Projects / Programmes source: ARIS


Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
4.01.00  Biotechnical sciences  Forestry, wood and paper technology   
1.03.00  Natural sciences and mathematics  Biology   
2.01.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Civil engineering   

Code Science Field
B430  Biomedical sciences  Sylviculture, forestry, forestry technology 
forest biology, ecological modelling, ecosystems, forest soils and vegetation, climatology and hidrology, mass and energy fluxes, bioindication, phytoremediation, climatic changes, forest physiology and genetics, forest genetic resources, biodiversity, rhizosphere, mycology, sylviculture, forest protection, phytopathology, forest fauna, protection of environment and conservation of nature, dendrochronology, forest informatics, sustainable forest management, private forest ownership, certification, wood quality, xylogenesis, wood as renewable source of energy, wood biomass
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (44)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  14869  PhD Gregor Božič  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2008  514 
2.  08032  PhD Miran Čas  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2007 - 2008  243 
3.  15493  PhD Matjaž Čater  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2008  304 
4.  15660  PhD Marko Debeljak  Biology  Researcher  2004  313 
5.  28856  PhD Gabrielle I. Deckmyn  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2007 - 2008  48 
6.  15492  PhD Andreja Ferreira  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2007 - 2008  218 
7.  21242  PhD Tine Grebenc  Plant production  Researcher  2004 - 2008  498 
8.  22609  PhD Jožica Gričar  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2007 - 2008  550 
9.  29633  PhD Polona Hafner  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Junior researcher  2008  162 
10.  03382  PhD Milan Hočevar  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2006  184 
11.  28855  Melita Hrenko    Technical associate  2007 - 2008  43 
12.  29831  Špela Jagodic    Technical associate  2008  329 
13.  17332  Jana Janša    Technical associate  2005 - 2008 
14.  07948  PhD Dušan Jurc  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2005 - 2008  669 
15.  13446  PhD Polona Kalan Carson  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2006  132 
16.  27605  PhD Milan Kobal  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Junior researcher  2006 - 2008  352 
17.  05093  PhD Marko Kovač  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2008  358 
18.  07127  PhD Hojka Kraigher  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Head  2004 - 2008  1,349 
19.  17034  PhD Nike Krajnc  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2005 - 2008  961 
20.  17333  Robert Krajnc    Technical associate  2005 - 2006  57 
21.  19721  PhD Gal Kušar  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2008  180 
22.  15108  PhD Lado Kutnar  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2008  810 
23.  23655  PhD Jana Laganis  Control and care of the environment  Researcher  2005 - 2008  43 
24.  11873  PhD Urška Lavrenčič Štangar  Chemistry  Researcher  2005 - 2008  562 
25.  11595  PhD Tomislav Levanič  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2008  618 
26.  29237  PhD Boštjan Mali  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Technical associate  2008  208 
27.  07890  PhD Mirko Medved  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2008  302 
28.  23623  Mateja Meško    Technical associate  2006 
29.  28230  Peter Ogrinc    Technical associate  2007  11 
30.  23448  PhD Nikica Ogris  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2008  1,232 
31.  25448  PhD Barbara Piškur  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Junior researcher  2005 - 2008  1,013 
32.  18112  PhD Boštjan Pokorny  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2005 - 2008  891 
33.  17334  Vesna Rajh    Technical associate  2006 
34.  17336  Matej Rupel    Technical associate  2005 - 2006  76 
35.  10264  PhD Primož Simončič  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2008  710 
36.  27789  Iztok Sinjur    Technical associate  2007 - 2008  291 
37.  17331  Magda Špenko    Technical associate  2006 
38.  24777  Barbara Štupar    Technical associate  2005 - 2008  29 
39.  01641  PhD Nikolaj Torelli  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2008  969 
40.  22592  PhD Urša Vilhar  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004 - 2008  424 
41.  24343  PhD Marjana Westergren  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Junior researcher  2005 - 2008  419 
42.  28401  PhD Peter Železnik  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Junior researcher  2007 - 2008  188 
43.  16330  PhD Sašo Žitnik  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Researcher  2004  63 
44.  21137  Daniel Žlindra  Forestry, wood and paper technology  Technical associate  2007 - 2008  177 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0404  Slovenian Forestry Institute  Ljubljana  5051673000  12,307 
2.  1540  University of Nova Gorica  Nova Gorica  5920884000  14,363 
The research programme is based on the needs and the role of the slovenian forestsv and forestry, international obligations (MCPFE 1990,1993, 1998, 2003; CBD 1992, NATURA 2000; UNGAS 1997; UN-ECE-LRTAP 1986; directives and regulations of the EU etc.) and trends of research and development in Europe and abroad, with the main aim on conservation of forest ecosystems and co-natural, sustainable, multifunctional forest management (CSMFM). The aims are simultaineous use and maintenance of all forest functions. The programme is flexible and modular with respect to resources and emphasis in time, restricted in the present time-scale on studies of: i)forest biology: physiology of forest trees - ecophysiology, stress physiology, physiology of symbioses and growth and development, biodiversity of fungi (forest mycology & development of The Mycotheca and Herbarium of the Slovenian Forestry Institute (SFI)), interactions in the rhizosphere, growth of roots and mycorrhizae; population-genetics and provenance studies, conservation of forest genetic resources, development of molecular and biochemical databases in forestry (molecular ecology), development of methods for extraction and storage of forest seeds (for the Seed Storage and Forest Seed Bank), forest health and protection - biotic and abiotic stresses, silviculture - silvicultural studies of optimal site conditions for regeneration of economically important forest trees and the impacts of selected stress-factors (ozone, silvicultural measures - size of gaps, light conditions, water stress, coarse woody debris, damages of root systems) on forest trees; ii)forest ecology: systemic ecology and ecological modelling (partner: Politechnical Faculty, Nova Gorica), forest ecosystems - forest soils, vegetation, nutrition of forest trees; indicators of sustainable forest management and biodiversity in forests on ecosystem and species levels, mass and energy fluxes (carbon sequestration, water cycle, biogeochemical cycles, decomposition of organic substances, forest climatology and hydrology), site classification - phytoindication, typology, bioindication; yield science, dendrochronology, dendroecology, dendroclimatology; stress and isotope structure of annual rings, measures for conservation of habitats of forest plant and animal species and biodiversity in forests, development of methods for phytoremediation, remote sensing, forest inventories and geo-information systems in forestry, development of know-how and basic studies for the needs of forest monitorings; iii)forest technology: biology of wood quality - scenescence, mechanic and pollution damages, growth characteristics and utilization of wood, silvicultural impacts on wood quality, economic, social, environmental and technological impacts of wood production and use of biomass in the frameworks of CSMFM; the role of forestry and human resources in rural and regional development, the impacts of forest ownership, especially small estates on accomplishments of management plans; and studies support of the development of the national forest development programme in the context of CSMFM. The main goals of the scientific-research programme are oriented into support of the demands of applied, developmental and professional directives of the national Forest development programme in Slovenia. Among the basic guidances are the needs for development of knowledge for the advisory tasks in the Civil Forest Service and for tasks in which SFI is the official authority for Slovenia. Research also concides with the needs of other public administration services (Ministry of environment and landscape ploanning, State agency for nature, Inspectorate etc.), research projects and collaboration in the EU and development of other civil services (environmental, nature conservation, agency for plant health and seeds etc.).
Significance for science
The studies of the influences of environmental factors and climate changes on forest ecosystems and budget fluxes have resulted in new knowledge and methods. On the research plots we have introduced measurements of soil respiration, tested CO2 flux measurements between vegetation and atmosphere using Eddy covariance technique and relation between classical measurements and CO2 isotope configuration measurements. The results were used as an input for GOTILWA+ and Castanea model to study carbon dynamics in chosen beech stands. Changing site conditions together with changing growth factors are causing increasing risks in forest ecosystems in Slovenia. The exactness of the current methodology for CO2 and other GH gasses national balance assessment for forest and forestry, as prescribed by Kyoto protocol (IPCC 2003, 2006, LULUCF sector), is questioned, especially whether it implements the most important processes in forest ecosystems (sinks, carbon pools, conversion factor, respiration process). We have linked national and international institutions and selected state-of-the-art international findings and methods. Our primary interests were in combination of eco-physiological measurements, carbon and water dynamics modelling, use of isotopes in carbon flow monitoring in forest ecosystems, use of measurement equipment to monitor CO2 and water vapour concentrations in-situ, and in theri standardization. Raised N deposits and influences of other environmental stress factors and disturbances in forest ecosystems, such as tropospheric ozone concentrations, induce changes in the role of the studied ecosystems from C sinks to C sources. We have shown that sphagnum peat bogs change their function, and also that soil microorganisms community structure, especially of mycorrhizal fungi as key elements for functioning of forest ecosystems, change. Contrary to our hypotheses ozone has induced faster fine root turnover in adult beech trees, which should be considered in calculations of the potentials of forest ecosystems as C sinks. Adult and juvenile beech trees react differently to ozone and other stresses thus influencing long-term stability and sustainability of forest ecosystems. Increased fine root turnover and changes in the community structure of ectomycorrhizal fungi was positively correlated with increased cytokinin concentrations in xylem sap. For fungal identification we have standardized methods of molecular identification based on RFLP patterns of the ITS region of rDNA, developed a database for 1500 basidiomycete and 500 ascomycete fungal isolates, and applied comparisons of sequences with GenBANK and UNITE databases. Furthermore, we identified 6 new spp in Slovenia of forest pests and diseases of forest trees, which were also used for modelling of their spread in potential climate change scenarios. Within the biodiversity complex studies we contributed to the phylogeny of the genus Sibiraea and proposed its conservation at a global scale; studied the importance of coarse woody debris for diversity of fungi and mosses; studied the effects of forest management systems on diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi, and established a model research system for studies of the impacts of ski-resort-use and summer grazing on the diversity of ground vegetation and mycorrhizal fungi at the upper forest border zone. The influences of different tending regimes on quality of wood was studied in selected beech forest seed stands and the data obtained used for development of a mechanicistical model ANAFORE, applicable for prognosis of C sequestration in wood following different silvicultural regimes. We have developed a dendrochronological series for the past 300 years for the area of the Balkans for pines and for SE Alps for spruce, and patented the procedure and instrument for such data acquisition.
Significance for the country
Studies in the fields of Forest Ecology were orientated to carbon sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems and its connection to beech quality. According to the relative importance of forest and beech for Slovenia (forest and wood are Slovenia's most important renewable resources), we consider are findings most applicable to forest management (forest protection, recovery of forest, conversions of monocultures, forest soil protection, sustainable high quality wood production). To prepare proper forest management strategies, it is of key importance to understand and sense potential degradation processes in forest ecosystems (beech, beech stands) and its compartments (forest soil), and changes in carbon dynamics (trees – soil) due to climate change (precipitation regime change, change in air temperature and CO2 concentration, etc.). At this moment, current international methodology underestimates Slovenian forests, as an important element in Slovenian GHG balance, by three times. We have focused on clarifying of the potential of Slovenian forests and CO2 sequestration (accumulation in forest and use of wood products). These issues have an indirect impact on strategic decisions concerning development of different sectors (industry, energetic, transport, forestry) in the period till 2020. We have contributed to understanding on the role and extent of biodiversity in forest ecosystems, especially to biodiversity of mycorrhizal fungi and types of ectomycorrhiza, for which we have developed a PCR-ITS-RFLP database for 1.500 isolates of basidiomycete fungi and over 500 other groups of fungi. We developed an interactive georeferenced database on the occurrence of higher fungiin Slovenia called Boletus informaticus, and among other published the Atlas of forest soils in Slovenia, review on Slovenian Forest Health and standardized forest monitoring protocols. Quality estimations of CO2 sink for land use, land use change and forestry are of utmost importance for achieving our goals set up in Kyoto protocol. Wood biomass is an important renewable source of energy for Slovenia. Developed model for estimating socio – economical aspect is an important tool for development of production and use of wood biomass policy. We have analyzed different technologies of production and use of wood biomass, its promotion and organized more than 15 field presentations of up-to-date technology, which were attended in the last 5 years by morethan 8.000 interested farmers, forest owners, potential investors and local communities. Mycoremediation with wood production was also our contribution within the Center of Excellence Environmental Technologies.
Most important scientific results Final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Final report, complete report on dLib.si
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