Jasna Jugovič

Jasna Jugovič
no.: 32353 source: ARIS

expert or technical associate – active in research organisation
Bibliography Representative bibliographic units | Personal| COBISS+
source: COBISS
source: SICRIS
Data for ARIS tenders ( 21.05.2024 – Target research programmes, archive )
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source: COBISS
source: ARIS
Type of employment Research org. Research group
Full time employment (100%, RD:100%)  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences  Centre for Welfare Studies 
Research projects Legend
source: ARIS
no. Code Title Period Head No. of publications
1. J5-50160  Hidden discrimination of informal family carers in employment and work   2023 - 2024  PhD Valentina Hlebec  1,288 
2. V5-2355  Analysis of ownership structures in the Slovenian economy and the potential for promoting socially responsible ownership   2023 - 2024  PhD Aleksandra Kanjuo Mrčela  1,258 
3. V5-2306  Mental health of youth in Slovenia in the context of global crises: State, risk and protective factors   2023 - 2024  PhD Metka Kuhar  697 
4. V5-2297  Media Landscape in Slovenia between Pluralisation and Homogenisation   2022 - 2024  PhD Igor Vobič  2,473 
5. J5-4581  Unions and sustainability transitions: Expectations and paradoxes (TU-ST)   2022 - 2024  PhD Urša Golob Podnar  1,920 
6. J5-2567  Long-term care for people with dementia in social work theory and practice   2022 - 2024  PhD Jana Mali  5,376 
7. J5-2559  Homelessness in Slovenia: extent, profile and attitudes   2020 - 2024  PhD Maša Filipovič Hrast  1,987 
8. J5-2568  Public space for the needs of the elderly in large housing estates in Slovenia   2022 - 2023  PhD Boštjan Kerbler  2,204 
9. V5-2288  The potential of nongovernmental organisations in Slovenia in addressing the needs of local communities   2022 - 2023  PhD Tatjana Rakar  2,373 
10. V5-2266  With Transparency to Gender Equality in Pay (WTG)   2023  PhD Aleksandra Kanjuo Mrčela  610 
11. J5-1793  The role of communication inequalities in disintegration of a multinational society   2019 - 2022  PhD Igor Vobič  2,892 
12. J5-8235  Exploring and understanding welfare state determinants of care provision for older people in the community in Slovenia and Austria   2017 - 2020  PhD Valentina Hlebec  3,828 
13. J5-6824  Innovative Forms of Living Environments for Elderly People in Slovenia   2015 - 2017  PhD Boštjan Kerbler  1,647 
14. J5-6815  Determinants and effects of Slovenian firms' positioning in global value chains   2015 - 2016  PhD Jože Damijan  6,012 
15. J5-5545  Cross-cultural differences and stereotypisation: an advantage or disadvantage in a political and economic cooperation among ex-Yugoslavia member states   2015  PhD Boštjan Udovič  4,262 
16. J5-4080  Community care of the elderly in Slovenia   2012  PhD Valentina Hlebec  3,779 
17. V5-1009  Determinante neposrednih tujih investicij v in iz Slovenije in identifikacija ekonomsko-političnih ukrepov za pospeševanje vhodne in izhodne internacionalizacije Slovenije (Slovene)   2010 - 2012  PhD Matija Rojec  3,178 
18. J5-2166  Medgeneracijska solidarnost v Sloveniji (Slovene)   2010 - 2012  PhD Valentina Hlebec  2,920 
19. V5-1011  Evalvacija izvajanja politike konkurenčnosti v obdobju 2004-2009 s predlogi sprememb in novih ukrepov in kazalnikov (Slovene)   2010 - 2012  PhD Andreja Jaklič  3,561 
20. V5-1005  Učinek vladnih protikriznih ukrepov na delovanje podjetij v pogojih gospodarske recesije (Slovene)   2010 - 2012  PhD Anže Burger  2,630 
ARIS research and infrastructure programmes Legend
source: ARIS
no. Code Title Period Head No. of publications
1. P5-0193  Work, Education and Employment Analyses   2020 - 2023  PhD Aleksandra Kanjuo Mrčela  4,509 
2. P5-0051  Mass media, public sphere and social changes   2022  PhD Slavko Splichal  2,044 
3. P5-0051  Mass media, the public sphere and social changes   2017 - 2021  PhD Slavko Splichal  3,692 
4. P5-0200  Quality of Life of Social Groups   2017 - 2020  PhD Valentina Hlebec  3,235 
5. P5-0193  Work, Education and Employment Analyses   2015 - 2019  PhD Miroslav Stanojević  4,726 
6. P5-0177  Slovenia and its actors in international relations and European integrations   2016 - 2018  PhD Andreja Jaklič  5,932 
7. P5-0200  Quality of Life of Social Groups   2015  PhD Srna Mandič  2,164 
8. P5-0177  Možnosti in priložnosti Slovenije in njenih akterjev v procesih globalizacije (Slovene)   2012 - 2014  PhD Matija Rojec  5,218 
9. P5-0193  Work, Education and Employment Analyses   2011 - 2014  PhD Miroslav Stanojević  5,883 
10. P5-0200  QUALITY OF LIFE OF SOCIAL GROUPS   2010 - 2013  PhD Srna Mandič  2,636 
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