PhD Saša Širca

PhD Saša Širca
no.: 22935 source: ARIS

researcher – active in research organisation
Phone number 01 280 51 76
E-mail sasa.sircaat signkis.si
Foreign language skills
Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
4.03.00  Biotechnical sciences  Plant production   
4.03.05  Biotechnical sciences  Plant production  Phytomedicine 
Plant protection, phytonematology
Bibliography Representative bibliographic units | Personal| COBISS+
source: COBISS
source: SICRIS
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on July 26, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022 (update for tender in 2023: YES)
Data for ARIS tenders ( 21.05.2024 – Target research programmes, archive )
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS 35  441  392  11.2 
Scopus 40  517  452  11.3 
source: ARIS
Level of education Professional title Study subject Faculty Year
  B. Sc.   Agronomy Department  SI University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty 2000 
Doctor's degree  Ph. D.   Biotechnology  SI University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty 2007 
Doctoral dissertations and other final papers Show
Obtaining results now
source: COBISS
source: ARIS
Type of employment Research org. Research group Date of employment Position Role Title
Full time employment (100%, RD:100%)  Agricultural institute of Slovenia  Crop production  4/17/2001  Senior research associate  Researcher   
Research projects Legend
source: ARIS
no. Code Title Period Head No. of publications
1. L7-50153  Early detection and management of important grapevine diseases (RESENS-VITIS)   2023 - 2024  PhD Saša Širca  3,060 
2. V4-2001  Use of gaseous plasma for higher yields and lower use of antifungal agents in agriculture   2020 - 2023  PhD Ita Junkar  5,547 
3. L4-1840  New management practices for mitigating abiotic and biotic stresses in maize under changing climate conditions   2019 - 2022  PhD Uroš Žibrat  4,612 
4. V4-1602  Use of low risk plant protection methods in vegetable production   2016 - 2019  PhD Jaka Razinger  4,395 
5. J4-7162  Applications of aegerolysin-like proteins for detection and eradication of pests   2016 - 2018  PhD Kristina Sepčić  5,208 
6. L4-7520  Utilization of common bean genetic resources for sustainable crop improvement and healthy food   2016 - 2018  PhD Vladimir Meglič  5,560 
7. L4-5525  Epidemiology and Biodiversity Studies of Plant Pathogens   2013 - 2016  PhD Maja Ravnikar  5,865 
8. J4-5527  Genomic / transcriptomic approaches to fungus-pest interactions and biological control   2013 - 2016  PhD Hans-Josef Schroers  2,565 
9. V4-1130  Investigation of Environmentaly friendly maize growing systems and weed control   2011 - 2014  PhD Andrej Simončič  6,486 
10. V4-1075  Ogroženost naših gozdov zaradi borove ogorčice Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Slovene)   2010 - 2013  PhD Saša Širca  5,483 
11. V4-1068  Biofumigacija kot alternativa kemičnem zatiranju talnih škodljivih organizmov (Slovene)   2010 - 2012  PhD Sebastjan Radišek  4,144 
12. L4-1021  Can global climate changes influence the settlement of tropic plant parasitic species new to Slovenia, the example of Meloidogyne ethiopica?   2008 - 2011  PhD Gregor Urek  2,837 
13. V4-0313  Diagnostika povzročiteljev bolezni vinske trte (Slovene)   2007 - 2009  PhD Irena Mavrič Pleško  5,447 
14. V4-0324  Karakterizatcija patotipov rumene krompirjeve ogorčice Globodera rostochiensis in ovrednotenje raznolikosti (polimorfizmov) virulentnih genov (Slovene)   2007 - 2008  PhD Barbara Gerič Stare  2,760 
15. V4-0352  Škodljivi dejavniki za gozd v sodobnem času: metode spremljanja, ekološko modeliranje, vpliv gpspodarjenja ter načini ukrepanja (Slovene)   2007 - 2008  PhD Maja Jurc  7,086 
16. M1-0152  Varstvo pred nenadzorovanim sprožanjem gensko spremenjenih organizmov in drugih biotskih agensov (fitopatogenih mikroorganizmov) v okolje (Slovene)   2006 - 2008  PhD Jana Žel  9,659 
17. L4-9585  Invasive fungi and isects harmful to forests   2007  PhD Dušan Jurc  6,142 
18. J4-6307  The role of nematode xiphinema rivesi dalmasso, 1969 for transmission of nepoviruses   2004 - 2007  PhD Gregor Urek  1,977 
19. L4-6477  Usage of entomopathogenic nematodes in plant protection - the method optimization   2004 - 2007  PhD Lea Milevoj  2,822 
20. V4-0110  Preučitev biokemije koruznega hrošča in nekaterih možnosti za njegov nadzor in obvladovanje v slovenskih rastnih razmerah (Slovene)   2005 - 2006  PhD Gregor Urek  3,935 
21. V4-0872  Povzročitelji novih in manj znanih bolezni vinske trte (Slovene)   2003 - 2006  PhD Gregor Urek  3,997 
22. L4-6294  Alternativne metode razkuževanja tal s pomočjo solarizacije in rastlinskih glukozinolatov (Slovene)   2004 - 2005  PhD Matej Stopar  4,110 
23. V4-0461  Postopki nadziranja in diagnosticiranja nekaterih nevarnih škodljivih organizmov ter študij populacij na različnih geografskih območjih (Slovene)   2003 - 2005  PhD Gregor Urek  4,350 
ARIS research and infrastructure programmes Legend
source: ARIS
no. Code Title Period Head No. of publications
1. P4-0072  Agrobiodiversity   2018 - 2024  PhD Vladimir Meglič  5,394 
2. P4-0072  Agrobiodiversity   2013 - 2017  PhD Vladimir Meglič  5,184 
3. P4-0072  Agrobiodiversity   2009 - 2012  PhD Vladimir Meglič  3,512 
International projects
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