Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Analysis of options for implementing of urban projects using public-private partnership

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.08.00  Social sciences  Urbanism   

Code Science Field
S240  Social sciences  Town and country planning 

Code Science Field
5.07  Social Sciences  Social and economic geography 
Public-Private Partnership (PPP), sustainable urban strategies (SUS), Strategy of Smart specialization (SSS), City Municipalities (CM), urban projects
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (15)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  38894  Mitja Blaganje    Technical associate  2016 - 2017  16 
2.  11555  PhD Bojan Bugarič  Law  Head  2016 - 2017  406 
3.  19273  Boštjan Cotič  Urbanism  Technical associate  2016 - 2017  168 
4.  13183  PhD Alenka Fikfak  Urbanism  Researcher  2016 - 2017  692 
5.  03153  MSc Peter Gabrijelčič  Architecture and Design  Researcher  2017  775 
6.  24037  PhD Damjana Gantar  Urbanism  Researcher  2016 - 2017  126 
7.  23665  Nina Goršič  Urbanism  Technical associate  2017  138 
8.  38907  PhD Janez Peter Grom  Urbanism  Researcher  2016 - 2017  169 
9.  32010  Miha Konjar  Computer science and informatics  Researcher  2016 - 2017  71 
10.  37934  Boštjan Koritnik  Law  Researcher  2016 - 2017  275 
11.  24753  PhD Sabina Mujkić  Urbanism  Researcher  2016 - 2017  169 
12.  22631  PhD Matej Nikšič  Urbanism  Researcher  2016 - 2017  303 
13.  07436  PhD Rajko Pirnat  Administrative and organisational sciences  Researcher  2016 - 2017  486 
14.  13611  PhD Senko Pličanič  Law  Researcher  2016 - 2017  542 
15.  21511  MSc Biba Tominc  Urbanism  Researcher  2017  140 
Organisations (3)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0505  Urban planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia  Ljubljana  5051703000  2,794 
2.  0583  University of Ljubljana - Faculty of law  Ljubljana  1627104  15,132 
3.  0791  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture  Ljubljana  1626949  8,997 
Research project »Analyises of chances for implementation of urban projects with the use of public-private partnership« deals with the given topic coprehensive and interdisciplinary, with the integration of practical knowledge from different fields, such as: Urbanism, Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Spatial planing, Administration, Law and Economy. The aim of this research is to identify urban projects appropriate for public-private partnership (PPP). PPP means private investnment in public projects or public investments to private projects, if they are in public interest, when building, maintaining or operating of public infrastructure and in some cases provison of public services or activities that are maintained under the provisons of Services of general economic interest.   Broad definition of term PPP is defined in Article 2 of Public-Private Pratnership Act of the Republic of Slovenia, which stipulates: »Public-private partnership represents a relationship involving private investment in public projects and/or public cofinancing of private projects that are in the public interest, and such relationship is formed between public and private partners in connection with the construction, maintenance and operation of public infrastructure or other projects that are in the public interest, and in connection with the associated provision of commercial and other public services or activities provided in a way and under the conditions applicable to commercial public services, or of other activities where their provision is in the public interest, or other investment of private or private and public funds in the construction of structures and facilities that are in part or entirely in the public interest, or in activities where their provision is in the public interest.«   Sustainable development must be considered as a leading principle for city policies and management respectively as a basic development principle, which applies for sustainable urban strategies (SUS), as well as for other strategic documents: In the report Report by the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress (Stiglitz, 2008), the idea that the question of sustainability relates on the quallity of life was exposed. The document defines sustainable developement as a process, not only focused on economic development, but it also includes balanced ecolological and social development, while presence of social capital is very imortant for »well-being« of todays society. In ensuring social sustainability (more trust, more cooperation, less inequality), it is not only for granting of social cohesion, but its increase and improvment of its effects.     Therefore the PPP are crucial for implementation and management of spatial interventions. Main goal of the research project »Analyises of chances for implementation of urban projects with the use of public-private partnership« is, on the basis of analysis of the Strategies of Smart specialization (SSS) and analysis of adopted SUS and exampless of good practice as well, to define decison-making system of priority interventions, that must be done with PPP. The system includes proposal of cooperation mechanisms of public and private parties and mechanisms to ensure the maintenance and upgrading of the criteria of Spatial planning in Slovenia as well. In first part implemented Analytical system is going to include identification and check of jurisdiction, limits and interests of actors in the field of PPP. The second part will address tools of quality control of urban planning that are specific for PPP projects. Synthesis will connect qualitative and quantitative spatial and environmental urban parameters with stakeholders that influence on their implementation, following the concept of needs and concept of limits (Plut, 2007), on the basis of defined goals of sustainable urban development according to Operational programme of Cohesion policy.   The results of the analyses of relevant
Significance for science
By revealing the tools appropriate for Slovenian spatial and urban planning context the project importantly contributes to the development of the profession that will be able to upgrade its set of management tools.   The value for development of interdisciplinary approach The project will allow cooperation of different professions in the fields of education, architecture, urban planning, spatial planning, law, management and organizational disciplines. Research team is highly interdisciplinary in terms of contents as well as in terms of research and applicative results as it includes researchers active in the applicative fields, in concrete case of spatial planning.   The value for development of pillar professions As the key contribution to the development of the profession one can count the expected result of the comprehensive analysis and evaluation of processes of spatial interventions from the point of view of protection and development interests that follow the sustainable economic development paradigm, which has not been done so far in Slovenia. Original scientific research methods to study concrete cases and join knowledge of pillar and accompanying professions that deal with sustainable principles of planning and management of space, strategies and smart specialization, legal and administrative procedures of spatial planning, will be developed in the project.   The value for development of education in professional field An interdisciplinarity of the team with no doubts contributes to the basic value of knowledge share by enriching all participating parties with knowledge from other professions and along with the dissemination tools (outline of handbook, data-bases, on-site project-office, dissemination of results via joint publication) surely represents an important step in contemporary mechanism of arrangement and management of space as well as spatial planning. All team members with their references from scientific as well as professional work proof the ability of such upgrading. In short, the concept of a handbook that will be developed (and after the completion of the project its continuation into handbook making assured) undoubtedly represent an important professional and scientific contribution to spatial planning and management. It will be also important due to its interdisciplinary approach to inclusion of knowledge of all relevant disciplines (on equal bases as the research is firmly grounded in interdisciplinarity), listed in introductory section. Based on the new knowledge and insights gained through the research, the future activities in spatial planning, mainly in city municipalities (MO) through Sustainable urban strategies (TUS), will be much more coherent, longterm oriented and from the point of view of spatial planning also of higher quality.
Significance for the country
The project contributes to the development of 1) communal infrastructure 2) development of economic fields 3) preservation and protection of cultural heritage add 1) Due to the atomised administrative structure of Slovenian territory (212 local municipalities), mainly small local communities are limited in the sources for development of communal infrastructure by the funds dedicated by the state or economic initiative which primarily seeks economic interest. Due to poorly established principle of public-private partnership (PPP), unclear roles as well as lack of adequate professional and human resources within public services in terms of claiming public interest, the provisions of communal infrastructure too often does not reach the demanded standards. This at the same time rises the intrust into the model of PPP from the side of the general public, which causes losses to the private initiative too. This project contributes to the solving of the situation in the field of communal infrastructure provision by the analysis of typology of projects that are (un)suitable for implementation in PPP manner, as well as tools that are on disposal to local communities and providers of communal infrastructure to assure the fulfillment of public interest through the PPPs and reach the target standards of communal infrastructure. add 2) Development of economic sectors is of an essential importance for survival and development of local communities and settlements (e.g. development of tourism sector, development of creative industries based on local natural resources such as wood), but often does not take place due to the lack of start-up means. By accumulation of public and private means the break-throughs are more likely to happen and can help establish such activities and their development. In such cases a successful lead of PPPs is of essential importance. This project contributes in terms of development of locally and thematically adjusted tools that are useful for development of economic sectors in Slovenia and its legislative and socio-spatial limitations. add 3) Preservation and protection of cultural heritage is financially and legally demanding exercise in historical parts of Slovenian urban environments. Limited financial sources of individual (public or private) investors are often not sufficient for quality and comprehensive renewal, therefor the renewals are partial and do not meet desired standards, or are not started at all due to too big complexness which accelerate cultural degradation degradation. Protection of cultural heritage is a well established concept at a declarative level in Slovenia, but needs an institutional support with new means of implementation and realization in practice. PPPs represent an opportunity in financial terms by combining public and private resources. Nevertheless the practice shows that they are not well set up, very often due to legal complexness in implementation of such renovations (e.g. ownership issues, stakeholders' share of responsibilities).
Most important scientific results Final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Final report
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