Groups source: ARIS

Team for Fruit Growing

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
4.03.01  Biotechnical sciences  Plant production  Agricultural plants 

Code Science Field
B310  Biomedical sciences  Physiology of vascular plants 
B390  Biomedical sciences  Phytotechny, horticulture, crop protection, phytopathology 
fruit growing, fruit plants,plant physiology, integrated fruit production, organic fruit production,primary and secondary metabolites,propagation
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on April 25, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS 396  10,084  8,664  21.88 
Scopus 469  12,126  10,550  22.49 
Researchers (20)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Status No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  51865  Saša Gačnik  Plant production  Researcher  23 
2.  55384  PhD Mariana Cecilia Grohar  Plant production  Researcher  32 
3.  14033  PhD Metka Hudina  Plant production  Researcher  651 
4.  54732  Tea Ivančič  Plant production  Researcher  14 
5.  25505  PhD Jerneja Jakopič  Plant production  Researcher  204 
6.  56906  Petra Kunc  Plant production  Researcher 
7.  20497  Tea Kuzman  Plant production  Junior expert or technical associate 
8.  53623  PhD Aljaž Medič  Biology  Researcher  48 
9.  23631  PhD Maja Mikulič Petkovšek  Plant production  Researcher  389 
10.  14541  PhD Gregor Osterc  Plant production  Researcher  344 
11.  38513  Tilen Petrič    Junior expert or technical associate 
12.  58145  MSc Kris Pirih  Plant production  Researcher 
13.  20496  Tomaž Pliberšek    Junior expert or technical associate 
14.  29419  PhD Valentina Schmitzer  Plant production  Researcher  151 
15.  30707  PhD Ana Slatnar  Plant production  Researcher  321 
16.  51858  Tina Smrke  Plant production  Researcher  26 
17.  30340  Greta Sorta    Junior expert or technical associate 
18.  06404  PhD Franci Štampar  Plant production  Researcher  1,186 
19.  11759  PhD Valentina Usenik  Plant production  Researcher  421 
20.  20165  PhD Robert Veberič  Plant production  Researcher  574 
Research projects (13) Legend
no. Code Title Period Head of the group No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  V4-1618  GENETIC EROSION THREATS TO LOCAL VARIETIES AND THEIR VALUE FOR PRODUCTION AND USE  10/1/2016 - 9/30/2019  PhD Kristina Ugrinović  5,695 
2.  J4-4187  Investigation of resistance mechanisms of garden strawberry (Fragaria ananassa), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) to fungi of the genus Colletotrichum - studies of the interaction plant -pathogenic fungi  7/1/2011 - 6/30/2014  PhD Franci Štampar  5,156 
3.  V4-0523  Karakterizacija novih bakterijskih in fitoplazemskih bolezni, ki ogrožajo sadno drevje; razvoj metod za detekcijo povzročiteljev in is (Slovene)  9/1/2008 - 8/31/2010  PhD Maja Ravnikar  5,982 
4.  V4-0513  Vpliv kakovostno pridelanih jabolk in orehov na človeški organizen v zdravju in bolezni (Slovene)  1/1/2008 - 8/31/2010  PhD Robert Veberič  4,880 
5.  J4-0890  Flavonoids and their synthesis as a mechanism of resistance of apples to apple scab  2/1/2008 - 1/30/2010  PhD Robert Veberič  2,831 
6.  V4-0331  Kakovostni parametri lokalno pridelanega sadja in njihov vpliv na človeški organizem v zdravju in bolezni (Slovene)  1/1/2006 - 9/30/2009  PhD Robert Veberič  4,699 
7.  V4-0343  Razvoj izboljšanega sistema za gojenje matičnih rastlin koščičastih sadnih vrst - pridelava cepičev v mrežniku, da ali ne? (Slovene)  1/1/2006 - 9/30/2009  PhD Nikita Fajt  4,683 
8.  V4-0353  Razvoj sistema monitoringov genetske pestrosti v naravnih in ogroženih habitatih (Slovene)  10/1/2006 - 9/30/2008  PhD Nike Krajnc  7,709 
9.  V4-0873  Foliarna prehrana sadnih rastlin - optimizacija tehnoloških postopkov (Slovene)  10/1/2003 - 9/30/2006  PhD Franci Štampar  2,796 
10.  V4-0449  Dopolnjevanje ampelografskih osnov pridelave grozdja sorte Refošk v Sloveniji (Slovene)  1/1/2002 - 10/31/2004  PhD Valentina Usenik  3,111 
11.  Z4-3105  Identification different physiological status (stress) at woody plants via polyfenol analyses and auxin metabolism  7/1/2001 - 6/30/2004  PhD Gregor Osterc  2,550 
12.  V4-0403  Nove metode razmnoževanja sadnih rastlin (Slovene)  10/1/2000 - 9/30/2003  PhD Gregor Osterc  2,550 
13.  V4-0291  Nova tehnologija pridelave češnje (Slovene)  11/1/1999 - 10/31/2002  PhD Valentina Usenik  2,889 
ARIS research and infrastructure programmes (4) Legend
no. Code Title Period Head of the group No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  P4-0013  Horticulture  1/1/2015 - 12/31/2021  PhD Robert Veberič  6,210 
2.  P4-0013  Horticulture  1/1/2009 - 12/31/2014  PhD Franci Štampar  7,248 
3.  P4-0013  Horticulture  1/1/2004 - 12/31/2008  PhD Franci Štampar  6,768 
4.  P0-0515-0481  Sadjarstvo - vinogradništvo - vrtnarstvo (Slovene)  1/1/1999 - 12/31/2003  PhD Franci Štampar  4,208 
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