PhD Nataša Jaecks Vidic

PhD Nataša Jaecks Vidic
no.: 04847 source: ARIS

researcher – not employed in research organisation
Foreign language skills
Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
4.03.02  Biotechnical sciences  Plant production  Soil and micro-climate 
Soil science, quaternary geology, paleopedology
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on July 26, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022 (update for tender in 2023: NO)
Data for ARIS tenders ( 21.05.2024 – Target research programmes, archive )
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS 10  625  613  61.3 
Scopus 12  687  673  56.08 
Mentoring junior researchers
source: ARIS
no. Name and surname Type Period Code
1 PhD Helena Grčman  Doctoral degree  11/1/1996 - 10/10/2001  16073 
source: ARIS
Level of education Professional title Study subject Faculty Year
  B. Sc.   Geology  SI University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology 1984 
Master's degree    Geology  SI University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology 1989 
Doctor's degree    Geology  US 1994 
Doctoral dissertations and other final papers Show
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source: COBISS
Research projects Legend
source: ARIS
no. Code Title Period Head No. of publications
1. J4-7315  The response of soil organic matter and natural ecosystems (primarily forests) to climate change   2005 - 2008  PhD Nataša Jaecks Vidic  3,440 
2. M2-0029  Inženirski atlas tal Slovenije za potrebe Slovenske vojske (Slovene)   2004 - 2006  MSc Tomaž Prus  2,784 
3. V4-0418  Izdelava okolju sprejemljivejših postopkov gnojenja v skladu z nitratno smernico pri različni vodni bilanci v tleh na prodih in peskih (Slovene)   2000 - 2003  PhD Nataša Jaecks Vidic  2,904 
4. V4-0405  Zasnova metodologije za predstavitev sistema vrednostenja kmetijskih zemljišč (Slovene)   2001 - 2003  PhD Franc Lobnik  2,456 
5. J4-1423  Tla v naravnih in agro-eko sistemih (Slovene)   1999 - 2001  PhD Nataša Jaecks Vidic  4,535 
6. J4-0694  Remediacija tal z glivnim inokulumom in rastlinskimi hiperakumulatorji (Slovene)   1998 - 2001  PhD Domen Leštan  3,994 
7. L4-1434  Optimization of composting for safe and economical recycling of municipal or agricultural organic wastes - model based on the case of municipality Ptuj   2000  PhD Domen Leštan  2,443 
8. J2-9056  The effects of soil parameters on the behaviour of selected exogene substances (terbuthylazine, cadmium) in soil ecosystems   1998 - 1999  PhD Franc Lobnik  2,457 
9. L4-7378  Tla kot naravni vir in škodljive snovi v naravnih in agro-ekosistemih (Slovene)   1996 - 1998  PhD Nataša Jaecks Vidic  3,282 
10. V4-6938  Nitratni ion v pridelovanju in predelovanju hmelja (Slovene)   1998  PhD Milica Kač  3,543 
ARIS research and infrastructure programmes Legend
source: ARIS
no. Code Title Period Head No. of publications
1. P4-0085  Applied Botany, Genetics and Ecology   2004 - 2008  PhD Franc Batič  9,942 
2. P0-0514-0481  Pedologija in varstvo okolja (Slovene)   2002 - 2003  PhD Franc Lobnik  3,787 
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