Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Identifying cost-effective conservation strategies for animal genetic resources

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
4.03.08  Biotechnical sciences  Plant production  Economics of agro-food processing and rural development 

Code Science Field
S187  Social sciences  Agricultural economics 

Code Science Field
4.01  Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences  Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 
autochthonous breeds, economic valuation, competitive tender method
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (8)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  21233  Danijela Bojkovski  Animal production  Researcher  2014 - 2017 
2.  10890  PhD Emil Erjavec  Plant production  Researcher  2014 - 2017 
3.  16329  PhD Luka Juvančič  Plant production  Head  2014 - 2017 
4.  33043  Klavdija Kancler  Animal production  Researcher  2014 - 2017 
5.  06537  PhD Dragomir Kompan  Animal production  Researcher  2014 - 2017 
6.  19316  PhD Aleš Kuhar  Plant production  Researcher  2016 - 2017 
7.  06832  PhD Jurij Pohar  Animal production  Researcher  2014 - 2017 
8.  28180  PhD Mojca Simčič  Animal production  Researcher  2014 - 2017 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0481  University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty  Ljubljana  1626914  11 
1) Description of the problem Despite its lower production and/or quality potentials, the breeding of autochthonous breeds remains a rational alternative for agricultural holdings engaged in animal production.  Among the main reasons for persisting in production of autochthonous breeds, breeders point out their adaptability to the specific local production conditions. Particularly in situations with aggravated production conditions, the breeding of the autochthonous breeds reduces the production risks and often compensate the gap in production potential. Alongside its economic and importance, breeding of the autochthonous breeds has also a wider social relevance. Traditional farming types, including breeding of autochtonous breeds, may be source of numerous ecosystem services, from which some of them are public goods (biodiversity, cultural heritage, cultural landscapes, food security). Abandonment of breeding of autochthonous breeds brings economic loss to the breeders and has wider public significance. The genetic erosion and loss of important selection traits (resilience, adaptability) are the most important risks associated with the breed abandonment as well as losing of traditional farming methods, associated knowledge and skills, including processing in traditional food products. Abandonment of autochtonous breeds results in a loss of potential for positioning of traditional agricultural and food products within higher market segments. Symbolic value of autochthonous breeds (social capital) in breeding areas also has to be underlined. With their abandonment, the promotional value of the breeding area is lost, particularly in relation to tourism or gastronomy. The problem of the extinction of farm animal breeds has become an important social issue and the subject of research and action for conservation. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of United Nations for (FAO, 2007) reports that one breed per month is lost on global level and draws attention to the irreversible loss of autochthonous farm animals and crop varieties. Countries are seeking to slow down the negative trends with the implementation of international agreements such as the Convention on Biological Diversity and its strategic document, the Strategic Plan for biodiversity conservation by 2020 (CBD, 2010). Contracting partners are invited to develop their expertise and scientific evaluation methods for economically sustainable conservation and use of animal genetic resources. In the development of the technical expertise, it is necessary to take into account the economic, social, cultural and ethical values of animal genetic resources. By signing and adopting the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Republic of Slovenia committed itself to the development of the expertise that would enable the achievement of the objectives on the field of biodiversity and animal genetic resource conservation. In practice, these commitments are being addressed through a set of measures, including the Rural Development Programme (CAP Pillar II) payments, including agri-environmental sub-measure Breeding the autochthonous breeds of farm animals and state aid 'de minimis' for breeders of autochthonous breed involved in the "gene bank" program. Despite the financial support for the conservation and breeding of autochthonous breeds, the situation in Slovenia remains unsatisfactory. Population of Slovenian autochthonous breeds and the number of animals included in the above-mentioned support measures are not successful. The population of individual species or the number of breeding females, which are the basis for determining the risk level (OG RS, 90/2004), are not increasing. Consequently, some of these breeds according to the prescribed criteria are still endangered. This trend can be seen in the cases of Krško polje pig, Bela Krajina pramenka sheep, Drežnica goat and Cika cattle. These breeds are, according to the Register of breeds (2013), regarded as the most endangered
Significance for science
Raziskovalni projekt je prvi v Sloveniji, ki se posveča problematiki ohranjanja avtohtonih pasem domačih živali in proučuje socialni ekonomske dejavnike, ki vplivajo na njihovo ohranjanje. Prav tako je prvi projekt, ki bo apliciral metodo konkurenčne ponudbe na avtohtonih pasmah domačih živali in predlagal najbolj učinkovite sisteme javnih podpor. Stroškovno učinkovite ekonomske spodbude za ohranjanje avtohtonih pasem domačih živali bomo določali s pomočjo metod konkurenčne ponudbe. Metoda konkurenčne ponudbe ustvarja navidezen trg in ustvari tržne priložnosti za vrednotenje in plačilo okoljskih storitev. Pri konkurenčnih ponudbah pride do konkurenčnega obnašanja kupcev (v primeru ohranjanja je to država), ki za ohranjanje ponudi določeno ceno. V povratni konkurenčni ponudbi, pa se konkurenčno obnašajo rejci, ki med seboj konkurirajo in prodajajo storitev ohranjanja enemu kupcu (državi). Posledica je značilno padanje cen pri storitvah ohranjanja (Greenhalgh in sod., 2007). Na trgih, kjer deluje več prodajalcev (rejci) in eden kupec (vlada), metoda konkurenčne ponudbe pomembno pripomore k učinkovitemu razporejanju omejenih finančnih sredstev. Pri konkurenčni ponudbi namenjeni ohranjanju živalskih genetskih virov, katerih cilj je nakup storitev ohranjanja, so ponudbe definirane v obliki stroškov na enoto doseženega cilja (npr. strošek na ohranjeno žival). Ponudbe so razvrščene od najnižje do najvišje, kar omogoča izvajalcu identifikacijo najbolj konkurenčne ponudbe. Ta značilnost metode, omogoča izvajalcu stroškovno učinkovitost in nakup storitev ohranjanja po najnižji ceni, na enoto doseženega cilja (Greenhalgh in sod., 2007). Po podatkih iz literature, je bila metoda konkurenčne ponudbe do sedaj opravljena izključno za namene ohranjanja rastlinskih naravnih virov in ekosistemskih storitev in po nam dosegljivih podatkih do danes še ni bila uporabljena pri ohranjanju živalskih genskih virov. Metodo konkurenčne ponudbe bomo tako prvič uvedli na primeru ohranjanja avtohtonih živalskih genskih virov, kar dodatno krepi znanstveno relevantnost projekta in metode. Raziskava predstavlja zato tudi napredek na znanstvenem področju ekonomike naravnih virov.
Significance for the country
Glavni pomen raziskovalnega projekta je v tem, da nosilcem odločanja v kmetijski politiki in tudi ostalim deležnikom daje vpogled v učinkovite načine ohranjanja avtohtonih pasem domačih živali. Poleg teoretičnih in analitičnih podlag bomo v okviru projekta oblikovali tudi tudi praktične predloge, ki bi jih nosilci odločanja in ostali deležniki lahko uporabili pri oblikovanju politik ohranjanja in določitvi plačil znotraj Programa razvoja podeželja in drugih podpornih ukrepov, povezanih z ohranjanjem in rejo slovenskih avtohtonih pasem. Del rezultatov projekta je namenjen krepitvi zaznane kakovosti in s tem potenciala za dodajanje vrednosti kmetijskim in živilskim proizvodom avtohtonih pasem. S tem se projekt naslavlja neposredno na rejce, skupine proizvajalcev in gospodarske družbe, ki tržijo proizvode in storitve, povezane z rejo avtohtonih pasem.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2015, final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2015, final report
Views history