PhD Miha Krofel

PhD Miha Krofel
no.: 29816 source: ARIS

researcher – active in research organisation
Foreign language skills
Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
4.01.01  Biotechnical sciences  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Forest - forestry 

Code Science Field
B280  Biomedical sciences  Animal ecology 
large canirovores, animal ecology, wildlife management, interspecific interactions, lynx, bear, wolf, felids
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on July 26, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022 (update for tender in 2023: YES)
Data for ARIS tenders ( 21.05.2024 – Target research programmes, archive )
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS 106  3,786  3,395  32.03 
Scopus 109  4,144  3,719  34.12 
Audiovisual sources
no. Title (with video link) Event Source
3. Living with wolves  TEDx Ljubljana  Video clip selected by researcher/colleague 
4. Interview on large carnivore research  RTV Slovenia and National Geographic show Outside of frame  Video clip selected by researcher/colleague 
5. Snow leopard research in Asian highlands  lecture for Slovenska matica  Video clip selected by researcher/colleague 
6. Interactions among cats: From lynx in Slovenia to leopards in Africa  FAMNIT Biological evenings  Video clip selected by researcher/colleague 
Doctoral dissertations and other final papers Show
Obtaining results now
source: COBISS
source: ARIS
Type of employment Research org. Research group
Full time employment (100%, RD:100%)  University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty  Forestry and Renewable Resources 
Research projects Legend
source: ARIS
no. Code Title Period Head No. of publications
1. J1-50013  ExtremePredator: Revealing ecological roles of apex predators in extreme environments   2023 - 2024  PhD Miha Krofel  1,191 
2. N1-0163  Insight into inter- and intra-specific interactions among wild cat species in Europe and Africa   2020 - 2023  PhD Miha Krofel  1,006 
3. J4-7362  Development of a multi-method approach to study wildlife behavior: investigating human-bear conflicts in contrasting landscapes of Europe   2016 - 2018  PhD Klemen Jerina  3,408 
4. V4-1432  Grazing damage on agricultural grasslands caused by large wild herbivores   2014 - 2016  PhD Klemen Jerina  3,385 
5. V4-1437  Characteristics, problematic and management of populations of (Hooded) Crows in urban environment   2015 - 2016  PhD Boštjan Pokorny  6,389 
6. V4-1146  Optimisation of indicators for monitoring of population status of game species and their habitats within adaptive management   2011 - 2013  PhD Klemen Jerina  2,132 
7. V1-1089  Neobiota Slovenije: Invazivne tujerodne vrste v Sloveniji ter vpliv na ohranjanje biotske raznovrstnosti in trajnostno rabo virov (Slovene)   2010 - 2012  PhD Jernej Jogan  11,062 
8. V4-0498  Divji prašič in škode v agrarni krajini: opredelitev populacijskih in habitatnih vplivnih dejavnikov, določitev vpliva talnih lastnosti (Slovene)   2009 - 2010  PhD Boštjan Pokorny  3,087 
9. V4-0497  Prostorsko-populacijska dinamika prostoživečih živali v slovenskih gozdovih kot posledica klimatskih sprememb (Slovene)   2008 - 2010  PhD Ivan Kos  4,436 
10. V4-0495  Prostorska razširjenost, vitalnost in populacijska dinamika prostoživečih vrst parkljarjev v Sloveniji: preučevanje vplivov okoljskih i (Slovene)   2009  PhD Klemen Jerina  2,670 
ARIS research and infrastructure programmes Legend
source: ARIS
no. Code Title Period Head No. of publications
1. P4-0059  Forest, forestry and renawable forest resources   2020 - 2024  PhD Andrej Ficko  7,127 
2. P4-0059  Forest, forestry and renawable forest resources   2015 - 2019  PhD Jurij Diaci  7,555 
3. P4-0059  Forest, forestry and renawable forest resources   2013 - 2014  PhD Jurij Diaci  6,681 
I’m a wildlife researcher working mainly on large carnivore ecology, management and conservation in Eurasia and Africa. I'm employed as a researcher and assistant professor at University of Ljubljana (Slovenia). I'm also working as a visiting researcher at Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Germany) and external collaborator at CIBIO/InBio (Portugal) and University of Primorska (Slovenia). I have dedicated most of my studies to Eurasian lynx, brown bear, grey wolf, leopard and jackals, and to a lesser degree to cheetah, snow leopard, clouded leopard, tiger, red deer, chamois, raven, raptors, lizards, and various scavengers.
We were not given permission by the researcher to publish data.
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