Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Production technology of cherry and pear

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
4.03.01  Biotechnical sciences  Plant production  Agricultural plants 

Code Science Field
B006  Biomedical sciences  Agronomics 

Code Science Field
4.01  Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences  Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 
Production technology, pear, cherry, postharvest treatments
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (37)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  34840  Matjaž Beber  Plant production  Researcher  2014 - 2016  25 
2.  28296  Brigita Bračko  Plant production  Researcher  2014 - 2017  13 
3.  35363  PhD Vlasta Cunja  Plant production  Researcher  2014 - 2016  18 
4.  35366  PhD Anka Čebulj  Plant production  Junior researcher  2014 - 2017  86 
5.  37631  Biserka Donik Purgaj  Plant production  Technical associate  2017  143 
6.  09478  PhD Nikita Fajt  Plant production  Researcher  2014 - 2016  164 
7.  34668  Tadej Heric    Technical associate  2014 - 2015 
8.  00927  PhD Janez Hribar  Plant production  Researcher  2014 - 2017  860 
9.  14033  PhD Metka Hudina  Plant production  Researcher  2014 - 2017  666 
10.  25505  PhD Jerneja Jakopič  Plant production  Researcher  2014 - 2017  220 
11.  24183  Matej Jeraša    Technical associate  2014 - 2017 
12.  29499  PhD Jure Kolarič  Plant production  Researcher  2014 - 2016  19 
13.  34206  Matjaž Lerš    Technical associate  2014 - 2017 
14.  13492  PhD Mario Lešnik  Plant production  Researcher  2014 - 2017  602 
15.  20694  MSc Jože Miklavc  Plant production  Researcher  2014 - 2017  127 
16.  23631  PhD Maja Mikulič Petkovšek  Plant production  Researcher  2014 - 2017  400 
17.  39994  Davor Mrzlić  Plant production  Researcher  2017 
18.  33605  PhD Saša Piskernik  Plant production  Technical associate  2014 - 2017  62 
19.  19203  PhD Tomaž Požrl  Plant production  Researcher  2014 - 2017  222 
20.  36437  PhD Jan Reščič  Plant production  Junior researcher  2014 - 2017  46 
21.  19348  PhD Črtomir Rozman  Plant production  Researcher  2014 - 2017  635 
22.  20686  PhD Denis Rusjan  Plant production  Researcher  2014 - 2017  462 
23.  29419  PhD Valentina Schmitzer  Plant production  Researcher  2014 - 2017  154 
24.  33607  Marijan Sirk    Technical associate  2014 - 2017 
25.  07552  PhD Anita Solar  Plant production  Researcher  2014 - 2017  522 
26.  08746  PhD Matej Stopar  Plant production  Researcher  2014 - 2017  441 
27.  06404  PhD Franci Štampar  Plant production  Researcher  2014 - 2017  1,186 
28.  29436  PhD Petra Terpinc  Plant production  Researcher  2014 - 2017  110 
29.  13520  PhD Stanislav Tojnko  Plant production  Researcher  2014 - 2017  497 
30.  19081  PhD Tatjana Unuk  Plant production  Head  2014 - 2017  289 
31.  28251  PhD Andreja Urbanek Krajnc  Biology  Researcher  2014 - 2017  230 
32.  11759  PhD Valentina Usenik  Plant production  Researcher  2014 - 2017  427 
33.  22596  Stanislav Vajs  Plant production  Researcher  2014 - 2017  88 
34.  20165  PhD Robert Veberič  Plant production  Researcher  2014 - 2017  583 
35.  05733  PhD Rajko Vidrih  Plant production  Researcher  2014 - 2017  750 
36.  34339  PhD Nika Weber  Plant production  Researcher  2014 - 2016  243 
37.  19640  PhD Emil Zlatić  Plant production  Researcher  2014 - 2017  156 
Organisations (5)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0148  Institute of Agriculture  Maribor  5129877000  787 
2.  0401  Agricultural institute of Slovenia  Ljubljana  5055431  20,268 
3.  0481  University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty  Ljubljana  1626914  67,701 
4.  0482  University of Maribor, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences  Hoče  5089638004  10,036 
Apples are the only fruit species in Slovenia currently meeting the requirements of countries' self-sufficiency. The reasons for this situation are manifold; the most important being inadequately defined technological measures in the production of certain fruit species that are traditional in Slovenia, such as cherry and pear, drought stress, vague postharvest technologies etc. The thread followed in this project is a continuation of the contents addressed in the CRP from 2009 and 2011 where the horticultural research was focused towards an overall reduction of pesticides in fruit production by combining IP (integrated), improved IP (0.0 MRL - production of fruit without pesticide residues) and EKO (organic) production, production of fruit without spraying and implementation of alternative methods of fruit plant protection (biotic preparations, orchard intercropping ...). In the current project, the latter was restricted primarily to the unresolved technological issue of pear protection against the pear psylla and solving the issue of cherry rot. Furthermore, for the two abovementioned fruit species, complex questions of plant nutrition and suitability of different irrigation methods still have to be resolved. These are two production measures that have a direct impact on physiological processes in fruit trees and thus also on the yield quantity, quality and storage ability, as well as on the occurrence of pests and diseases during the growing season. The latter also extends into the field of finding alternatives to the use of herbicides i.e. an alternative approach to weed control. Irrigation is a measure that, to an extent, enables us to "interfere with climatic conditions" and to prevent drought stress, which can be reflected in the performance of fruit plants for many subsequent years. In recent years, the production of cherries in Slovenia has been slightly increasing, which is partially attributed to its ease of production compared to apples. The main pest faced by cherry growers is the cherry fly, and the second major annoyance is cracking of cherry fruit, which frequently results in fruit rot. Experimental data from previous years have indicated possible technological solutions for the prevention of both of these problems, particularly when combined with covering of cherry trees and selection of an appropriate spraying program. Due to the specifics of the occurrence of the before mentioned pest and disease that both cause considerable economic losses, it is important to continue doing studies towards independence of the studied phenomena from the climatic conditions of a given production year. The challenge is also to find a technological solution to prevent or limit the occurrence of pear psylla, the most important pest in pear orchards. The challenge is even greater when the producer decides to produce in accordance with slightly "more loose" systems, such as for example an improved IP production (production without pesticide residues - 0.0 MRL), organic production and pear cultivation without spraying. In these cases, it is necessary to assess and evaluate the role of predators in each of the production systems. One of the reasons why pear is amongst the least widespread and important fruit species in Slovenia is due to problems with pollination and fertilization, faced by pear growers. Two extremes are present in this context - the need for thinning (e.g. in cv. 'Conferans') on one hand, and the problem with under- fertilization (cv. 'Williams ', ' Abate Fetel ') on the other. For many years, the issue of insufficient fertilization in pear has been tackled by using growth hormones gibberellins (parthenocarpy), whose use is limited to particular production systems (prohibition in organic  production). Certain techniques for improving pear fertilization are being tested in practice and these will also be tested in the research part of this research project. The issue of inadequately defined measures for increasing y
Significance for science
Raziskovalne naloge projekta se dotikajo pomembnih tem. Nekatere od teh v naših pridelovalnih razmerah niso podrobno raziskane, zato tudi obstaja nekaj vrzeli glede reševanja strokovnih izzivov v praksi (v pridelavi). Vsebine bi lahko delili na več sklopov; pod prvega lahko prištejemo ukrepe, kot so namakanje, gnojenje in zatiranje plevelov. V tem sklopu bo poudarek na iskanju odgovorov glede primernosti načina namakanja hrušk in češenj. Gnojilni poskusi bodo dali odgovor o primernosti posameznega načina gnojenja hrušk in češenj (hranilo, odmerek, čas) v specifičnih pedoklimatskih razmerah. Iskanje alternativnih postopkov pri zatiranju plevelov pa sledi filozofiji zmanjševanja vnosa pesticidov v nasade. Drugi vsebinski sklop predstavljajo poskusi na temo preprečevanja pojava najpomembnejših bolezni (češnja) in škodljivcev (hruška) s pomočjo kombinacije raznih tehnoloških ukrepov, kot so pri češnji pokrivanje dreves ter prilagoditve škropilnih programov in pri hruški prilagoditve škropilnih programov ter načinov nege tal v nasadu z namenom povečevanja življenjskega prostora za predatorje kot ključnih akterjev pri zmanjševanju vnosa pesticidov v nasad. Tretji vsebinski sklop zajema študijo učinkov posameznih ukrepov v nasadu z namenom doseganja fiziološke stabilnosti sadnih dreves, za kar se pričakuje, da bo dana možnost vplivanja na boljšo zavezanost plodičev pri hruški in češnji. Povezavo med pred– in poobiralnimi tehnologijami predstavlja sklop poskusov, katerih vsebina bo definiranje dinamike zorenja in posledično obiralnega okna različnih sort hrušk ter definiranje parametrov kakovosti različnih sort hrušk iz različnih pridelovalnih sistemov. Ta sklop je smiselno zaključen z vsebinami iz poobiralnih ukrepov pri hruškah, ki zajemajo ukrepe dozorevanja v hladilnicah ter pripravo hrušk iz različnih pridelovalnih sistemov za trg. Ker razpisana vsebina predstavlja smiselno nadgradnjo prejšnjega razpisa CRP, bomo nadaljevali z določanjem ostankov FFS v plodovih češenj in hrušk iz različnih pridelovalnih sistemov. Vsebine poskusov in načini njihove zasnove omogočajo nadzorovano izvedbo ter pridobitev rezultatov, ki bodo predstavljali neposredni pomen za znanost. Hkrati so vsebine izbrane na način, da bodo ponudila neposredne odgovore in strokovne rešitve za posamezne tehnološke ukrepe v pridelavi, ki so hruško in češnjo potisnili na »stranski tir« pridelave. Napisana bodo navodila za izvedbo posameznega tehnološkega ukrepa v pridelavi hrušk in češenj, ki bodo dostopna vsem zainteresiranim (študentom, svetovalcev, pridelovalcem, …), hkrati bo v isti publikaciji predstavljeno ekonomsko vrednotenje posameznega načina pridelave.
Significance for the country
Slovenija razpolaga z večjimi zemljišči, katerih značilnost je velika heterogenost, kar pomeni, da ne moremo neposredno povzeti »recepture« za pridelavo iz drugih sadjarskih območij. Iz zasnove predstavljenih poskusov je razvidno, da gre za inovativne pristope k reševanju posameznih tehnoloških izzivov v pridelavi hrušk in češenj ter hkrati njihovo prilagoditev pridelovalnim razmeram v različnih območjih po Sloveniji. Ti inovativni pristopi bodo omogočili pridelovalcu (posamezniku ali podjetju) stabilnejšo pridelavo ter večjo konkurenčnost na trgu. V Sloveniji glavnina (preko polovice) sadjarske pridelave predstavljajo jabolka. Veliko je število sadnih vrst, za katere so pridelovalne razmere v Sloveniji prav tako ugodne, vendar je samooskra z njimi majhna. V današnjih okoliščinah (tržnih, klimatskih) bodo rezultati projekta dali spodbudo za pridelavo sicer tradicionalnih, vendar zelo deficitarnih sadnih vrst. Ponudili bodo nekatere tehnološke rešitve za gospodarno, ekonomsko upravičeno pridelavo na osnovi inovativnega pristopa okolju in predvsem potrošniku prijaznejše tehnologije. Nekatera podjetja so že začutila to tržno priložnost in so svoje nasade ponudila kot objekte za izvedbo poskusov. Skupno obema proučevanima sadnima vrstama je torej majhen delež samooskrbe in priložnost, saj trg obstaja. Širitev pridelave v Sloveniji tradicionalnih sadnih vrst ponuja veliko možnosti odpiranja novih delovnih mest in samozaposlitve ter širitev dopolnilnih dejavnosti na kmetijah.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2015, 2016, final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2015, 2016, final report
Views history