PhD Stanislav Trdan

PhD Stanislav Trdan
no.: 17763 source: ARIS

researcher – active in research organisation
Foreign language skills
Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
4.00.00  Biotechnical sciences     
4.03.05  Biotechnical sciences  Plant production  Phytomedicine 

Code Science Field
B390  Biomedical sciences  Phytotechny, horticulture, crop protection, phytopathology 
phytomedicine, agricultural entomology, biological control, IPM
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on July 26, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022 (update for tender in 2023: YES)
Data for ARIS tenders ( 21.05.2024 – Target research programmes, archive )
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS 127  1,759  1,425  11.22 
Scopus 193  2,354  1,916  9.93 
Mentoring junior researchers
source: ARIS
no. Name and surname Type Period Code
1 PhD Helena Rojht  Doctoral degree  10/1/2008 - 8/31/2012  30552 
2 PhD Žiga Laznik  Uniform doctoral studies  11/1/2006 - 4/30/2011  28497 
source: ARIS
Level of education Professional title Study subject Faculty Year
    Phytomedicine  SI University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Agronomy 1996 
Master's degree  M. Sc.   Phytomedicine  SI University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Agronomy 1999 
Doctor's degree  Ph. D.     SI University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty 2002 
Doctoral dissertations and other final papers Show
Obtaining results now
source: COBISS
source: ARIS
Type of employment Research org. Research group Date of employment Position Role Title
Full time employment (120%, RD:41%)  University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty  Project Team for Phytomedicine  4/1/1997  Associate professor  Researcher  Full professor 
Research projects Legend
source: ARIS
no. Code Title Period Head No. of publications
1. J4-50135  The significance of volatile compounds of selected vegetables in the indirect defense of plants against slugs   2023 - 2024  PhD Žiga Laznik  1,844 
2. BI-BA/24-25-051  The present state and perspectives of biological control in Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina   2024  PhD Stanislav Trdan  1,112 
3. L4-4554  Investigation of the synergism between different environmentally friendly control methods for field and vegetable crop pests   2022 - 2024  PhD Stanislav Trdan  2,648 
4. BI-RS/23-25-041  Chronology, present state and perspectives of biological control in Slovenia and Serbia   2023 - 2024  PhD Stanislav Trdan  1,112 
5. BI-HR/23-24-036  Application of plant extracts against American grapevine leafhopper (Scaphoideus titanus Ball) for grapevine protection   2023 - 2024  PhD Stanislav Trdan  1,112 
6. BI-ME/23-24-012  The present state and perspectives of biological control in Slovenia and Montenegro   2023 - 2024  PhD Stanislav Trdan  1,112 
7. L4-3178  Development and optimization of non-chemical methods of plant pest control with a view to their implementation in sustainable agriculture systems   2021 - 2024  PhD Stanislav Trdan  2,827 
8. J4-3090  Significance of volatile compounds released by roots of cultivated plants for indirect defence against soil pests   2021 - 2024  PhD Žiga Laznik  2,213 
9. V4-2002  Management of brown marmorated stink bug in Slovenia   2020 - 2023  PhD Stanislav Trdan  5,249 
10. V4-2003  Q-ENTRY - Introduction of rapid tests to identify quarantine pests and pathogens harmful to plants   2020 - 2023  PhD Tanja Dreo  6,009 
11. V4-1403  EMERGING TOXIC SUBSTANCES IN THE SLOVENIAN FEED   2014 - 2017  PhD Breda Jakovac Strajn  3,558 
12. V4-1413  Preservation and suitability of use, establishment of maintenance selection and production of seed material of maize landraces and important field crops in sustainable agriculture   2014 - 2017  PhD Borut Bohanec  10,804 
13. V4-1104  Optimization and implementation of methods and measures for reducing the damage caused by larvae of common cockchafer in Slovenia   2011 - 2014  PhD Stanislav Trdan  4,095 
14. V4-1101  Investigation on the infection/contamination of cereals, products derived from cereals and silage with moulds and mycotoxins and measures for their reduction   2011 - 2014  PhD Gabrijela Tavčar Kalcher  3,293 
15. V4-1072  Kombinacijske sposobnosti genotipov koruze iz genske banke na gospodarsko pomembne lastnosti (Slovene)   2010 - 2013  PhD Ludvik Rozman  3,737 
16. V4-1068  Biofumigacija kot alternativa kemičnem zatiranju talnih škodljivih organizmov (Slovene)   2010 - 2012  PhD Sebastjan Radišek  4,144 
17. V4-1067  Razvoj alternativnih načinov zatiranja rastlinskih škodljivcev s poudarkom na njihovi uporabnosti v Sloveniji (Slovene)   2010 - 2012  PhD Stanislav Trdan  6,789 
18. L4-1013  Development, optimization and implementation of sustainable control methods against plant pests   2008 - 2011  PhD Stanislav Trdan  4,038 
19. V4-0480  Vpeljava metod in postavitev strategij za obvladovanje izbruhov škodljivih organizmov v hmeljarstvu nastalih zaradi podnebnih sprememb (Slovene)   2009 - 2010  PhD Sebastjan Radišek  2,549 
20. V4-0524  Razvoj, optimizacija in implementacija tehnologij za okoljsko sprejemljivo zatiranje rastlinskih škodljivcev (Slovene)   2008 - 2010  PhD Stanislav Trdan  5,813 
21. J7-7390  Research on natural resistance of vegetable crops against pests   2005 - 2008  PhD Breda Simonovska  3,731 
22. L4-6477  Usage of entomopathogenic nematodes in plant protection - the method optimization   2004 - 2007  PhD Lea Milevoj  2,822 
23. V4-0452  Fiziološke osnove odbire podlag vinske trte za stresne razmere (Slovene)   2002 - 2005  MSc Boris Koruza  2,075 
24. V4-0459  Razvoj identifikacijskih metod in strategij IPM varstva rastlin (Slovene)   2002 - 2005  PhD Lea Milevoj  2,086 
25. L4-3179  Interakcijski odnosi med organizmi v različnih pridelovalnih sistemih (Slovene)   2002 - 2004  PhD Franci Aco Celar  2,847 
26. V4-0396  Razvoj in testiranje alternativnih metod v biotičnem varstvu rastlin (Slovene)   2000 - 2003  PhD Lea Milevoj  2,086 
27. V4-0281  Nove tehnologije varstva rastlin in njihov vpliv na agrarne ekosisteme (Slovene)   2000 - 2001  PhD Lea Milevoj  2,085 
28. V4-9133  Karta geografske razprostranjenosti fitopatogenih in fitofagnih organizmov v Sloveniji (Slovene)   1997 - 1999  PhD Gregor Urek  4,759 
29. V4-6939  Specifični problemi varstva rastlin v kmetijski pridelavi Slovenije (Slovene)   1995 - 1998  PhD Jože Maček  3,714 
ARIS research and infrastructure programmes Legend
source: ARIS
no. Code Title Period Head No. of publications
1. P4-0013  Horticulture   2022 - 2024  PhD Robert Veberič  5,474 
2. P4-0013  Horticulture   2015 - 2021  PhD Robert Veberič  6,268 
3. P4-0013  Horticulture   2009 - 2014  PhD Franci Štampar  7,306 
4. P4-0013  Horticulture   2004 - 2008  PhD Franci Štampar  6,812 
5. P0-0512-0481  Integrated agronomy   2002 - 2003  PhD Anton Tajnšek  4,918 
International projects
no. Code Title Period Head No. of publications
1. ERA NET-FlyIPM  Integrated control of root-feeding fly larvae infesting vegetable crops   1/1/2017 - 12/31/2020  Stanislav Trdan   
2. ESSR-APPLAUSE  Alien PLAnt SpEcies - from harmful to useful with citizens' led activities   11/1/2017 - 10/31/2020     
3. ETC-SIGMA 2  Čezmejna mreža za sonaravno upravljanje okolja in in biotske raznovrstnosti - SIGMA 2   1/1/2009 - 12/31/2012  Stanislav Trdan   
Stanislav Trdan studied agriculture at the Biotechnical Faculty (University of Ljubljana), where he graduated (1996), and acquired M.Sc. (1999) and PhD degree (2002). Since December 1996 he works at the Department of Agronomy In 2014 he was elected Full Professor for the field of plant protection. He was elected prodean substitute at the Dept. of Agronomy for the period 2006-2008, in 2006 he was the head substitute of the former Chair of Entomology and Phytopathology. On January 2008 he became the head of the same chair, and from November 2008 the is the head of the Chair of Phytomedicine, Agricultural Engineering, Crop Production, Pasture and Grassland Management. He is a member of senate of the prodean for the field of agronomy. Since 2009 he is the head of the Laboratory of Phytomedicine, a unit for performing the professional tasks from the field of plant protection. Since April 2006 he is the president of the Plant Protection Society of Slovenia. He is the member of the Entomological Society of Slovenia, Entomological Society of America, International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control of Noxious Animals and Plants, Society of University professors, EPPO panel for biological control, and some other societies, and as well the member of editorial boards of the journals Acta Agriculturae Slovenica, Acta Entomologica Slovenica and Pesticides and Phytomedicine. In 2007 he received the Award of Biotechnical Faculty for pedagogical, research and organizing work. In March 2003, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2017 he was the president of the Organizing Committees of the 6th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th Slovenian Conference on Plant Protection (over 300 participants), and in October 2005 and July 2017 he organized the meeting of the IOBC/WPRS (˝Integrated Control in Field Vegetable Crops˝ and »Integrated Protection of Stored Products) in Ljubljana. In autumn 2007 he organized the 2nd Symposium on Palaearctic Thysanoptera. In the under- and postgraduate study of agronomy and other interdisciplinary study programs, he is a leader or coleader of 8 subjects from the field of plant protection. Until now he was a supervisor of almost 100 students of undergraduate study, 13 times he was a supervisor of MSc thesis, and 7 times a supervisor of PhD students. Up to now he actively participated in 24 national (Slovenian) symposia and 39 symposia in foreign countries. He cooperates as a member or head in many bilateral scientific projects between Slovenia and Hungary, France, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Greece. Until now he was a leader of 4 national projects and many bilateral projects. He is a member of research program Horticulture (P4-0013). He was a member of international projects SEE-ERA NET ID9902, and SIGMA2, and at the moment he is a member of European project FlyIPM: Integrated control of root-feeding fly larvae infesting vegetable crops and Applause. Up to now he was a reviewer of more than 150 scientific papers and national and international project proposals. Bibliography of S. Trdan comprehends more than 800 units, among the other 160 scientific papers (more than 70 are published in journals with IF). Their scientific papers are cited 528-times (WoS) or 794-times (Scopus), among them are 368 (WoS) or. 537 (Scopus) pure citations. More information on the candidate is available on http://www.bf.uni-lj.si/
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