Matjaž Cvar

Matjaž Cvar
no.: 17125 source: ARIS

expert or technical associate – active in research organisation
Bibliography Representative bibliographic units | Personal| COBISS+
source: COBISS
source: SICRIS
Data for ARIS tenders ( 21.05.2024 – Target research programmes, archive )
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
Scopus 1.5 
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source: COBISS
source: ARIS
Type of employment Research org. Research group Date of employment Position Role Title
Full time employment (100%, RD:100%)  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering  Laboratorij za mikrosenzorske strukture in elektroniko (Slovene)  9/1/1992    Junior expert or technical associate   
Research projects Legend
source: ARIS
no. Code Title Period Head No. of publications
1. L2-4122  Drug Delivery Microsystem   2011 - 2014  PhD Slavko Amon  1,711 
2. L2-2318  Adaptivni sistem za umerjanje inteligentnih senzorjev za uporabo v brezžičnih omrežjih (Slovene)   2009 - 2012  PhD Slavko Amon  815 
3. L2-0186  Low power consumption ceramic pressure sensors with digital output   2008 - 2011  PhD Marina Santo Zarnik  3,525 
4. L3-0309  Piezoresistive Force Sensors for controlled spinal nerve root retraction in lumbar disc surgery – a new surgical instrument for prevention of intraoperative root traction injury   2008 - 2011  PhD Roman Bošnjak  1,769 
5. L2-6159  Implementation of new technologies in micromachining and smart electronics for pressure and optical sensors   2004 - 2007  PhD Drago Resnik  1,692 
6. M2-0129  Raziskave in razvoj piezoelektričnih mikroelektromehanskih sistemov za detekcijo gibalnih veličin na osnovi tankih plasti Pb (Zr,Ti)o3 na siliciju (Slovene)   2006 - 2007  PhD Slavko Amon  3,056 
7. L2-5169  Mikrostrukture in mikroobdelava (Slovene)   2003 - 2005  PhD Slavko Amon  624 
8. L2-3025  Silicon pressure sensors technologies   2002 - 2004  PhD Drago Resnik  1,578 
9. J2-7654  Polprevodniki za sončne celice (Slovene)   2000 - 2001  PhD Jože Furlan  2,249 
10. J2-1025  Raziskava kritičnih pojavov v polprevodniških, senzorskih in aktuatorskih strukturah (Slovene)   2000 - 2001  PhD Slavko Amon  783 
11. L2-0774  Uporabne tehnologije silicijevih senzorjev tlaka (Slovene)   1998 - 2001  PhD Slavko Amon  1,248 
12. J2-7567  Raziskava kritičnih pojavov v polprevodniških strukturah (Slovene)   1996 - 1998  PhD Slavko Amon  711 
13. J2-7090  Analiza sončnih celic iz amorfnega silicija (Slovene)   1998  PhD Franc Smole  1,776 
ARIS research and infrastructure programmes Legend
source: ARIS
no. Code Title Period Head No. of publications
1. P2-0244  Microstructures and nanostructures   2018 - 2024  PhD Danilo Vrtačnik  1,502 
2. P2-0244  Microstructures and nanostructures   2014 - 2017  PhD Danilo Vrtačnik  1,735 
3. P2-0244  Microstructures and nanostructures   2009 - 2013  PhD Slavko Amon  1,664 
4. P2-0244  Microstructures and nanostructures   2004 - 2008  PhD Slavko Amon  1,346 
5. P0-0513-1538  Novel Sensor and Actuator Structures”   2001 - 2003  PhD Slavko Amon  958 
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