PhD Dušan Jurc

PhD Dušan Jurc
no.: 07948 source: ARIS

researcher – retired
Phone number (01) 423 13 43
E-mail dusan.jurcat signgozdis.si
Foreign language skills
Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
4.01.01  Biotechnical sciences  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Forest - forestry 
Diseases of trees, forest pathology, mycology, forest protection
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on September 27, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022 (update for tender in 2023: NO)
Data for ARIS tenders ( 21.05.2024 – Target research programmes, archive )
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS 30  840  788  26.27 
Scopus 32  946  893  27.91 
Mentoring junior researchers
source: ARIS
no. Name and surname Type Period Code
1 PhD Barbara Piškur  Doctoral degree  10/1/2004 - 3/31/2009  25448 
source: ARIS
Level of education Professional title Study subject Faculty Year
  B. Sc.     SI University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical faculty, Department of Biology 1977 
Master's degree    Planet Physiology  SI University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical faculty, Department of Biology 1983 
Doctoral degree  Ph. D.     SI University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty 2003 
Doctoral dissertations and other final papers Show
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source: COBISS
Research projects Legend
source: ARIS
no. Code Title Period Head No. of publications
1. V4-1818  Suitability of Douglas Fir and other non-native tree species in the restoration of forests through planting and sowing in Slovenia   2018 - 2021  PhD Robert Brus  11,250 
2. V4-1823  Development of organizational and technical support for effective actions against the outbreaks of forest pests   2018 - 2020  PhD Barbara Piškur  5,940 
3. V4-1822  Improvement of the monitoring system for catching spruce bark beetles in control pheromone traps and the system of setting of control traps, and the development of an application for location planning and abundance of control traps and trap logs by regulatory units of the Slovenia Forest Service   2018 - 2019  PhD Maarten De Groot  3,947 
4. V4-1439  Development of new methods for the detection, diagnosis and prognosis of alien organisms harmful to forests   2014 - 2017  PhD Dušan Jurc  3,452 
5. V4-1145  Possibilities and restrictions on picking of fungi in forests and development of truffle culture in Slovenia   2011 - 2013  PhD Dušan Jurc  4,012 
6. V1-1089  Neobiota Slovenije: Invazivne tujerodne vrste v Sloveniji ter vpliv na ohranjanje biotske raznovrstnosti in trajnostno rabo virov (Slovene)   2010 - 2012  PhD Jernej Jogan  11,126 
7. V4-1069  Povečanje učinkovitosti sanacij velikih poškodb v slovenskih gozdovih (Slovene)   2010 - 2012  PhD Dušan Jurc  8,040 
8. L4-2301  Jesenov ožig v Sloveniji in proučevanje glive Chalara fraxinea (Slovene)   2009 - 2012  PhD Dušan Jurc  2,343 
9. V4-0493  Vpliv suše in povišane temperature na razvoj gozdu škodljivih organizmov (Slovene)   2008 - 2010  PhD Dušan Jurc  2,343 
10. L4-0637  The impacts of ski slopes on biotic and hydrological function of soils and development of models of multifunctional sustainable use of the area at the upper timberline on Krvavec   2008 - 2009  PhD Hojka Kraigher  6,348 
11. L4-9585  Invasive fungi and isects harmful to forests   2007 - 2009  PhD Dušan Jurc  6,181 
12. V4-0352  Škodljivi dejavniki za gozd v sodobnem času: metode spremljanja, ekološko modeliranje, vpliv gpspodarjenja ter načini ukrepanja (Slovene)   2007 - 2008  PhD Maja Jurc  7,127 
13. L4-7163  Rational use of wood in the context of sustainable forest management   2005 - 2008  PhD Miha Humar  14,003 
14. V1-0295  Razvoj medmrežne različice sistema beleženja in kartiranja gliv Slovenije: Boletus informaticus.NET (Slovene)   2006 - 2008  PhD Dušan Jurc  2,288 
15. V4-0349  Vpliv staranja ter globokih in površinskih poškodb na drevju na kvaliteto lesa (Slovene)   2007  PhD Tomislav Levanič  4,111 
16. L4-6236  Wetwood in silver fir (Abies alba Mill.)   2004 - 2007  PhD Nikolaj Torelli  4,132 
17. V4-0985  Vpliv klimatskih sprememb na gozdne ekosisteme (Slovene)   2004 - 2006  PhD Dušan Jurc  9,221 
18. V4-0461  Postopki nadziranja in diagnosticiranja nekaterih nevarnih škodljivih organizmov ter študij populacij na različnih geografskih območjih (Slovene)   2002 - 2005  PhD Gregor Urek  4,377 
19. V4-0703  Seznam vrst in razširjenost makromicet v Sloveniji z analizo stopnje ogroženosti (Slovene)   2002 - 2004  PhD Dušan Jurc  2,229 
20. V4-0366  Škodljivci in bolezni v gozdovih Slovenije ter varstvo gozdov (Škodljivost biotskih in abiotskih dejavnikov v gozdu) (Slovene)   2000 - 2003  PhD Maja Jurc  3,772 
21. L4-1254  Raziskave genetske, vrstne in funkcionalne pestrosti gozdnega drevja in spremljevalnih organizmov v gozdnih ekosistemih (Slovene)   2000 - 2001  PhD Hojka Kraigher  6,094 
22. L4-0507  Uvajanje arboristike v Sloveniji (Slovene)   1998 - 2001  PhD Primož Oven  3,496 
23. V4-6913  Bolezni in moteči dejavniki v konceptu integralnega varstva gozdnih ekosistemov (Slovene)   1999  PhD Janez Titovšek  1,457 
24. L4-8567  Interaction effect of biotic and abiotic stress factors to development of common oak   1997 - 1999  PhD Primož Simončič  2,862 
ARIS research and infrastructure programmes Legend
source: ARIS
no. Code Title Period Head No. of publications
1. P4-0107  FOREST BIOLOGY, ECOLOGY & TECHNOLOGY   2015 - 2019  PhD Hojka Kraigher  12,080 
2. P4-0107  FOREST BIOLOGY, ECOLOGY & TECHNOLOGY   2009 - 2014  PhD Hojka Kraigher  11,856 
3. P4-0107  FOREST BIOLOGY, ECOLOGY & TECHNOLOGY   2005 - 2008  PhD Hojka Kraigher  11,888 
4. P0-0501-0404  Forest biology, ecology and technology   2001 - 2003  PhD Hojka Kraigher  9,288 
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