Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Prostorsko planiranje (Slovene)

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.08.00  Social sciences  Urbanism   

Code Science Field
S240  Social sciences  Town and country planning 
T260  Technological sciences  Physical planning 
T250  Technological sciences  Landscape design 
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (22)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  08125  PhD Branka Berce Bratko  Urbanism  Researcher  2001 - 2003  166 
2.  19273  Boštjan Cotič  Urbanism  Researcher  2001 - 2003  168 
3.  06255  MSc Barbara Černič Mali  Urbanism  Researcher  2001 - 2003  318 
4.  09799  Saša Dalla Valle  Urbanism  Researcher  2001 - 2003  211 
5.  09801  PhD Kaliopa Dimitrovska Andrews  Urbanism  Researcher  2001 - 2003  404 
6.  20692  PhD Barbara Goličnik Marušić  Urbanism  Researcher  2001 - 2003  241 
7.  16378  PhD Mojca Golobič  Urbanism  Researcher  2001 - 2003  482 
8.  09803  MSc Andrej Gulič  Urbanism  Researcher  2001 - 2003  491 
9.  08444  Aleksander Jakoš  Urbanism  Researcher  2001 - 2003  295 
10.  08830  PhD Breda Mihelič  Urbanism  Head  2001 - 2003  281 
11.  15093  PhD Mitja Pavliha  Urbanism  Researcher  2001 - 2003  55 
12.  16377  MSc Nataša Pichler-Milanovič  Geography  Researcher  2001 - 2003  239 
13.  07573  PhD Jelka Pirkovič  Art history  Researcher  2001 - 2003  286 
14.  15509  PhD Aljaž Plevnik  Urbanism  Researcher  2001 - 2003  200 
15.  10597  MSc Zlatka Ploštajner  Urbanism  Researcher  2001 - 2003  102 
16.  11296  Sergeja Praper Gulič  Urbanism  Researcher  2001 - 2003  222 
17.  10488  PhD Richard Sendi  Urbanism  Researcher  2001 - 2003  352 
18.  07686  Ivan Stanič  Urbanism  Researcher  2001 - 2003  424 
19.  11695  PhD Mojca Šašek Divjak  Urbanism  Researcher  2001 - 2003  191 
20.  10532  MSc Ina Šuklje Erjavec  Urbanism  Researcher  2001 - 2003  249 
21.  20404  PhD Vlasta Vodeb  Urbanism  Researcher  2001 - 2003  113 
22.  06186  Franc Zakrajšek  Urbanism  Researcher  2001 - 2003  395 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0505  Urban planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia  Ljubljana  5051703000  2,807 
Amongst the key contents of our groups interdisciplinary research programme are topics in the forefront of interest in international research circles, such as: Sustainable development models for the urban regions; Concepts of Strategies and Scenarios, based on economic competitiveness, for Flexible Planning; analysis of the changing conditions under which the Government, as regulator of supply, relates to the Market, in the Context of urban and architectural design. The programme continues to deal with contemporary spatial issues on the various levels of planning: national, regional and municipal, including development possibilities for particular sites and typical urban functions. Research in the field of spatial regional planning will be oriented towards a model for a Slovenian regional development 'toolbox', designed on the basis of research practice within the European Union and in Euro-regions, as well as the activities of structural funding programmes and other development initiatives. Research into new approaches to planning will remain in the forefront of our work in local and municipal development, both in the context of Sustainable Development paradigms, increasing the flexibility and responsiveness of planning documents to rapid changes in the market economy, and in maintaining spatial identity and cultural heritage by encouraging active participation with the broader public in the evolving planning processes. Our research programme will be directed towards developing methods, models and tools, for promoting urban renewal and raising the quality of new development, and enhancing the market promotion of Slovenian towns, as well as increasing their competitiveness in the network of towns in Central Europe. But higher standards for the quality of planning and managing space aren't possible without the development of a sound information technology basis for physical planning. Within this expanding aspect we will continue researching and developing the theoretical, methodological and development basis of information support for spatial planning and management, specifically focusing on geo-information support for the local level, together with computer supported methods, models and techniques for spatial planning and urban design. The proposed research programme in the field of housing will be looking at homes in the broader context of the current rapid changes in modern society, and the social trends concerning population shift, economic and political development, dynamics and problems. Therefore the research topics in the field of housing will include such aspects as: the emerging private sector housing market, its institutions and actors (e.g. new entrepreneurs and the private renting sector); analysis of rising problems of the existing social housing stock; models for optimising the management, maintenance and renewal of housing estates; developing and supporting particular paradigms and urban-architectural concepts of construction, energy efficient building typology and construction organisation, as well as housing provision for groups with special needs. In the field of environmental research we will continue our research and development of methods for reducing and preventing degradation and negative environmental effects, as well as encouraging and supporting means to ensure the protection and future development of Slovenia's natural heritage.
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