Projects / Programmes
Hydrotechnics, Hydraulics, Geotechnics
January 1, 2004
- December 31, 2008
Code |
Science |
Field |
Subfield |
2.20.00 |
Engineering sciences and technologies |
Hydrology |
1.08.00 |
Natural sciences and mathematics |
Control and care of the environment |
2.05.00 |
Engineering sciences and technologies |
Mechanics |
2.13.00 |
Engineering sciences and technologies |
Process engineering |
Code |
Science |
Field |
T220 |
Technological sciences |
Civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, offshore technology, soil mechanics |
Ecological Engineering, Physical and Mathematical Models, Geotechnics, Hydraulics, Hydrology, Hydrotechnics, Informatics, Engineering and Environmental Geology, Engineering Structures, Soil Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, Monitoring, Relational Data Bases, Environmental Protection, Water Management, Artificial Intelligence, Sanitary Engineering, Hydraulic Risk and Damage Reduction
Researchers (54)
Organisations (2)
Two research groups are combined. The first group connects mathematical and physical modelling with artificial intelligence tools, databases and measurement technologies. In the second group, geotechnical knowledge supports hydrology in assessments of hydrological and geological risks. Common goals are hydraulic risk, vulnerability and damage reduction, and development of monitoring, field and laboratory measurements and engineering tools. Hydraulic and ecological models of natural and anthropogenic process are supported by database models and methods of machine learning. The complex of hydrological and geotechnical environment and engineering structures analyses the natural and anthropogenic process risk. The analysis is supported by field and laboratory measurements. Long-term goals are determined by the EU Directive and other international affairs, e.g. activities at accidents (FEMA-USA), coastal area management (ICAM), sediments management (ALPINE SPACE), as well as by Slovenian and regional conditions (water bodies, landslips, geotechnical structures etc.). Hydraulic-ecological models, which were developed for Water Management, Ecological Engineering and Sanitary Engineering, link together hydrodynamic and ecological transport processes (water, sediments, pollution) for researches of water management structures and water regulations. In basic hydraulics, hybrid models of measurements and mathematical models are supported by databases and tools of Artif. Intelligence (AI). The non-Newton liquid models (ie. debris flow, snow slides) enable risk analysis and expected damage assessment. Comprehensive water management of river basins demands a synthesis of research of water bodies, security and reliability of water supply, protection of habitats etc., continued research on terrestrial water and the Adriatic Sea (5th OP - Idrijca, Soča and sea). Ecological Engineering researches pollution reduction, process of auto purification, operations (scale-up problems, security, reliability), indicators of infrastructure, development of the low cost drinking and waste water treatment technology. Researches lead to the development of conceptual and machine learning based deterministic and stochastic methods and models. Multidimensional data analysis and OLAP create infrastructural support for technical, economical and legislational analysis. Geotechnics aims at protection and rational use of space on the basis of research of landslides (factors of triggering or the formation of a landslide etc.) to provide better environmental protection and potentials of exploitation of underground space. Research on rehabilitation of degraded land and waste dumps, development of models, measurement methods and evaluations of underground building impacts and influence of constructions on present buildings will be carried out. Knowledge will be acquired on the behaviour of geological material from the Slovenian area, on the influence of humidity, preliminary consolidation, saturation and suction on stability and durability of materials and constructions, and material behaviour at small or destructive deformations. Hydrology investigates flood forecasts, groundwater dynamics, and climatic change impacts on estimations of ecological quality of watercourses and water habitats in Slovenia, regional approach to surface soil erosion and the erosion phenomena intensity, regional approach to run-off regime, development of hydrological monitoring of landslides and continuation of river basin hydrological measurements on Dragonja and Notranjska Reka and newly Gradaščica, in urban area, and development of methods for determination of landslide risks (for Slovenia). An internet information system of water in the Republic Slovenia would be used for monitoring hydrological phenomena, water management, development of optimal water regime regulation methods at river basins scale, revitalization of streams, estimation of intervention influences on the environment...
Significance for science
The conducted researches are in the highest priority of researches supported by the EU (e.g. through the WFD) and the International Commission of the Conventions in the field of water (Helsinki, Barcelona, Danube, etc...), area protection and environment. The results are compared with foreign achievements, which are achieved through the successful integration of researchers in a number of international programs, projects and other activities (exchanges). Some results are already in the first, short period, high in the world, as it is an upgrade or update of the models or knowledge from previous research periods - such as it the development of hydraulic-ecological models, methods and processes of field and / or laboratory measurements, application of AI tools or parametric analysis using the databases. Researches in such enforce on a global scale because of the primary treatment of the topic, or improved modelling of new, complex phenomena. The second, as well significant set of research results refers to compliance or diversity of the (water) environment in Slovenia, when the word is about a comparative analysis of related (eco) regions. Again, some conducted researches that were original in the Republic of Slovenia, are transmitted within the region (e.g., methodology and expected flood damage, which is presented both in Austria as Italy or in Croatia), other are important because of the analytical treatment of the particularities of Slovenian conditions (or events, e.g. Mangart landslide), the third are again important because of the original contribution in the approach to the management of water (e.g., determination of sensitive areas of the Slovenian coast). They also bring new skills in the global context of our research, using artificial intelligence methods for the analysis of ecological data (e.g. lake limnology) and the construction of simulation models (e.g., optimization of the operation of water supply system in case of fire, optimization of water-related entities (e.g., HPP ). Dissertation, which is in the final stage, is composed as a synthesis of existing publications in the world, which means that the research achievements are already widely evaluated. The bases for successful research are increasingly the spatial located data, since the RP contains contents that are tied to the (unevenly distributed) natural conditions. To be useful as far as possible, it is also being explored how the logical schemes should be made so that in the future they can be properly arranged, attached to the other (public) databases and maintained. In our PS developed methodology of integration of data through standardized classifications opens up new approaches, therefore new methodologies for the analysis of technical-legal-economic relations are being formed. So, inventive and clear structure of agglomerations was developed. Being coupled with other spatial or sectorial planning issues, an upgrade and update were done. In this way, it became original, basic platform for several development and public service’s plans. The importance of physical hydraulic models became more and more important for water management infrastructure constructions (HPP, water supply etc.) – the best locations have already been consumed. Research work was oriented towards software and hardware development, to maintain further capability of Institute of Hydraulic Research as internationally approved hydraulic modeller. Hydrologic research activities were along the international Hydrologic Programme of UNESCO, needed to mitigate natural hazards. Several other activities (INTERPRAEVENT etc.) were supporting in situ measurements, long term observations etc., needed for hazard mapping.
Significance for the country
Organized, healthy water environment, water protection and protection from water or different natural hazards, triggered by water (e.g. landslides), sufficient amount of water for reasonable use and prevention of water-related diseases are the capital principles of appropriate water management, bringing good conditions for a development of the whole society. If the water and the forest should remain the Slovenian biggest comparable advantages, than they should be included among the highest Slovenian priorities. However, since at the same time, the natural and anthropogenic features in Slovenia are quite unique and diverse, so is water related research somehow specific to Slovenia. Whatever the public interest is (e.g. water) already determines the research priorities up to a certain degree. Scientific knowledge (general and Slovenian-specific) will help to assemble an evidence-based-decision-making sustainable use, protection and development potential of the Slovenian aquatic environment. Research programme brought solid basics, methodologies and knowledge, needed for preparation of documents according to legislative (Water Framework Directive and other), where hazard and risk assessment of society are limiting the development and anthropogenic activities. Therefore tools and models for hazard exposure assessments, potential damages, significance of infrastructure services and environmental costs have been developed. Performed research are vital to support all, sectorial and integral development planning (for instance, Coastal areas, water for food, Natura 2000 areas etc.), and protective measure against natural hazards (landslides etc.). Besides inventory, knowledge about triggers and processes is needed as well – results are valuable also for trend’s assessments and definition of residual development potential, considering natural processes and available technologies. The boundary conditions will be important as well in preparation processes of River basin management plans, and research results are valuable support for several national programmes, addressing aquatic environment and endangered areas in Slovenia. Several large development schemes are under way in Slovenia (construction of highways, HPPs on river Sava, irrigation systems, flood mitigation scheme, restoration activities after natural disasters, waste management facilities etc.), so the knowledge and tools, supporting decision making process, are crucial. This research programme supported initial, basic analyses, which were followed with applicable oriented research, financed from other sources. Also the rural settlement of whole territory of Slovenia is one of public priority. Significant parts of research results are crucial also for maintenance of cultural landscape and improving available water sources and good status of all water - these issues should be incorporated in River basin management plans as well.
Most important scientific results
Final report,
complete report on
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results
Final report,
complete report on