Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Ukrepi za uresničevanje pravic invalidv do dostopa brez ovir: inventarizacija obstoječih grajenih ovir v grajenem okolju in v pomembnih javnih objektih po Sloveniji (Slovene)

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.08.00  Social sciences  Urbanism   
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (10)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  21873  PhD Igor Bizjak  Urbanism  Researcher  2010 - 2011  187 
2.  06255  MSc Barbara Černič Mali  Urbanism  Researcher  2009  318 
3.  23665  Nina Goršič  Urbanism  Technical associate  2009 - 2011  138 
4.  23488  PhD Boštjan Kerbler  Urbanism  Researcher  2009  383 
5.  22130  MSc Barbara Kobal Tomc  Sociology  Researcher  2009  432 
6.  24753  PhD Sabina Mujkić  Urbanism  Researcher  2009 - 2011  169 
7.  25659  MSc Mateja Nagode  Sociology  Researcher  2009 - 2010  367 
8.  10488  PhD Richard Sendi  Urbanism  Head  2009 - 2011  350 
9.  28689  MSc Simona Smolej Jež  Sociology  Researcher  2009 - 2010  242 
10.  21511  MSc Biba Tominc  Urbanism  Researcher  2009 - 2011  140 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0505  Urban planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia  Ljubljana  5051703000  2,794 
2.  7603  Social Protection Institute of the Republic of Slovenia  Ljubljana  5966604000  1,274 
Significance for science
Contrary to predominant practice in this area, we adopted a ‘bottom-up’ approach to this research project through which the disabled persons themselves were enabled to actively participate in the identification of barriers and were allowed to suggest solutions which they consider urgent for solving the problems they encounter in their lives. In comparison with the ‘top-down’ approach (which usually involves the passing of laws, formulation of various strategies and determination of measures and goals), the originality of the methodological approach adopted in this research lies in the active involvement of disabled persons themselves in the investigation of concrete barriers in the built environment. For conducting the field investigation of built-environment barriers in major public buildings in various regional centres in Slovenia, we requested and secured the participation of disabled persons, who have accurate knowledge of all the types of barriers they encounter in their daily lives. As such, the active participation of disabled persons in the assessment of the existence of built-environment barriers offers significant added value to the research methodology. The prototype interactive web tool created as the final result of the research is a mechanism that enables us to make the giant leap from paper declarations to concrete action. With its four constitutive parts, the tool presents a comprehensive instrument which, to our knowledge, is the first of its kind among established approaches to tackling built-environment and communication barriers. While the internet web guide for disabled people is, certainly, a widely used information medium, we are confident to suggest that the interactive web tool presented here, with all its constituent parts, is a novelty in this area. More concretely, it is a social innovation. According to the relevant theory, social innovations have the following basic characteristics: • the generation and implementation of new ideas about how people should organise personal activities, or social interaction, to meet one or more common goals; • the creation of new processes and procedures for structuring collaborative work; • the introduction of new social practices in a group; • the rearrangement or restructuring of existing social relationships to address social issues at hand; • the satisfaction of human needs that are not currently satisfied; • the achievement of changes in social relations, especially with regard to governance, that enable the satisfaction and also increase the level of participation of, especially, deprived groups of society; • countering or overcoming conservative forces that are eager to strengthen or preserve social exclusion situations; • the mobilisation of citizens to actively participate in the development of new solutions. Within the context of the above theoretical characterisations, the interactive web tool we created is a social innovation since it responds to a pressing social demand, which significantly affects the process of social interactions. It is a new idea that simultaneously meets the needs of the disabled (more effectively than current alternatives), mobilises citizens to actively participate in the development of new solutions and, as such, creates new social relationships and collaborations. Furthermore, the interactive web tool also has another important characteristic, namely, the potential for transferability. The web forum, technical instrument and monitoring service are new solutions that have the capacity to be replicated in other countries, subject to specific adjustments. The most complex instrument to adapt would be the inspection list which requires a preliminary review of all regulations concerning barrier-free access in a particular country.
Significance for the country
The built environment often presents barries which make it difficult or completely stop disabled people from execrising their right to social inclusion. At the same time it is important to point out that the free movement of goods and persons, and the increasing of social cohesion have been declared as important goals of the Lisbon Strategy. Slovenia has committed herself to the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy. The results of the research present a basis for the realisation of one of the goals of the national development policy in the part which states that everybody must be enabled “personality development, self confidence and equal opportunities for establishment in society”. The findings of the field survey and the measures we propose for the improvement of the current situation will, if efficiently implemented, significantly contribute to increasing the opportunities of the disabled to be able to contribute, with their own potential, to the general welfare and development of Slovenia. As was indicated in the presentation of research results in section in section 4, the prototype interactive web tool will, in the future, expand its services also to include proving additional information such as, working hours of key public offices and information on contact persons responsible for specific matters, important for disabled people. A service will also be provided for explaining various technical issues and elaborating complicated legal matters concerning the rights and various situations of the disabled. The next major challenge is, of course, the successful implementation of the social innovation. As has been rightly cautioned by a prominent writer on social innovations: ‘Not only does social innovation apparently call for some unique skills and expertise, it also makes some unique demands with regard to solution implementation.’ It is important to stress, here, that the implementation of the interactive web tool requires also the active participation of various state institutions (ministries, bodies and other organisations) competent in the area of care for the disabled. The specific government departments are responsible for providing the necessary basic support for the practical operation of the interactive web tool as well as ensuring that the relevant planning and building regulations are fully conformed with. The role, especially, of the building inspectorate in imposing prescribed sanctions against violations is vital. Cooperation between the experts and the competent inspectorate services is thus urgent. The created prototype interactive web tool thus presents a major achievement for Slovenia as it simplifies the building inspectorate’s work and increases its efficiency in ensuring compliance with the regulations and standards concerning the realisation of the rights of the disabled to barrier-free access.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2009, 2010, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2009, 2010, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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