PhD Andrej Blejec

PhD Andrej Blejec
no.: 06989 source: ARIS

researcher – retired
Foreign language skills
Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
1.01.06  Natural sciences and mathematics  Mathematics  Probability and statistics 
1.03.01  Natural sciences and mathematics  Biology  Zoology and zoophysiology 

Code Science Field
B110  Biomedical sciences  Bioinformatics, medical informatics, biomathematics biometrics 
P160  Natural sciences and mathematics  Statistics, operations research, programming, actuarial mathematics 
Bibliography Representative bibliographic units | Personal| COBISS+
source: COBISS
source: SICRIS
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on July 26, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022 (update for tender in 2023: YES)
Data for ARIS tenders ( 21.05.2024 – Target research programmes, archive )
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS 55  1,756  1,465  26.64 
Scopus 58  1,771  1,452  25.03 
Audiovisual sources
no. Title (with video link) Event Source
1.     Videolectures 
source: ARIS
Level of education Professional title Study subject Faculty Year
    Math.sci.  SI 1977 
Doctor's degree  Ph. D.     SI University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty 2001 
Doctoral dissertations and other final papers Show
Obtaining results now
source: COBISS
Research projects Legend
source: ARIS
no. Code Title Period Head No. of publications
1. J1-9163  Evolutionary dead ends: The perils of extreme phenotypes   2019 - 2020  PhD Matjaž Kuntner  4,288 
2. J1-8142  Vibrational communication networks: from insects to plants   2017 - 2020  PhD Meta Virant Doberlet  3,207 
3. N4-0026  Priprava molekularnih postopkov za sistemsko analizo imunskega odgovora krompirja (Slovene)   2016 - 2017  PhD Kristina Gruden  1,514 
4. J3-6799  Biomarkers of endometriosis: proteomics and metabolomics approach   2014 - 2017  PhD Tea Lanišnik Rižner  3,807 
5. J2-5478  Development and applications of new semantic data mining methods in life sciences   2013 - 2016  PhD Nada Lavrač  3,202 
6. J1-4109  Interactions between nanoparticles with different surfaces and model biological systems   2014  PhD Damjana Drobne  4,140 
7. J4-4165  Growth and defense trade-offs in multitrophic interaction between potato and its two major pests   2011 - 2014  PhD Kristina Gruden  4,787 
8. J1-2054  Molekularni mehanizmi sinergističnih in antagonističnih toksičnih učinkov heterocikličnih aminov v kombinaciji z bioaktivnimi prehranskimi onesnažili in naravnimi sestavinmi (Slovene)   2009 - 2012  PhD Metka Filipič  6,333 
9. J4-2228  Pristopi sistemske biologije za analizo interakcije med rastlino in patogenom (Slovene)   2009 - 2012  PhD Kristina Gruden  3,115 
10. L1-2278  Biološka raznovrstnost virusa PVY in njen vpliv na obrambni odgovor rastlin krompirja (Slovene)   2009 - 2012  PhD Maja Ravnikar  4,836 
11. J4-0813  Molecular basis of grapevine yellows and induced resistance to the disease   2008 - 2011  PhD Kristina Gruden  3,366 
12. V4-0523  Karakterizacija novih bakterijskih in fitoplazemskih bolezni, ki ogrožajo sadno drevje; razvoj metod za detekcijo povzročiteljev in is (Slovene)   2008 - 2009  PhD Maja Ravnikar  6,046 
13. L1-7299  The use of laser technology for registration of mechanic vibrations in biological materials   2006 - 2007  PhD Meta Virant Doberlet  1,189 
14. J1-6054  Ontogenetic development of symmetrical posture and a role of sensory neurons   2004 - 2007  PhD Andrej Čokl  882 
15. V4-0461  Postopki nadziranja in diagnosticiranja nekaterih nevarnih škodljivih organizmov ter študij populacij na različnih geografskih območjih (Slovene)   2002 - 2005  PhD Gregor Urek  4,350 
16. Z4-3273  Assessment of behavioral and genetic variation in Nezara viridula (L.)   2002 - 2004  PhD Simona Sušnik Bajec  2,586 
17. J1-3366  Detecting neuron's activity changes   2002 - 2004  PhD Andrej Blejec  288 
18. V4-0412  Pesticidi in ogrožanje biodiverzitete v Sloveniji (Slovene)   2001 - 2003  PhD Andrej Čokl  883 
19. V5-0546  Večanje zanimanja za naravoslovje z dinamično vizualizacijo naravoslovnih zakonitosti in sodelovalnim učenjem (Slovene)   2003  PhD Margareta Vrtačnik  2,141 
20. J1-0709  Biology, ecology and distribution of the bug Nezara viridula   1999 - 2001  PhD Meta Virant Doberlet  798 
21. J1-1558  Razlike v učinkih esencialnih in neesencialnih kovin na organizme (Slovene)   1999 - 2001  PhD Jasna Štrus  2,071 
22. J3-8726  Neurobiological and behavioural studies of sensory systems in insects   1998 - 1999  PhD Andrej Čokl  798 
23. L3-8919  Proteaze in proteazni inhibitorji v napredovanju raka: možna uporaba v prognozi, preventivi in antimetastatski terapiji (Slovene)   1998 - 1999  PhD Tamara Lah Turnšek  3,665 
24. J1-7392  Pretok snovi in energije v kopenskih izopodnih rakih v naravnih in stresnih razmerah (toksičnost kovin) (Slovene)   1996 - 1998  PhD Jasna Štrus  2,427 
25. J3-7054  Metodologija za izboljšanje regresijskih modelov z okrnjenimi podatki v zdravstvenih vedah (Slovene)   1995 - 1998  PhD Janez Stare  1,155 
ARIS research and infrastructure programmes Legend
source: ARIS
no. Code Title Period Head No. of publications
1. P1-0255  Communities, interactions and communications in ecosystems   2017 - 2024  PhD Meta Virant Doberlet  6,969 
2. P1-0255  Communities, relations and communications in the ecosystems   2014 - 2016  PhD Anton Brancelj  5,841 
3. P1-0255  Communities, relations and communications in the ecosystems   2009 - 2013  PhD Anton Brancelj  7,741 
4. P1-0255  Communities, relations and communications in the ecosystems   2004 - 2008  PhD Anton Brancelj  5,763 
5. P0-0503-0105  Neuroethology and ecophysiology of insects   2001 - 2003  PhD Andrej Čokl  1,418 
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