Hauptman  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2014 - 2017  354 
6.  29831  Špela Jagodic    Technical associate  2014 - 2017  329 
7.  07948  PhD Dušan Jurc  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Head  2014 - 2017  669 
8.  02491  PhD Maja Jurc  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2014 - 2017  564 
9.  32897  Gregor Meterc    Researcher  2014  43 
10.  23448  PhD Nikica Ogris  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2014 - 2017  1,232 
11.  13256  Roman Pavlin  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Technical associate  2014 - 2017  87 
12.  25448  PhD Barbara Piškur  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2014 - 2017  1,013 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0404  Slovenian Forestry Institute  Ljubljana  5051673000  12,307 
2.  0481  University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty  Ljubljana  1626914  67,299 
The introduction of alien harmful organisms is increasing and especially forest pests were transferred and introduced in increased numbers in previous years. This is the reason for renewal of European phytosanitary system, which should improve preventive measures against introduction of alien pests, provide immediate detection upon introduction, rapid response for eradication of the introduced pest or mitigation of spread after naturalization of the pest. In Slovenia, there also exists strong will to fulfill the international commitments and to protect the forest against the introduction of alien forests pests. With the proposed project the work procedures and organization of public forest service, which is authorized for the identification of potential threats to forests in Slovenia, for the determination of pests upon introduction, for the prognosis of threats and for reporting, will be improved. As a part of Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, the responsible bodies to provide these services in Slovenia are the following authorities: Directorate for Forestry, Hunting and Fisheries (Forestry Section) and Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Food Safety, Veterinary Sector and Plant Protection (Plant Health and Plant Reproduction Material Division). Implementation of the tasks is performed first by public forestry service, which consist of Slovenian Forestry Institute (Department of Forest Protection with the Laboratory of Forest Protection) and Forest Service Slovenia. Slovenian Forestry Institute directs and leads Reporting, Prognostic and Diagnostic service for forests and is obliged to ensure proper execution of the prescribed tasks. In the renewed European phytosanitary system accreditation of the authorized laboratories is foreseen and with the proposed project the methods and organization of work, which are the prerequisite for the accreditation, will be implemented in the Laboratory of Forest Protection. The work in the proposed project will be organized into four Working Packages (WP) and will include: WP 1. Diagnostic methods:  - diagnostic methods for chosen fungi and insects harmful to forests (pests) will be improved and optimized. Selected species specific diagnostic protocols, which are produced by EPPO (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization) will be implemented. Emphasis will be given to development and introduction of all relevant molecular methods;  - information system for the collections of pathogen and insect samples will be maintained and will serve as support to diagnostic work. Collections of samples are recorded in electronic system called Boletus informaticus, which is central database for fungi in Slovenia;  - the system for tracking of samples handling and analysis results will be renewed (the task is connected with WP 4, Quality assurance);  - the collections of permanent living cultures, dried samples of fungi and insects will be maintained and supplemented;  - reference isolates of most important alien invasive pathogens will be acquired from reliable repositories. WP 2. Detection methods:  - register of existent detection methods, which are used for important invasive alien species;  - trials of selected detection methods for important invasive alien species on the field. DS 3. Prognostic methods: Activity 1: List of pests List of pests which are not yet present in Slovenia but are present elsewhere and pose high degree of introduction threat will be produced. The EU legislation lists, EPPO lists and other relevant lists will be considered (e.g. DAISIE list). Activity 2: Pest risk analysis For chosen pests (up to 6) Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) will be produced. Decision-Support Scheme for an Express Pest Risk Analysis (PRA EPPO PM 5/5(1)) will be used. The results will enable the decision for the necessity of detailed PRA and guidance for the evaluation of decision for pest eradication or prohibition of import. Activity 3: Simulation of chosen quarantine pests
Significance for science
S prenovo in posodobitvijo poslovnika kakovosti Laboratorija za varstvo gozdov bo imelo gozdarstvo pooblaščeni in akreditirani laboratorij, ki bo deloval po vseh najvišjih standardih in bo nudil profesionalne storitve Javni gozdarski službi, UVHVVR in drugim naročnikom. LVG bo nudil gozdarski stroki celovito storitev detekcije, diagnostike in prognoze novi vnesenih škodljivih organizmov za gozd. Razvili in preskusili bomo metode, ki nam bodo dale možnost raziskati osnovna vprašanja o tujerodnih škodljivih organizmih v Sloveniji. Bolje bomo razumeli, kakšni bodo možni negativni vplivi invazivnih organizmov na biotsko raznovrstnost. Pripravili bomo sezname ŠO, ki pri nas še niso bili najdeni, predstavljajo pa večje tveganje za vnos in povzročanje gospodarske škode. Za izbrane ŠO iz seznama bomo naredili oceno tveganja PRA po hitri metodi, kar bo izhodišče za odločitev glede uporabe ukrepov zatiranja ali uvedbe prepovedi za vnos. Izvedli bomo simulacijo širjenja karantenskih ŠO: Fusarium circinatum, Dothistroma septosporum, Dendrolimus sibiricus, Agrilus planipennis, Phytophthora alni. Iz simulacije bomo pridobili informacije glede verjetnosti za vnos, širjenje in ustalitev izbranih ŠO v Sloveniji.
Significance for the country
Tujerodni ŠO so prepoznani kot pomemben dejavnik, ki lahko povzroči poškodbe posamične vrste ali več vrst dreves in s tem onemogoči njihov normalni razvoj, reprodukcijo in zmanjša pomen, ki ga imajo v gozdnem ekosistemu. Nekateri ŠO imajo tako močan vpliv na gostitelje, da povzročijo njihovo izginjanje iz ekosistema in s tem izgubo biotske raznovrstnosti. Seveda povzroči ŠO tudi gospodarsko škodo, saj so prizadeta drevesa poškodovana in ne priraščajo optimalno, lahko pa ŠO tudi razvrednoti gospodarsko vrednost njihovega lesa ali drugih darov (seme, plodovi, listje, iglice). Zato ima preprečevanje vnosa in eradikacija ŠO izjemno pomemben vidik ohranjanja biotske raznovrstnosti gozdov, njihovih splošno koristnih funkcij in gospodarske vrednosti, omogoča trajnostno delovanje gozdnega ekosistema v korist človeka. Varstvo gozdov kot del gozdarske stroke ima splošni družbeni pomen. V gospodarstvu lahko vdori tujerodnih ŠO povzročijo motnje pri poslovanju – npr. velike sečnje posamičnih prizadetih vrst (npr. kostanjev rak je povzročil obsežne sečnje in zmanjšanje obroda plodov, holandska brestova bolezen je zmanjšala zastopanost brestov v naših gozdovih, kostanjeva šiškarica je zmanjšala obrod plodov). Nenadno obsežno propadanje posamične drevesne vrste ali skupine (npr. iglavci) lahko celo pomeni vpliv na gibanje cen lesa in s tem povzroči izgubo lastnikom gozdov. Seveda pa imajo lahko vdori nekaterih tujerodnih ŠO tudi vpliv na zmanjšanje proizvodne sposobnosti gozdov in s tem bi bila ogrožena celotna gozdarska in lesarska panoga. Gozd pa je tudi bistvena sestavina slovenske pokrajine in poškodovan zaradi vdora tujerodnih ŠO ne bi bil več turistično privlačen. Vsaka večja poškodovanost drevja vpliva na estetsko funkcijo in lahko povzroči njeno razvrednotenje. Z ozirom na pomen urbane drevnine za ekologijo mest je vdor tujerodnega ŠO lahko tudi škodljiv za uravnavanje in blaženje mikroklimatskih razmer v bivalnem okolju. Gozd čisti zrak, veže ogljikov dioksid, sprošča kisik, je vir čiste in zdrave vode. Je vir še mnogih drugih dobrin in proizvodov kot je le les. Prizadet zaradi tujerodnih ŠO teh funkcij ne bi mogel opravljati v takšni meri, kot danes. Z vdorom posebej škodljivega tujerodnega organizma bodo poškodbe in škode v gozdovih tolikšne, da bo to predstavljajo katastrofo, ki jo je povzročil človek.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2015, 2016, final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2016, final report
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