Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Spatial Planning

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.08.00  Social sciences  Urbanism   
1.08.00  Natural sciences and mathematics  Control and care of the environment   

Code Science Field
S240  Social sciences  Town and country planning 

Code Science Field
5.07  Social Sciences  Social and economic geography 
1.05  Natural Sciences  Earth and related Environmental sciences 
spatial planning process, quality of living, ecosystemic approach, nature based solutions, green infrastructure, low carbon society, urban mobility, sustainable urban mobility strategy, spatial demography, social innovation, aging society, dwelling quality, methodology & tools
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on September 28, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022
Data for ARIS tenders ( 04.04.2019 – Programme tender , archive )
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS  76  906  863  11.36 
Scopus  136  1,258  1,180  8.68 
Researchers (20)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  50172  PhD Mojca Balant  Urbanism  Researcher  2024  77 
2.  21873  PhD Igor Bizjak  Urbanism  Researcher  2018 - 2024  191 
3.  19273  Boštjan Cotič  Urbanism  Technical associate  2018 - 2024  170 
4.  06255  MSc Barbara Černič Mali  Urbanism  Technical associate  2018 - 2020  318 
5.  54737  Manca Dremel  Urbanism  Junior researcher  2020 - 2024  22 
6.  24037  PhD Damjana Gantar  Urbanism  Researcher  2018 - 2024  128 
7.  20692  PhD Barbara Goličnik Marušić  Urbanism  Head  2018 - 2024  242 
8.  09803  MSc Andrej Gulič  Urbanism  Technical associate  2018 - 2024  492 
9.  23488  PhD Boštjan Kerbler  Urbanism  Researcher  2018 - 2024  390 
10.  50868  Simon Koblar  Urbanism  Researcher  2024  98 
11.  29242  PhD Luka Mladenovič  Urbanism  Researcher  2018 - 2024  154 
12.  29241  Barbara Mušič  Urbanism  Technical associate  2018 - 2024  120 
13.  22631  PhD Matej Nikšič  Urbanism  Researcher  2018 - 2024  308 
14.  15509  PhD Aljaž Plevnik  Urbanism  Researcher  2018 - 2024  200 
15.  11296  Sergeja Praper Gulič  Urbanism  Technical associate  2018 - 2024  222 
16.  10488  PhD Richard Sendi  Urbanism  Researcher  2018 - 2024  355 
17.  57635  Ajda Šeme  Urbanism  Junior researcher  2023 - 2024  35 
18.  10532  MSc Ina Šuklje Erjavec  Urbanism  Technical associate  2018 - 2024  250 
19.  20404  PhD Vlasta Vodeb  Urbanism  Researcher  2018 - 2024  113 
20.  51689  PhD Vita Žlender  Urbanism  Researcher  2018 - 2024  56 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0505  Urban planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia  Ljubljana  5051703000  2,817 
The research programme Spatial planning is an interdisciplinary programme, including disciplines such as landscape architecture, architecture, urban planning and design, sociology, geography, economy, even mathematics, each addressing spatial issues from its own angle. The general focus is on basic and applied research for various levels of spatial development, from regional planning and development, to urban and landscape planning and design. Within this framework, special attention is paid to improvement and development of research methods relevant for interdisciplinary bottom-up approaches. Such approaches are crucial for effective implementation of scientific results into a planning practice addressing wide spectrum of issues, from new development, regeneration and revitalisation to preservation of any valuable component of space. Thus there is a striving for development of tools for comprehensive spatial development considering structural, morphological, ecological, cultural, psychological and socio-economic aspects. The programme is incorporated into main streams at international as well as national level. It is in line with international directives and objectives relevant for spatial and urban planning as well as with the aims and priorities significant at the national level. We will continue with the upgrading of carried out approaches, methods and models: models of sustainable development, methods for spatial and environmental evaluation, environmental management, and impacts of climate changes on spatial development, with a special emphasis on interpretation and implementation of paradigms such as ecosystemic approach and nature based solutions. Further, we will continue with the development and promotion of mobility systems, examination of quality of living in relation to the roles of green and open spaces, emphasising the concept of green infrastructure; and development of policies and planning practices for vulnerable groups, emphasising the needs of aging society. There will be a special focus on the usage of ICT and further development of e-GIS tools and methods for various assessments of (social) acceptability of spatial interventions, examination of potentials of scenarios and simulations as a means for monitoring and valuation of changes in places; especially changes as consequences of abandoned areas (e.g. social and spatial redevelopment of industrial areas, changes in cultural landscape, urban-rural relationship) and as consequences of climate changes. The results will be applied in spatial policy making and evaluating, strategic town planning and development, development and planning of green systems of cities and towns, mobility systems of cities and regions and as practical guidance for all-inclusive design.
Significance for science
Spatial planning is an applied discipline, therefore scientific research in this field addresses practical issues. Accordingly, our work is predominately focused on providing guidance and support for practical planning, design and management of territories and places. Research conducted within this research programme provide a strong impact on spatial and urban planning methods development and thus contribute to development of new generations of planning and design processes and approaches in Slovenia as well as in Europe. Basic and applied research projects often result in guidelines or (action) plans, usually supported by ICT, thus any translation of research work into practice is significant also in the fields of e-products and services. The major significance for scientific development in the field of spatial, environmental and social studies lies in the development and implementation of scientific methods and tools. An important contribution is also in the interdisciplinary approach and linkage of various scientific disciplines and their methods into innovative approaches, which are used in practice such as planning, design and management of territories and places. Accordingly, bottom-up approaches are of key importance as their implementation contribute to the enhancement of applicable values of such basic scientific disciplines, e.g. psychology (use of behaviour and mental mapping); sociology, economy and computer sciences (data linkage to territories and their analysis and visualisation), or physics and chemistry (issues related to environmental protection, ecology and climate changes). The main topics of the proposed programme are multilayered; ranging from contribution to contemporary theoretical concepts and their interpretation and implementation into new methodological approaches for planning processes, to strategic and concrete guidance for provision of quality of living stressing low carbon society via sustainable mobility, dwelling, housing standards and care for all. - Furthermore, researchers cooperate with international research centres and universities within projects supported by various EC programmes and other international projects. Within these projects, as well as within the framework of projects from the coming programmes of the EC perspectives, researchers will contribute to the development of new knowledge, approaches and policies applied in/for spatial planning and development. The results of work in such international consortiums contribute to better understanding of urbanisation processes and spatial development in Europe. They represent points of departures for the implementation and formulation of modern policies of sustainable spatial development, landscape and environmental protection, and urban and landscape management at various territorial levels The originality of results is in developed new knowledge, concepts and methods, which will be based on multi(trans)disciplinary and holistic approach when linking the latest knowledge of environment protection, nature conservation and spatial development. Such approach will interlink researchers, developers and professionals from various disciplines as well as interested stakeholders and public. The originality of results is seen also in operative tools, which will act towards reconciliation of public and private interests with the purpose to increase the quality of living environments and general awareness about these issues. It will be achieved through the application of contemporary ICT. GIS supported tools represent an efficient media with a wide spectrum of information (e.g. feasibility assessment, socio-economic input data, simulation of territorial changes). This will result into a better understanding and communication between stakeholders involved in spatial development issues and will have final effects on better territorial management and husbandry. In practice, this means the reduction of speculative urbanism, which is manifested
Significance for the country
Spatial planning is an applied discipline; therefore, scientific research in this field must address practical issues, too. Accordingly, our work is predominately focused on providing guidance and support for practical planning, design and management of territories and places. Basic and applied research projects often result in guidelines or (action) plans, usually supported by ICT, thus any translation of research work into practice is significant also in the fields of e-products and services. Due to the current economic crisis, there are fewer opportunities in planning practice and consequently in scientific support for it in Slovenia now. Nonetheless, researchers stay in touch with these challenges mostly through international projects. The results are important for: • Sustainable socio-economic and cultural development Contribution is seen within the development of our own methods and transmission of foreign knowledge into Slovenian practice and theory; development of methods of spatial planning at different territorial levels, from local to national; preparation of strategic planning documents; implementation of spatial legislation; preparation of sample cases of planning documents; development of e-GIS tools for documentation and analysis of territories and places regarding specific target groups, from business subjects to vulnerable or other focused groups. • Rational and effective spatial development Contribution lies in continuity of systematic monitoring of spatial development and territorial changes, methods development in altered climate and demographic conditions, inclusion of ICT into procedures and processes of planning and design, and development of simulation models relevant for various territorial levels and/or potential users; monitoring of implementation of legislation, legislation assessments, carrying out public lectures and manuals for awareness raising of professional as well as lay public. One of the important fields of interest is also the development of scientific and professional terminology.  • Technological development Contribution is mostly seen through e-GIS supportive systems for research, analysis, planning, and management of territories and places, and development of modelling approaches, simulations of scenarios of possible future territorial developments. • Building up national, space and landscape identity, and cultural diversity Spatial planning is inevitably linked with the fields of space identity, landscape protection, and cultural and natural heritage preservation. Accordingly, its contribution lies in the development of comprehensive approaches addressing preservation of spatial, natural and cultural qualities of Slovenia. Dissemination of such approaches and other built up knowledge contribute to the popularisation of science, recognition of Slovenia in the European context, and influence the enhancement of cultural and national identity Common potential impacts on social and economic development are: • Use of synergies, increase of relevance Knowledge about the EsA, NBS and GI concepts and their interpretation and implementation in the processes of spatial planning may lead towards understanding both, reasons for origin of, and reasons for birding the applicability gaps among environmental protection, nature conservation, climate change adaptation and spatial planning and development. In the processes of spatial planning, including comprehensive regeneration and urban mobility concepts implementation, such approach inspires a collaborative planning culture across different policy areas and sectors and between different governance levels as well as participatory public. This cooperative planning culture supports the finding of solutions that reflect the connected nature of urbanism as a discipline. • Improved quality of life Implementation of spatial demography research, micro location and user-centred spatial statistics (e.g. in the field of housing studies: the prevention of d
Most important scientific results Interim report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Interim report
Views history