Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Forest, forestry and renawable forest resources

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
4.01.00  Biotechnical sciences  Forestry, wood and paper technology   

Code Science Field
B430  Biomedical sciences  Sylviculture, forestry, forestry technology 
Forest, forestry, forest ecology, forest sites, growth and yield, silviculture, forest health, forest management, forest operations, forest policy and economics, landscape ecology, wood, wildlife, sustainable management
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (39)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  02631  PhD Marko Accetto  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2006  197 
2.  03316  PhD Miha Adamič  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2007  361 
3.  29881  Tomaž Adamič    Technical associate  2008  32 
4.  03872  PhD Boštjan Anko  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2006  328 
5.  10801  PhD Andrej Bončina  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2008  525 
6.  28895  Danijel Borkovič    Technical associate  2007 - 2008  30 
7.  11958  PhD Robert Brus  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2008  746 
8.  11253  PhD Jurij Diaci  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Head  2004 - 2008  720 
9.  15083  Leonarda Godler  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004  10 
10.  06470  PhD David Hladnik  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2008  251 
11.  22515  PhD Klemen Jerina  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2008  450 
12.  02491  PhD Maja Jurc  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2008  564 
13.  20035  PhD Aleš Kadunc  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2008  150 
14.  28501  PhD Matija Klopčič  Biotechnical sciences  Junior researcher  2007 - 2008  178 
15.  17765  Uroš Edvard Kolar    Technical associate  2004 - 2007 
16.  08157  PhD Boštjan Košir  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2008  391 
17.  05845  PhD Marijan Kotar  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2006  297 
18.  12796  PhD Janez Krč  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2008  318 
19.  01265  PhD Marjan Lipoglavšek  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004  174 
20.  11954  PhD Jurij Marenče  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Technical associate  2005 - 2008  121 
21.  29335  PhD Matevž Mihelič  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Technical associate  2008  116 
22.  27544  PhD Thomas Andrew Nagel  Biotechnical sciences  Junior researcher  2006 - 2008  245 
23.  15494  MSc Andreja Ogulin-Iskra  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004  25 
24.  13256  Roman Pavlin  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Technical associate  2005 - 2008  87 
25.  25668  PhD Špela Pezdevšek Malovrh  Biotechnical sciences  Junior researcher  2005 - 2008  326 
26.  10973  PhD Janez Pirnat  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2008  205 
27.  22576  PhD Anton Poje  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Technical associate  2005 - 2008  149 
28.  17768  Jure Pokorn    Technical associate  2004 - 2008 
29.  06473  PhD Igor Potočnik  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2008  265 
30.  22577  Jože Primožič    Technical associate  2004 - 2007 
31.  24368  PhD Andrej Rozman  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2005 - 2008  114 
32.  21043  PhD Dušan Roženbergar  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Technical associate  2005 - 2008  234 
33.  17770  Alojzij Skvarča    Technical associate  2004 - 2008  27 
34.  17766  Tatjana Stritar    Technical associate  2004 - 2006 
35.  10008  PhD Milan Šinko  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Technical associate  2005 - 2008  123 
36.  17769  Savina Terlep    Technical associate  2004 - 2008 
37.  14839  Karmen Vogelnik  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Technical associate  2004 - 2008 
38.  00565  PhD Iztok Winkler  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2005  477 
39.  07446  PhD Lidija Zadnik-Stirn  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2008  614 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0481  University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty  Ljubljana  1626914  67,299 
The predominant landscape feature in Slovenia is its forests, which currently cover 56 % of the territory and are still increasing in size. The attitude of the Slovene population towards forests is changing as is our need for forests. Consequently, the ecological and social functions of forests are gaining in importance. Unlike most European countries with lower forest cover, Slovenia as a country poor in natural resources still considers forest an essential provider of renewable forest resources. Forest hinterland provides Slovenia with rich yet largely unutilised resources of high quality drinking water. Exceptional ecological characteristics of wood as energent and material promise that wood is looking to reclaim its past position, particularly thanks to increasing market awareness-building and low demand for tropical wood. In Slovenia, forest production and processing is an important job provider, especially in less populated and sensitive border areas. Slovenia practises sustainable forest management which ensures environment-friendly forest production to go hand in hand with tending of forest ecosystems and provision of other forest functions. The purpose of the research programme is: (i) to preserve Slovene forests and develop sustainable, multi-purpose forest management, which is based on the balance between the social and economic functions of the forest and maintenance of its pristine ecological character, (ii) to maintain the balance between forests and other land uses, (iii) to promote wood production techniques that are both friendly to the environment and ownership conditions and humane, and (iv) to preserve cultural landscape population and improve living conditions in the countryside. The primary objectives of the research programme are: (a) to study the characteristics, structure and functioning of forest ecosystems in Slovenia; (b) to study the animal component of a forest and its balance with the plant component, development of strategies concerning protection of forests and conservation of rare and endangered species; (c) to study forest structures and develop strategies for forest management in harsh living conditions and after natural disasters: timberline forests, protection forests, karst and submediterranean forests, forests on former agricultural lands, forests affected by natural disasters, forests in emission zones; to develop the methods for torrential waters management and management of water catchment areas and watercourses in wooded areas; (d) to define ways to coordinate the ecologic, conservational, technological and economic factors effectively in order to ensure preservation of the naturalness of forests through improved management; (e) to develop forest management policies for urban areas, protected areas, special-purpose forests; (f) to develop methods of process-oriented, adaptive and participative planning, direction and coordination of forest and landscape management following the demands from the owners, general public & nature conservation; (g) to develop methods and procedures for forest operations for large-diameter timber; (h) to review and revise forestry policy measures in the light of recent changes in the ownership and land holding structure; (i) to research social, economic and political factors which play an important role in the promotion of competitiveness and innovation in Slovene forestry; (j) to analyse potential measures to increase the social and economic role of forests
Significance for science
The research program Forest, forestry and renewable forest resources stands for strengthening the leading role in Europe in the field of long-term research in support of multipurpose close-to-nature forest management. The principles of ecosystem management, adopted at the COP 7 in Kuala Lumpur, are based on the extensive research in the natural forests in the USA, but there are no good practises in the field of practical forestry. Close-to-nature management in the Alpine countries is very close to the starting-point of ecosystem management, but is at the same time based on a long tradition and numerous good practises. Scientific evidence of ecological, economic and social effectiveness of close-to-nature management may facilitate the spread of experiences of Slovene and Alpine forest management to Europe and other parts of the world, and are an opportunity for the development of a sustainable global society. Europe bound itself with a series of ministerial conferences to sustainable multipurpose forest management. However, most of the European countries still do not have developed systems of close-to-nature forest management and enough preserved reference objects. Many countries have especially during the industrialisation of forestry neglected the scientific research work in support of close-to-nature forestry. Slovenia has a tradition of close-to-nature forest management, fixed permanent research plots in managed and protected forests, and above all a comprehensive research work. A changing environment and the increased use of forest resources with the increased use of machinery are a big challenge for close-to-nature forest management. The development of acceptable limits of forest exploitation and environmental standards, which ensure multipurpose forest functioning, demands new intersectoral and interdisciplinary approaches that the research program develops. Our research contributes to the fundamental knowledge of the building, development and production capacities of forest ecosystems. Knowledge about the natural development of forest ecosystems is very restricted due to the time limitation of the most of the research, and the lack of well preserved, old-growth forests. This can be seen in different views regarding the future merging of forest use and preservation: segregation models or uniting of forest functions. With permanent research plots and objects of good practises of close-to-nature management, Slovenia can substantially contribute to the development of scientific methods for controlling the effectiveness of close-to-nature management with renewable forest resources. Much of the research contributes to the knowledge and development of scientific methods for usage of close-to-nature and ecosystem forest management to mitigate climate changes and improve forest resistance. The intensive work in the research of the three-trophic relationship between trees, fungus, and bark beetles are preformed on taxa that show different pathogenic characteristics in the relation towards the host. Taxa are analysed with the methods for exact taxonic position and for the defining of ecological meaning (possible symbiotic relation towards the vector-bark beetle, the pathogenicity, the relation towards both partners). The results explain the influence of the researched species of bark beetles and their associative fungus on the host, and are expected to be useful in some approaches for management of spruce stands. The adjustment of proportions between the plant and animal components of forest ecosystems and the society substantially contributes to the biodiversity conservation in Slovenia. Other research goals (e.g. disturbance due to noise) may also be relevant from an international view; as such experiences do not yet exist in forestry. The use of other methods (e.g. AHP) has not yet been tested at the planning of the forest road network.
Significance for the country
The implementation of the research program has a direct influence on the improvement of the forest health in Slovenia (ecological and economical justified adjustment of strategies for forest conservation and direct decreasing of sanitary cuttings), smaller forest management risks (adjustment of forest growing to climate changes) and improvement of forest and renewable forest resources management (adaptive, participative planning). The increased use of forests, which is adjusted to natural resources and implemented in an environmental friendly way, contributes to the economic development of Slovenia, the opening of new working places and the development of rural regions. The development of clear, verifiable and upgradeable standards for forest treatment and different work intensiveness with the forest helps to preserve natural heritage in the whole forest surface in Slovenia and especially in the protected areas. With the support from the research, it will be possible to upgrade the close-to-nature forest management with new technologies, so as to achieve better efficiency at forest usage, management, and worker safety. Deviation from close-to-nature forest management can cause degradation of the environment and the segregation principle of forest roles can lead to economic instability in less populated, boarder and socially more sensitive rural environments. The research program also indirectly influences the development of the Slovene society. Natural forests and close-to-nature management are Slovenia’s trade mark, which was especially exposed during the Slovene presidency of the EU and met with a clear affirmative response in the EU and international public. Numerous foreign scientists, professors and forestry experts that cooperate with the program group on a yearly basis and visit the forests and research objects in them are a great promotion of the country and of the idea of sustainable development in general. International activity of the program group is especially important for the developing countries and the area of south-eastern Europe with exceptional natural values. The program group with internationally recognized professors, which participate in research and pedagogy in numerous countries, and with several international projects is a great opportunity for knowledge exchange. The introduced contact with foreign countries under the program group is particularly important for the education of workers, which are actively participating in the group as young researchers, assistants and researchers on international projects. The effectiveness of the public administration in Slovenia and the cooperation with the public is significantly influenced by the incorporation of the members of the research group in the work of government sectors, Slovenia Forest Service, and non-governmental organizations. The development of forestry, ecology and biological engineering in Slovenia is very much influenced by the development of top-level staff, who are taking over the leading positions in forestry and ecology, and also by annual conferences, seminars and workshops (particularly the Forestry Days).
Most important scientific results Final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Final report, complete report on dLib.si
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